Delivering the annual canvass - Scotland

Route 3 responses

Route 3 responses

You will need to check that any response you receive provides the required information for each person aged 16 or over who is residing at the property and is eligible to register.1

If you are satisfied that a response has been received from the responsible person for a property providing the information you need, the Route 3 process should be closed. 

Where you receive a response that indicates that a change may have occurred at the property, you will need to check that the response includes all the information you require to fully process it and then you should take action to process the information in the response as necessary.

Should I issue reminders for Route 3 properties?

Where you have requested the required information from a responsible person for a Route 3 property and have not received a response you can, if you wish, remind them to respond. 

The reminder could be via a different communication method, or you could use the same communication method as your initial contact. Whatever action you take, you should record the steps that you have taken to remind the responsible person to respond, for example, by recording the date, time and communication method used.  

You will need to decide on the timing of any reminders. If you choose not to use a reminder or if a reminder has not led to the provision of the information from the responsible person within a reasonable time period, the property must be transferred to Route 2 and a full Route 2 canvass of that property must be conducted.2

Last updated: 16 March 2021