Delivering the annual canvass - Scotland

Right to request information

Right to request information

As Electoral Registration Officer, you have a duty to maintain an accurate and complete register. UK law enables you to require anyone to provide information required for the purposes of your registration duties. 

In particular, Regulation 23 of the Representation of the People Regulations 20011 states that: A registration officer may require any person to give information required for the purposes of that officer's duties in maintaining registers of electors.

The required information for the Route 3 canvass is set out in what should a Route 3 communication include.

Under data protection principles the ERO is entitled to collect the required information as there is a lawful basis for its processing; the performance of a public task in the public interest, as provided for in electoral law.

If any additional optional information, for example email addresses and phone numbers, is requested, this may be shared if a data sharing agreement is in place between you and the responsible person or organisation, and they have informed individuals about the potential sharing of such information through their privacy notice. 

Our data protection guidance for EROs and ROs provides further guidance on complying with data protection legislation.

There is a criminal penalty of a fine up to a maximum £1,000 for failing to provide the information required.2  

Last updated: 26 June 2023