Guidance for Candidates and Agents at Police and Crime Commissioner elections

What if the vote on a ballot paper is not clear?

A ballot paper will not be counted if it:

  • is unmarked
  • does not contain the official mark
  • contains more than one vote 
  • the voter has not indicated their choice with certainty 
  • contains any mark or writing that may identify the voter

The LRO must draw up a statement showing the number of ballot papers rejected in their voting area for these reasons.1

If the voter’s intention is clear on a ballot paper and the voter cannot be identified by any mark or writing, it will not be void if a vote is marked:

  • elsewhere than in the proper place
  • by other means than a cross (e.g. a tick)
  • by more than one mark

The LRO must mark the word “rejected” on any ballot paper that is rejected. They must add the words “rejection objected to” if a counting agent objects to the LRO’s decision.2   For more details on the adjudication of doubtful ballot papers see our guidance below.


Last updated: 23 April 2024