Your annual confirmation of registered details

In order to remain registered, every year you must confirm that your registered details are correct and pay a £25 fee. This is called your annual confirmation of registered details.  

If any of your registered details are currently not correct, you must change them before confirming. You can do this all as one application.

Your annual confirmation is due within six months of the date that your annual accounts are due. We will send you a reminder ahead of this time. It remains your responsibility to deliver your confirmation on time.

If you don’t deliver your confirmation by the deadline, or you don’t notify us properly of any changes to your details when required, your party will be removed from the register. If this happens, then if you want to be on the register, you will need to make a fresh application to re-register your party and pay the full £150 registration fee.  

Submit online

You can submit your annual confirmation using PEF Online

We have a step by step guide on using PEF Online for your annual confirmation.

Other ways of submitting your annual registration confirmation

If you cannot confirm online, you can complete a form and return it to us.

The fee

There is an annual fee of £25.

If you make changes at the same time as your renewal, then if they come with a fee, that fee is added to the renewal fee.

You can pay your fee online during the confirmation process on PEF Online. 

You can also pay by cheque, money order or by direct bank transfer. Please make any cheques payable to the Electoral Commission.

Contact our Registration Team if you have any questions about your party’s annual confirmation.

Last updated: 24 November 2022