Ein llythyrau Rhannu'r dudalen hon: Rhannu ar Twitter Rhannu ar Facebook Rhannu ar Linkedin Argraffu'r dudalen hon You are in the Newyddion a safbwyntiau section Cartref Newyddion a safbwyntiau Overview of the letters we send Rydym yn ysgrifennu llythyrau at ASau, Aelodau'r Cynulliad a rhanddeiliaid eraill i nodi ein barn. Find out more about our letters and read them in full Topic Date To Northern Ireland local government elections – May 2019 8 July 2019 Karen Bradley MP The BBC NI Spotlight programme “Brexit, Dark Money and the DUP” 2 August 2018 Mr Jim Fitzpatrick Complaint regarding EU Referendum campaigners 2 August 2018 Priti Patel MP To the Chair of the Police and Crime Committee at the Greater London Assembly 7 February 2018 Steve O’Connell AM, Chairman Spending by Britain Stronger in Europe at the 2016 EU referendum 15 January 2018 Priti Patel MP To Google about digital campaigning at the EU referendum 16 November 2017 Mr Dave Skelton To Twitter about digital campaigning at the EU referendum 16 November 2017 Mr Nick Pickles To Facebook about digital campaigning at the EU referendum 16 November 2017 Mr Gareth Lambe Electoral Commission investigations in respect of Leave.EU 16 November 2016 Mr Arron Banks Was this article helpful? Ydw roedd yr erthygl yn ddefnyddiol Na nid oedd yr erthygl yn ddefnyddiol