Guidance for Candidates and Agents at Combined Authority Mayoral elections

Employed by the combined authority or a constituent council

You are disqualified from standing as a candidate at a combined authority mayoral election if you hold any paid office or employment, where appointments or elections to it are or may be made by or on behalf of the combined authority or any of the constituent councils.

This would be the case where your appointment:

  • has been made by the combined authority or any of the constituent councils
  • may be made by the combined authority or any of the constituent councils
  • has been made on behalf of the combined authority or any of the constituent councils (e.g. by a committee or sub-committee which has been given the power by the combined authority or any of the constituent councils to make such an appointment)
  • may be made on behalf of the combined authority or any of the constituent councils (e.g. by a committee or sub-committee which has been given the power by the combined authority or any of the constituent councils to make such an appointment)

However, this disqualification does not apply to the office of mayor or deputy mayor of the combined authority or a constituent council.

If you are a teacher (or are a non-teaching member of staff) employed by a constituent council, or where the appointment could be made by or on behalf of a constituent council, you will be disqualified from standing for election as combined authority mayor.

Last updated: 1 December 2023