Where you make a determination at any hearing, the applicant, objector or elector has the right to submit a notice of appeal within 14 calendar days beginning from the date of the decision.1
The process for making an appeal should be made clear to anyone attending a hearing.
Where the applicant, elector or objector has failed to attend the hearing, you should write to inform them of the outcome and include details of their right of appeal.
The notice of appeal must be submitted to you and any other relevant party, together with the grounds of appeal. You must then forward the notice to the Sheriff which should be accompanied by:2
a statement of the material facts which, in your opinion, have been established in the case
your decision on the whole case and on any point specified as a ground of appeal
You must inform the appropriate Sheriff of any appeals you consider are based on similar grounds to enable the appeals to be consolidated, if appropriate, or a test case to be selected.3
Anonymous registration appeals, which can only arise from reviews or the original application, will need to be heard in private unless the court decides otherwise.
A registration appeal in relation to a person under 16 years old, following a hearing, will need to be heard in private unless the Sheriff decides otherwise.