Running electoral registration - Wales

Does temporary absence or presence affect residency?

Does temporary absence or presence affect residency?

Being resident for registration purposes does not require actual occupation of the qualifying address on the relevant date.1

Being away on holiday    

Going away on holiday does not affect a person’s residence qualification for electoral registration purposes as long as the qualifying address remains their permanent place of residence and they intend to return to that address after their time away. 

Working away from home

Someone being away due to any office, service or employment, will not affect their residence qualification, as long as either:2  

  • they intend to resume actual residence within a period of six months from when they gave up residence, and the reason for their absence will not prevent them from doing so, or
  • the property is a permanent place of residence for the applicant alone or with others and the only reason the applicant is not currently at the property is because of the duty they are undertaking

Residents in temporary accommodation

A person in temporary accommodation with no other home elsewhere may, depending on the circumstances, be considered to be resident at that address. If, however, the person does have a permanent home elsewhere, they may not be deemed to be resident at the temporary address.3  


A guest staying at a property does not become resident if they have a permanent home elsewhere. The guest will be deemed to be resident at their permanent home. However, a guest who does not have a permanent home elsewhere may, depending on the circumstances, be regarded as being resident for electoral purposes at that address. 

Last updated: 1 June 2020