Guidance for Candidates and Agents at Combined Authority Mayoral elections

Working for the combined authority, a constituent council or a parish council

A constituent council means a county council that is wholly or partly within the combined authority area, or a district council that is within the combined authority area.1

As a general rule, if you work in the local public sector, you should seek advice from your employer’s HR department to help you establish whether the disqualification would apply to you. Sometimes employment relationships can be complex and if this is the case for you, we recommend that you seek your own legal advice.

The employment disqualification applies on both the date of your nomination and on polling day. If you are employed or hold a paid office that would disqualify you from standing, you must resign and have served any notice period before the date of your nomination to avoid having a contract of employment with the combined authority or council at that time.

Last updated: 1 December 2023