Non-party campaigners: UK Parliamentary general elections


Example A: Regulated campaign spending below the reporting threshold

A registered non-party campaigner, Save the Trees, chose to include a declaration that they would not exceed the reporting threshold at UK Parliamentary general elections (UKPGEs) when they submitted their notification to register with us. 

During the regulated period for a UKPGE held after November 2023, they spent a total of £33,000 across England, Scotland and Wales on regulated campaign activities. Save the Trees spent £18,000 in England, £9,000 in Scotland and £6,000 in Wales on campaigning activities at the election. 

As a registered non-party campaigner, Save the Trees was required to:

  • ensure they complied with the laws on receiving and accepting permissible donations over £500 
  • ensure they did not spend more than the reporting threshold before withdrawing their declaration with the Commission (which, in this case, they did not need to do) 

As Save the Trees had a reporting threshold declaration in place and did not exceed the reporting threshold in any part of the UK, they did not need to submit quarterly or weekly pre-poll donation reports in the regulated period or report their spending and donations after the election.

Example B: Regulated campaign spending above the reporting threshold

Example B: Regulated campaign spending above the reporting threshold

Alex Smith, an individual who is on the electoral register, has a budget of £33,000 to spend at a UKPGE in December 2024. They intend to use this money supporting their parties of choice through political adverts and wish to spend £25,000 in England and £8,000 in Northern Ireland. 

As Alex intends to spend more than £10,000 in the UK, they must submit a notification to us before spending this amount. Their notification cannot include a reporting threshold declaration, as they intend to spend more than £20,000 in England, which is above the reporting threshold. Once their notification is in place, Alex will be subject to the requirements of registered non-party campaigners.

After Alex spends more than £20,000 in England, they will have spent more than the reporting threshold. As an overview, they must:

  • ensure they complied with the laws on receiving and accepting permissible donations over £500 
  • submit donation reports in the lead up to the election
  • keep records of spending and ensure this remains within the respective limits
  • report their spending and donations after the election
Last updated: 24 November 2023