Guidance for Candidates and Agents at Police and Crime Commissioner elections


Apart from meeting the qualifications for standing for election, you must also not be disqualified.

The full range of disqualifications is complex and if you are in any doubt about whether you are disqualified, you must do everything you can to check that you are not disqualified before submitting your nomination papers. 

You must be sure that you are not disqualified as you will be asked to sign one of the required nomination papers to confirm that you are not disqualified. 

It is a criminal offence to make a false statement on your nomination papers as to your qualification for being elected, so if you are in any doubt you should contact your employer, consult the legislation or, if necessary, take your own independent legal advice. 

The Police Area Returning Officer will not be able to confirm whether or not you are disqualified.

Most disqualifications apply on the day you are nominated and on polling day, but some will only apply on taking up office.


Last updated: 15 October 2024