We refer to your party name, descriptions and emblems collectively as “Identity Marks”. These are how a party may be identified on a ballot paper at elections. Some identity marks are mandatory whilst others are optional.
You must have a registered party name. This is a mandatory identity mark.
You may register up to three emblems and 12 descriptions. These are optional identity marks.
You do not need to register any party identity marks that you intend to use on campaign materials, unless you also intend to use them on a ballot paper.
You can apply to change your party name, descriptions, and emblems, and you can add joint descriptions.
If one person holds all three positions (treasurer, party leader and nominating officer) the form must be signed by either:
your registered additional officer
your registered campaigns officer (if you have one)
If a registered party officer is unable to sign, they can authorise another party officer to sign on their behalf.
The application must include both:
a declaration explaining that the replacement person is authorised to sign in the required officer’s place
a statement explaining why the required officer is unable to sign
The fee
There is a fee of £25.
If you submit a number of changes to your identity marks in a single application, then there is only a single fee.
You can pay your fee online during the confirmation process on PEF Online.
You can also pay be cheque, money order or by direct bank transfer. Please make any cheques payable to the Electoral Commission.
Tests for identity marks
There are certain statutory tests and requirements which identity marks must meet in order to be registered. We will assess your application to register identify marks against these tests.
We explain these tests in the next sections of this document. From time to time, the Commission will also carry out reviews of identity marks on our registers. This is part of our duty to ensure we are maintaining the register of political parties.