Running electoral registration - England
This guidance has been produced to support Electoral Registration Officers (EROs) in planning for and delivering well-run electoral registration services.
It has been developed in close consultation with colleagues across the electoral community including the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE), the Association of Electoral Administrators (AEA), the Scottish Assessors Association (SAA), the UK Electoral Coordination and Advisory Board (ECAB), the Elections, Registration and Referendums Working Group (ERRWG) and the Welsh Electoral Practitioners Working Group (WEPWG).
It reflects the ERO’s legal obligations and what we, and colleagues across the electoral community, believe that EROs should expect of their staff in planning for and delivering well-run electoral registration services.
The guidance is directed towards the ERO and the duties they carry out. As these duties may, in practice, be carried out by deputies and/or appointed staff, we use the term ‘you’ throughout this guidance to mean the ERO and whoever is carrying out the ERO’s functions on their behalf.
Throughout this guidance we use ‘must’ to refer to a specific legal requirement and ‘may / should’ for recommended practice.
To help you use this guidance we have produced a Q&A document that should answer any initial queries you may have.
Updates to our guidance
Your role and responsibilities as Electoral Registration Officer
Your role and responsibilities as Electoral Registration Officer
As Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) you are responsible for compiling and maintaining the register of electors.
This guidance covers the appointment of EROs, your duties to conduct an annual canvass and to maintain the register throughout the year, and the resources required to support you in your duties.
How are Electoral Registration Officers appointed?
In order to be able to vote in elections in England, a person’s name must be included in a register of electors. As ERO you are responsible for compiling the register of electors.
The council of every district and London borough must appoint an officer of the council to be the ERO. In the City of London, the Common Council must appoint an officer as the ERO.
The ERO should be a senior officer, for example the Chief Executive/Head of Paid Service, and should undertake relevant training to ensure they have, and maintain, the skills required for the role.
What are the duties of an Electoral Registration Officer?
What are the duties of an Electoral Registration Officer?
The statutory functions, including the duties of the ERO, are set out in legislation. Further duties can be imposed by a direction of the Secretary of State.
The Secretary of State has a power to direct EROs in the discharge of their functions but can only exercise this power of direction on, and in accordance with, a recommendation of the Electoral Commission.
The local authority that appointed you as ERO must provide the resources needed to discharge your statutory functions. Any expenses properly incurred by you in performance of your functions must be paid by the local authority that appointed you.1
- 1. Sections 52 and 54 Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Maintaining the register
Maintaining the register
The electoral register
As ERO you have a duty to maintain:
- a register of parliamentary electors
- a register of local government electors1
These registers contain details of those who are registered to vote and must be combined as far as is practicable. Any reference to the register in our guidance should be taken as a reference to the combined registers unless otherwise stated.
The edited register
You must also produce an edited (or open) version of the register.2
We use the term edited register, as this is the technical term used in the legislation. Open register is used to describe the edited register to members of the public to make it easier to understand the purpose of this register and how it is used. Where we mention the edited register in this context, we will refer to the edited register as the open register.
The edited register contains only the names and addresses of those on the full register who have not opted out of their details appearing on the edited register.
Absent voting records
In addition to maintaining the register, you have a duty to process absent vote applications, maintain the absent voting record and produce the lists of absent voters for an election.3
More information can be found in our guidance on absent voting.
- 1. Section 9 Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 93 Representation of the People (England & Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Schedule 4 (RPA) 2000 and Regulation 45 RPR (England & Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Ensuring registers are accurate and complete
Ensuring registers are accurate and complete
You need to publish registers that are as accurate and complete as possible.
By accurate we mean that there are no false entries and by complete we mean that every person who is entitled to have an entry in an electoral register is registered.
You have a duty under Section 9A of the Representation People Act 1983 (as amended by the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013) to take all necessary steps to comply with your duty to maintain the electoral register, and to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that all those eligible (and no others) are registered in it.1
The steps required under Section 9A include:
- sending at least one canvass communication to any address
- sending a canvass form more than once
- making on one or more occasions house to house inquiries
- making on one or more occasions contact by telephone
- making contact by such other means as the registration officer thinks appropriate with persons who do not have an entry in a register
- inspecting any records held by any person which he is permitted to inspect under or by virtue of any enactment or rule of law
- providing training to persons under his direction or control in connection with the carrying out of the duty
You must actively consider each of the steps listed and take all such action that you consider necessary in order to fulfil your duty to maintain the register of electors. The steps do not need to be taken in any particular order.
