You should conduct a type B review when you have doubts as to whether the person meets one or more of the eligibility criteria but you are not able to substantiate these by, for example, using other council records, and the elector has not responded to any previous request for information.
A type B review can also be used where you require additional information to establish an elector’s eligibility to remain registered to vote at Police and Crime Commissioner elections – for example, in the case of EU citizens with retained rights, the length of time they have lived in the UK.
Type B reviews enable you to require the elector to provide evidence of the following:
information on any other aspect in connection with the requirements for registration
that you are not satisfied that the elector is entitled to be registered
your reason for the review
a requirement for them to provide evidence of age or nationality as appropriate
for PCC-related reviews of EU citizens only that eligibility to vote in PCC elections is unrelated to eligibility to register and vote in Senedd and local government elections
The notice should state that the elector has 28 calendar days from the date of the notice to supply the required evidence and that if they do not, their entry in the register may be deleted. You should highlight that it is an offence to provide false information to you.
If the elector has not submitted satisfactory evidence or information within 28 days, you should proceed to a Type A review.2
If the elector has submitted evidence or information within 28 days, you must notify the elector of the outcome of the review and state whether there is a right of appeal, including:3
the time within which notice of appeal must be given
any other information about the appeal that you consider appropriate
There may be circumstances where you determine that an elector should be deleted from the parliamentary register but they can be retained on the local government register. For example, their nationality may not qualify them for the parliamentary register. Similarly, there may be circumstances where you determine that an elector should be deleted from the list of people of can vote in PCC elections but they can be retained on the Senedd and local government register. For example, in the case of EU citizens who do not satisfy the historical residency requirements.
1. Regulation 31D(4)(b) and (6) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001↩ Back to content at footnote 1
2. Regulation 31D(7) and (8) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001↩ Back to content at footnote 2