Delivering the annual canvass - Scotland

What is Route 3 and when can I use it?

What is Route 3 and when can I use it?

Route 3, the defined property route, allows you to obtain the information required by the canvass for certain types of properties from a responsible person, where one can be identified.

Route 3 properties must meet certain criteria set out in law. More information on the types of properties that can be considered for canvassing via Route 3, along with an explanation of who can be considered to be a responsible person, can be found in what are Route 3 properties and how can I identify them?

You may decide to use Route 3 for certain property types where you believe you are more likely to get a response via a responsible person1 than an individual resident within the property.

However, if in advance of starting the Route 3 process, the data match result for any property shows all individuals resident at that property as matched and you are satisfied that there are no changes at that property to capture, you could decide that it is more appropriate to canvass the property via Route 1 – the matched property route.

Route 3 cannot be used where data match results or other information you hold shows that only individuals under the age of 18 are registered at the property.2

Last updated: 6 August 2021