Running electoral registration - Wales

Emergency proxy on grounds relating to voter identification

An elector may apply for an emergency proxy on grounds relating to voter identification if, after the deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector’s Document (i.e., 5pm, 6 working days before polling day for a specific poll or last day for a petition) but before 5pm on polling day or the last day for signing a petition, any of the following apply:1

  • an elector or proxy’s photographic ID, Voter Authority Certificate or an Anonymous Elector’s Document is lost, stolen, destroyed or so damaged that it is no longer useable after the deadline for making an application for a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector’s Document has passed
  • an elector or proxy has sent their accepted form of photographic ID, that they would otherwise use to vote in person, to another person to prove their identity and they consider it unlikely that it will be returned in time for polling day 
  • an elector or proxy applied for a form of accepted photographic ID including a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector’s Document in the 3 months before the deadline and immediately before the deadline it has not arrived, and they have not been refused or withdrawn their application
  • an anonymous elector has not been issued with an Anonymous Elector’s Document
  • an anonymous elector has been issued with an Anonymous Elector’s Document and, after the deadline, has been allocated an elector number that is different to the one shown on their Anonymous Elector’s Document
  • an elector or proxy has a temporary Voter Authority Certificate, valid for use on polling day but before they can vote in person, proceedings at their polling station are adjourned (in the case of a riot)

More information on how the change of proxy will affect the proxy set up for a definite or indefinite period can be found alongside more general guidance on emergency proxies

Last updated: 29 November 2023