Running electoral registration - Wales

Contingency plans for receiving online applications

Contingency plans for receiving online applications

If you experience difficulty with retrieving or viewing online applications, you should notify your EMS supplier and if necessary, the  IER Support Centre

You should inform the IER Support Centre of any registration deadlines that are imminent. They will make an assessment of the potential impact and will make every effort to provide you with alternative means of accessing application data. The nature of this assistance will be dependent on circumstances and the Support Centre will provide full advice on the implementation of the proposed solution.

You should be aware that circumstances may mean that it is not possible for online applications to be verified against DWP data in the event of a service outage and you should ensure that your contingency plans are also capable of being used for the receipt of online applications from the IER Support Centre as, for example, there may be the need to use the exceptions process to check the identity of online applications.

Last updated: 24 August 2020