Running electoral registration - England
Supply and inspection of the absent voting lists
Absent voting lists and information contained on the absent voting record which would be used to generate the lists in case of a poll are available for public inspection. Copies of the relevant part may be supplied, free of charge, to:1
- elected representatives
- local constituency parties
- political parties
- candidates
The relevant part is the same part that is specified in the regulations for the supply of the electoral register. Details can be found in our resource:
A record should be kept of every person or organisation who has been supplied with absent voting lists. This will help to show that you are complying with data protection legislation and the principles of processing personal data, ensuring that it is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.
Before a poll
Ahead of a poll, you should explain to candidates and parties that absent voting lists for that poll are available and set out how a request can be made. If you receive a request for the absent voting lists, you should action it promptly. Sharing absent voting lists with candidates and parties in a timely manner will help promote confidence in the administration of the poll and help candidates and parties to campaign.
A request must be made in writing and specify:2
- the information being requested
- whether the request is for the current lists only, or whether it includes a request for the final lists
- whether the information is required in printed or data form
Updates you need to make to the lists include the details of those who have had absent vote applications determined after the deadline or who have made successful emergency proxy applications must also be shared with those who have requested a copy of the final lists.3
Ahead of a poll, you must make the absent voting lists available for public inspection as soon as practicable after 5pm on the sixth working day before the poll.4 For more information about making lists available for inspection see our guidance on access and supply.
Supply of records containing signature and date of birth provided on an absent vote application
The personal identifiers record (which contains the signatures and dates of birth provided on an absent vote application) are not open to public inspection and are not available for supply.
You must provide a copy or allow access to the postal voting records to the Returning Officer for the purposes of carrying out the personal identifier checks on returned postal voting statements.5
Candidates and agents are not entitled to inspect application forms, unless it is their own. However, the RO is permitted to show the relevant entry in the personal identifiers record (i.e. the name, signature (unless a waiver has been granted) and date of birth of the relevant voter) to agents when verification is taking place.6
Additionally, a data subject is entitled to see personal information held about them. Information requested by data subjects must be provided without delay and in any event within one month (although it can be extended to two months in certain conditions).
Under data protection legislation, information must be provided free of charge. Subsequent copies may be charged for, but the charge must be reasonable and based on administrative costs. There is no requirement for the request to be made in writing; you must, however, be satisfied of the requester’s identity before fulfilling the request.
A postal voter who has received a postal vote identifier rejection notice, for example, may request to see their postal voting statement. More information about the inspection of postal vote identifier rejection notices can be found in our FAQs for postal vote rejection notices resource:
- 1. Regulation 61 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 61(2) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 61(7) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 61(6) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Schedule 4 Paragraph 7C Representation of the People Act (RPA) 2000 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 85A RPR 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 6