Parties registering in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

A party applying to register in Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a single entity until an application has been approved for each respective register. At the point of registration, the single entity will become two separately registered parties under electoral law. The party in Great Britain and the party in Northern Ireland will be subject to different financial controls under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA).

As one organisation at the time of application, you are only required to submit one record of assets and liabilities when applying to register a party on both registers.

Your financial scheme must demonstrate how the financial affairs of the party in Great Britain will be conducted separately from those of the party in Northern Ireland to comply with the respective controls applying to each register. You may be asked to provide additional evidence that the financial affairs are being conducted separately before your application can be approved. Please see Your financial scheme for more information on producing your financial scheme.

We will assess each application on a case-by-case basis. As part of the assessment, we may request further information or evidence from you to ensure we are satisfied your application fulfils the requirements of PPERA.

Last updated: 24 November 2022