If you fail to take these steps, you may be in breach of official duty, which on summary conviction can result in a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale.2
You are also required by law to take specified steps to follow up on particular canvass non-responses, including making contact with the property or an individual.
Any potential new electors identified will also need to be sent an Invitation to register (ITR) and a registration application form, and you will need to take the specified steps – issuing two reminders and a personal visit - to follow up with any ITR non-responders.3
These processes will not all be linear and will need to be carried out concurrently.
These duties apply throughout the year and not just during the canvass period.
We provide more guidance to help you with production of the ITR and registration form in our forms and letters guidance.
- 1. Section 9A Representation People Act (RPA) 1983 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 63 RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZB Representation of the People (England & Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Carrying out house to house enquiries throughout the year
You are required to carry out house-to-house enquiries throughout the year1 you should have the necessary staff in place to carry out these visits.2
The visits can be used for:
- making enquiries with individuals who have not responded to an ITR
- identifying any changes to properties, such as new buildings or alterations to existing properties to help you to update your property database
- providing help to electors who need additional support or assistance to make an application to register or to respond to your enquiries
Data protection training should be included in training for all staff and canvassers who are carrying out house to house enquiries. This will help you to embed the data protection principles in your work and demonstrate compliance with data protection legislation.
More information on planning, training and the recruitment of staff, including canvassers can be found in planning for staffing to deliver the annual canvass.
- 1. Section 9A RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 8 Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Encouraging participation
Encouraging participation
You have a duty to take such steps as you think appropriate to encourage the participation of electors in your area in the electoral process. In doing this, you must have regard to any guidance issued by the Electoral Commission.1
Throughout the year you should work to identify people who are not registered and encourage them to register. You should also have specific plans to carry out registration activity in advance of scheduled elections or referendums.
You should have a public engagement strategy and registration plan which sets out your approach to identifying and targeting potential new electors.
Further information about encouraging participation is contained in our guidance on planning for registration and public engagement throughout the year.
- 1. Section 69 Electoral Administration Act 2006 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Role as a data controller
Role as a data controller
As ERO, you are a data controller with a statutory duty to process certain personal data to maintain the electoral register. Under data protection legislation you will need to be able to demonstrate that you comply with the principles of processing personal data, ensuring that it is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.
Advice from the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is that all data controllers will need to ensure that they are registered with the ICO. This means that EROs must be registered separately to their council. Under data protection legislation, a public authority must appoint a data protection officer (DPO) to advise on data protection issues.
As ERO, you are not included in the definition of a public authority contained in Schedule 1 to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and you are therefore not required to appoint a DPO for the conduct of your duties; however, your appointing council must have a DPO in place and you should liaise with them over good practice in relation to data protection. A key element of data protection legislation is the increased focus on accountability and transparency when processing personal data.
You must be able to demonstrate that you comply with your obligations under data protection legislation, ensuring that you process personal data lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner. The key to achieving this is to have and maintain written plans and records to provide an audit trail. You can find more information in our guidance What are the data protection considerations for an Electoral Registration Officer?
What resources do Electoral Registration Officers need to carry out their role?
What resources do Electoral Registration Officers need to carry out their role?
It is important that you are supported to fulfil your role, given the range of statutory duties, and the seriousness of any breaches.1
The local authority that appointed you must provide the resources needed to discharge your statutory functions. Any expenses properly incurred by you in performance of your functions must be paid by the local authority that appointed you.2
Appointing a Deputy
You should ensure that your council approves the appointment of one or more Deputy EROs who can carry out the duties and powers of the ERO if you are unable to act personally.
Any deputies appointed should have the skills and knowledge required to carry out the functions that they have been assigned. Appointments should be made in writing and include clear details of the full or particular powers that the deputy is authorised to exercise on your behalf. In particular, it may be useful to appoint deputies to undertake quasi-judicial procedures, such as hearings of registration applications, objections and reviews. The acceptance of any such appointment should also be made in writing.
Unlike Returning Officers, the ERO cannot appoint a deputy themselves, unless the power to do so has been delegated to them by the council.3
If the position of ERO is vacant or the ERO is incapable of acting, any of the duties and powers of the ERO may be carried out by the proper officer of the council.4
The electoral registration team
The council that appointed you must provide officers to assist you in your statutory functions.5 You should consider how the council can provide the support required for your registration plans to be delivered. In particular, you should ensure that you have enough staff with the right skills in your team. For guidance on planning, training and recruitment of staff, see planning for registration throughout the year.
