Running electoral registration - Wales

Type C review

Type C reviews enable you to go directly to a hearing if your position and that of the elector or any other person is clear, and a hearing to decide the matter is more practicable than a type A or type B review by correspondence. 

Type C reviews can be completed in a shorter timescale than types A and B and so may be particularly appropriate close to a determination deadline, for example, ahead of an election.

The notice to the elector must state all of the following:1  

  • your intention to hold a hearing
  • the reasons for the review
  • the time and place of the hearing 

Following the hearing, you must notify the elector of the outcome of the review and state whether there is a right of appeal, including:2  

  • the time within which notice of appeal must be given
  • any other information about the appeal that you consider appropriate

We have published a resource which summarises the review process.

Last updated: 14 October 2020