Non-party campaigners: UK Parliamentary general elections

What is a donation?

All registered non-party campaigners must comply with the donation controls in Schedule 11 PPERA that set out who can donate to non-party campaigners.

The laws on donations only apply to donations that are given to registered non-party campaigners, specifically towards their spending on regulated campaign activity. The laws do not cover money that is received for the organisation’s general purposes.  

For the purposes of donations to non-party campaigners, a donation is:

  • money, goods, property or services1
  • given for the purpose of regulated campaign activity2  and
  • without charge or on non-commercial terms and with a value of more than £500.3

Anything with a value of £500 or less is not a donation for the purposes of PPERA.

Which donations are covered by the law?

Which donations are covered by the law?

Under the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA), there are restrictions on the donations a registered non-party campaigner can accept. The law covers all donations that are given towards a registered non-party campaigner’s spending on regulated campaign activity. This includes donations for regulated campaign spending that are received before and during the regulated period.4

Some examples of donations include: 

  • a gift of money or property 
  • sponsorship of an event or publication 
  • a subscription or affiliation payment 
  • free or specially discounted use of an office

All registered non-party campaigners must keep records of donations they receive and check they can accept these donations.

The responsible person is responsible for making sure that your organisation follows the laws on donations.

Certain registered non-party campaigners must also report certain donations to the Electoral Commission. We publish details of these donations on our public register. These details do not include the addresses of individuals who donate.

Last updated: 19 December 2023