- 1. Section 63 Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Sections 52 and 54 RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 52(2) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 52(3) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Section 52(4) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
Budgeting for registration activity
Budgeting for registration activity
As part of your annual planning process, you will need to consider what budget you require in order to carry out your statutory functions. The budget for registration should be settled between you and the council which appointed you, and that should be sufficient to allow you to fulfil your duty to maintain the register.
This should include all activity involved in conducting the annual canvass. For further details on the necessary activities see our guidance on delivering the annual canvass.
You also need sufficient resources to maintain the register throughout the year to ensure that it remains complete and accurate. For further details see our guidance on planning for registration throughout the year.
You should properly account for the expenses of registration you incur and liaise with the council to agree a suitable accounting process and budget.
While we recognise the increasing budget pressures facing local authorities which force difficult choices between competing statutory services, a lack of resources does not exempt you from complying with the law.
Your public engagement strategy and registration plan
Your public engagement strategy and registration plan
This section of the guidance covers the need to put together a public engagement strategy, what your public engagement strategy should include and how you should go about implementing it. It also covers considerations for putting together a registration plan.
Why having a public engagement strategy and registration plan is important
You have a duty under Section 9A of the Representation of the People Act 1983 to take all necessary steps to comply with the duty to maintain the electoral register and to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, that all those eligible – and no others – are registered in it. To ensure that the quality of the register is maintained throughout the year it is important that you:
- identify and target any unregistered residents
- process any amendments to an elector’s current registration details
- take steps to remove electors who are no longer eligible
Maximising the number of voters registered relies on an effective local public engagement strategy with robust processes behind it. A proactive approach is required throughout the year to identify people who are not registered and encourage them to register.
By encourage, we mean doing everything you can to encourage an application to be made before or after formally inviting someone to register.
In particular, you should have plans in place to carry out registration activity in advance of scheduled elections or referendums to reach electors and encourage them to register to vote.
Your public engagement strategy and registration plan should set out your approach to identifying and targeting potential new electors.
It is important that they remain living documents and you use all available data to keep them under review.
The challenge of maximising registration takes place in the context of wider challenges for electoral registration, including voter disengagement, transient populations and the other registration challenges that exist in your area. The lessons you have learnt in addressing these challenges to date should be reflected in your updated public engagement strategy.
Public engagement includes:
- any forms, letters or emails you send directly to individuals or households
- phone calls, e-mails and direct face-to-face conversations with individuals
- local activity with partner organisations
- contact with organisations such as schools, universities, landlords, housing associations and hostels
- press releases, media work and use of social media
- public awareness activity, including local advertising and publicity directly aimed at residents
An effective local public engagement strategy should reduce the need for follow-up activity, free up resources and help to maximise the number of voters registered. You will need to build and maintain relationships with other teams from across the local authority for your public engagement work to be as effective as possible. These include:
- IT
- communications and engagement professionals
- other teams in the local authority who have contact with those residents less likely to be registered
You will also need to work with external partners. You should consider who these partners can help you to reach and how. You will need to ensure that they are engaged, have all the information they need, and understand the timings for any planned engagement work.
What should my public engagement strategy include?
What should my public engagement strategy include?
Your strategy should include:
- how you will identify and engage with potential target audiences (including hard to reach groups)
- details of the communication channels you will use to engage residents
- how you are going to work with internal and external partners to reach target audiences
- how you will raise awareness through advertising and the media
- how you will measure the success of your strategy
Identifying potential target audiences for public engagement
Identifying potential target audiences for public engagement
You should use data sources, such as data from your local authority and the census, to build a detailed profile of the make-up of your registration area. You should review this regularly and consider any additional data.
Your local authority may hold and regularly update demographic information about residents including:
- the sorts of activities they take part in
- the services they use
- their attitudes
- their communication preferences
- where different groups are clustered geographically
Some authorities also use consumer classification systems to identify the types of people in their area so that they can use their resources effectively to target groups with relevant information.
Target groups may be distributed evenly across the authority, for example attainers, while others, such as students or private renters, may be concentrated in particular wards or neighbourhoods.
This information may also be useful in your planning for the canvass.
