For your nomination to be valid, you must submit a completed home address form1
with your nomination form, consent to nomination and deposit.
The home address form must contain:
your full name.
your full home address.
Your home address:
must be completed in full
must not contain abbreviations
must be your current home address
must not be a business address (unless you run a business from your home)
Choosing not to publish your home address
You may choose for your home address not to be published on the statement of persons nominated or the ballot paper.
If this is the case, you must sign a statement that your home address is not to be made public and that you are registered in the register of electors for an electoral area in respect of an address within the police area.
This statement is only required if you do not want your home address made public. You must provide your full home address even if you choose not to have it made public on the statement of persons nominated and ballot paper.
If you act as your own election agent, unless you provide an office address, your home address as provided on the home address form will still be published on the notice of election agents.2
This is the case even where you have chosen to withhold your home address from the statement of persons nominated and ballot paper.
Home address forms are not available for public inspection and will be destroyed after the election.
1. Paragraphs 5(5)(6) and (7) Schedule 3 Police and Crime Commissioner Elections Order 20122
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