Running electoral registration - Wales

Registration reviews

There are some circumstances where you can remove someone from the register without the need for a review. For more information see our guidance on deletions without a review.

However, you have a duty to undertake a review if circumstances do not allow you to remove someone from the register without conducting a review of the entry.1

Registration reviews help to ensure the register is as accurate as possible. You should monitor any local records you use to help identify where electors are no longer resident at an address. 

You have a duty to ensure that, far as is reasonably practicable, persons who are not entitled to be registered are not registered.2  This includes any ordinary, anonymous or other special category electors. 

You can also undertake a review at any other time if you have reason to believe someone may not be entitled to be registered.

Our guidance on inspecting other records sets out the records you are entitled to inspect – including data protection considerations – and these records may give you an indication whether someone is no longer resident at an address.



Last updated: 24 September 2024