Research carried out by the Commission indicates that people from the following groups are less likely to be registered:
- younger people (under 35)
- private renters
- people of Black, mixed or other ethnicity groups
- citizens of the European Union and Commonwealth
- those considered to be at the lower end of the social economic scale grades
Our research also shows that the registration of young people and, in particular, attainers, remains a challenge. The inspection of local authority education services data may provide you with information which could assist with the identification of potential electors who may be eligible to be registered as attainers.
Your engagement strategy should include how you will engage with attainers in your area. Working with schools and colleges in your area to target these potential electors should be a key area of your public engagement activity. You may also be able to draw on your own or others experiences of engaging with young people to date and use any lessons learnt to inform your future plans.
It might be helpful to contact other authorities with similar target groups in order to share experiences and understand what has worked for them in practice. You should continually review the demographics of your registration area to identify further groups that are under-registered.
Checking the audience for public engagement
Checking the audience for public engagement
Eligible electors in your area will fall into distinct groups in relation to registration.
Unregistered / new electors
Any new electors will need to make a registration application and provide their personal identifiers in order to register to vote.
Those who are not on the register, including typically unregistered groups, remain a target for registration activity. The groups that are less likely to join the register and the barriers that stop them doing so will vary by area, creating unique local challenges. There is an ongoing challenge in identifying local issues and taking action in response to these to ensure that as many people are registered as possible.
Social groups needing additional engagement activity
Research has shown that certain groups are more likely to be absent from the register or not registered at their current address.
The reasons for particular groups being absent from the register are diverse – for example, they may be transient in where they live, they may be disengaged with politics, or they may be unaware of their rights. This means that these groups need to be reached in different ways, using different channels, and that they will be motivated by different messages.
From the profile data you have gathered, you will have identified the specific social groups in your area that are less likely to join or be on the register, either because they are typically under-registered, or because they do not typically respond to communications from the ERO. These groups will need additional targeted engagement activity to increase the likelihood that they will join the register.
These groups may include:
- Private renters
- Home-movers and mobile population
- Young people (under 35s)
- Attainers
- EU and Commonwealth citizens
- Some black and minority ethnic groups (African, Mixed, Bangladeshi)
- People resident at their property for less than 2 years
- People who have lived in the UK for less than 5 years
- Low level of English fluency
- Unemployed
- Young people with no qualifications
- Students at term-time address
Some challenges may not be audience-specific but may be particular to your area. For example you may have geographical barriers, or you may have low levels of broadband connection that mean people will find it harder to access online registration. Your strategy should also consider how to address these considerations.
You will have identified the groups that need particular engagement activity in your public engagement strategy. After reviewing the profile of your registration area, you should review the particular groups identified to ensure that they remain relevant. Your resources might need to be re-directed, you might need to continue your work but refine your approach, or another group might have emerged requiring particular engagement, such as attainers.
Electors who are already registered
These electors will have their names included on communications sent out as part of the canvass. They will need to know what to do if any changes are required to their registration information.
Example target audiences and opportunities for reaching them are set out below:
Audience | Challenges | Opportunities to reach |
Registered electors | Need to know how to update their details if they change |
Not registered (including typically under-registered and harder-to-reach groups) | Barriers such as transient residency, unawareness of rights, disengagement, or difficulty with registering |
Hard to reach groups
Research has shown that certain groups are more likely to be absent from the register or not registered at their current address.
You will have identified the specific social groups in your area that are less likely to join or be on the register, either because they are typically under-registered, or because they do not typically respond to communications from the ERO. These groups will need additional targeted engagement activity to increase the likelihood that they will join the register.
The table below sets out some of the challenges and opportunities for reaching these hard to reach groups.
Demographic | Challenges | Opportunities to reach |
Young people and attainers |
Students |
Home movers |
Mobile population, private renters and communal residency |
Under-registered black and minority ethnic communities |
People with disabilities and particular communication requirements |
Over 80s |
Disengaged households; young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) |
Low level of literacy or understanding of English |
Homeless and travellers |
Residents in very rural areas |
Communication channels for engaging residents
Communication channels for engaging residents
You should consider whether the communication channels you use during the canvass, at scheduled polls and in your wider registration work, enable you to reach your target audience(s) effectively.
You should regularly evaluate these channels to determine what worked well and what was less successful.
