Forms you will need from the initial application to register your party

As a registered political party you have a number of statutory reporting requirements. This page provides all of the forms you will need from the initial application to register your party, through all of your reporting requirements to de-registration of your party. 

PEF Online

PEF Online is our secure database where you can complete registrations and maintain your registered details. PEF Online also allows you to submit statutory donations and loans reports, statements of accounts and campaign spending returns electronically.

Login to PEF Online

Important update about our postal arrangements

We strongly advise that applications and statutory returns are delivered either via our PEF Online system or scanned and emailed to [email protected] so that we receive them promptly.

If you do not have access to our PEF Online system already then please write to us at the email address above making sure that you provide the following information:

  1. Your party’s unique RPP number. This is a security measure which ensures that we know that correspondence sent by you is genuine. This will have been issued when your party was first registered with us.
  2. The email addresses of all officers that need to be registered in the system.

Reporting campaign spending (GB and NI)

This part covers:

the forms you will need to report your campaign spending after an election. For more information on how to comply with the rules please see our guidance on campaign spending.