Running electoral registration - Wales
What if an applicant does not have a National Insurance number or cannot submit one?
What if an applicant does not have a National Insurance number or cannot submit one?
DWP are not allowed to issue NINos for the purposes of registering to vote, and you must not ask applicants who do not have a NINo to apply for one.
Applicants who do not submit a NINo are asked to explain why they are not providing it and you should be satisfied with the reason given for non-provision of a NINo.
The exception to this is applicants who are under the age of 16 who do not need to provide a NINo or an explanation as to why they are not providing it.1
There is no definitive list of those individuals who should hold NINos. It is therefore not possible to give a definitive list of satisfactory reasons why a NINo cannot be provided.
Some reasons you may be provided with are:
- the applicant was never issued one
- the applicant refuses to give it
- the applicant cannot find their NINo
If the applicant makes a statement on their application form that they have never been issued a NINo, and you have no evidence to contradict the claim, you should direct the applicant to the exceptions process.
If an applicant makes a statement on the application form that they refuse to provide their NINo, you have the discretion to determine whether to reject the application or to direct the applicant to the exceptions process. The applicant is required2
to provide their NINo, and can be reminded of this fact.
If the applicant makes a statement on the application form that they have lost or forgotten their NINo, you should either ask the applicant to locate their NINo or direct the applicant to the exceptions process.
Although most paper communications from HMRC and DWP will feature an applicant’s NINo, there is no definitive list of places where an applicant can find it.
Below is a list of places the NINo is most likely to be found, depending on the circumstances of the applicant:
For people over 16 but not yet working
- A registration letter from HMRC telling them what their NINo is (their parents may have this)
For employed people
- Pay slips from their employer
- P60 (end of year statement of pay and tax from their employer)
- P2 (notice of tax coding from HMRC)
- P45 (from their employer when they left a job)
- P11D (from their employer if they get any benefits in kind)
- P800 (from HMRC if they have over or underpaid tax at the end of the year)
- Notice to file a Tax Return (SA316) or Tax Return (if they are in Self-Assessment)
Self-employed people
- Notice to file a Tax Return (SA316) or Tax Return
- Statement of Account
Retired people
- the letter issued each year by DWP in February or March telling you how much your pension will be
- A plastic NINo card (these stopped being issued in 2011)
You may be provided with other reasons as to why a NINo cannot be provided. You should assess the validity of the reason given on a case by case basis, bearing in mind this guidance.
- 1. Regulation 26 (9A) Representation of the People (England & Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26(1)f) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2