Direct contact with residents
Direct contact with residents
Direct contact is an important element of your public engagement strategy and you should promote the channels residents can use to contact you including:
- letters
- telephone conversations
- text messages
- emails
- door-to-door visits
- social media channels
Your experiences during the last canvass and your ongoing wider registration work will have given you a good indication of which areas respond quickly to written communications and which are more likely to require personal visits. You can use this information to inform your plans for the canvass. For example, in areas that do not respond well to written communications it might be a better use of resources to undertake personal visits earlier in the process compared to other areas.
Any letters and emails you send must be easy to understand and carry clear messages about what the recipient needs to do and how they can do it.
You should use the template wording that the Commission provides in its forms and letters guidance which reflects results of user testing.
You can give an invitation to register by electronic means, including by email. This means that rather than sending potential electors an invitation to register with a voter registration form and a return envelope. You can (where you have an elector’s email address) encourage them to register online by emailing them an ITR with a link to
This option should be reflected in your strategy and wider registration plans.
For your public engagement strategy and registration plan, you will need to have established the practical process for writing out to residents for the canvass, including timings. You will also need to consider timings for your public engagement activity that supports the canvass, which should include any potential opportunities to link to any wider national or local voter registration activity
For example, National Democracy Week, which aims to increase the number of people who understand and take part in the democratic process, is one such opportunity. Depending on when you issue your canvass communications, you may be able to capitalise on this and the accompanying national publicity, to drive canvass responses and raise awareness among under-registered groups.
We will keep you updated with our plans for National Democracy Week via our EA Bulletin. You should also ensure that you are subscribed to our Roll Call newsletter which contains the latest information about promoting voter registration and our partnership work.
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has made available resources that you can use to promote registration activities you have planned during this year. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Department for Education make secondary schools resource available and has a Youth Engagement Toolkit for parliamentarians to use with young people in their areas.
Managing responses and enquiries from individuals
Managing responses and enquiries from individuals
Your public engagement strategy and registration plan need to address how you will sufficiently resource all the methods that the public can use to contact the local authority.
You should review the effectiveness of your resourcing throughout the year to inform future planning.
The canvass and other public engagement activity that residents come into contact with will prompt higher levels of queries and questions, so it’s important that you provide sufficient support for residents who make contact by telephone, by email or in writing.
Providing telephone support is important because many residents will have difficulties accessing the internet or understanding written material. Residents will also expect to be able to e-mail queries, talk to someone face-to-face or write letters to the ERO. Face-to-face contact may include speaking to local authority frontline such as in libraries or leisure centres or the corporate contact centre.
If you provide other methods for residents to contact you, such as Facebook, Twitter, web-forms, and text messages, you should review how effective these channels have been in responding to queries, and also the volume of queries you have received through these channels. A high volume of queries received through one channel could require additional resources in the future or if, for example, you received a significant number of queries through certain channels such as web forms, this could indicate high usage of your local authority website but may also suggest that the information provided there could be clearer in order to mitigate queries.
How to plan resources needed to respond to enquiries
To plan levels of resourcing you should consider:
- the peaks for demand for public information which are likely to occur following public engagement activity, for instance following the issue of canvass communications and in the run-up to registration deadlines
- what level of enquiries you received during peaks in registration activity
- increasing resources at your existing call centre or outsourcing responses, for example, using a specialist call centre
- the effectiveness of your approach during the last canvass and scheduled polls, and whether you need to do anything differently
- what contingencies you can put in place if enquiries are much higher than expected (you should test your contingency arrangements to ensure that they are robust)
Directing residents to online registration ( and providing clear and easy to navigate information about registration on your website will help to reduce the burden on your public information response lines.
The better the information available and the easier it is to access, the less people should reach for the telephone.
You should regularly review the volume of queries you receive through each channel.
Establishing an agreed response time for enquiries
You should establish a fixed timeframe in which responses will be made where queries cannot be dealt with immediately, so you can let the enquirer know when they may expect to receive an answer.
For example, you could set up an automatic response to e-mails letting the enquirer know you will get back to them within 48 hours. You could also include answers to frequently asked questions with this automated response, together with links to and to the absent voting forms on your website.
Training public facing staff to deal with enquiries
Training public-facing staff to deal with enquiries
You should provide updated face-to-face briefings or written information to local authority staff who deal with the public to ensure they have the information they need to be able to respond to any queries they may receive.
This means thinking about likely queries and developing scripts and lines to help employees responding to enquiries to answer questions or refer callers to the right place.
We have provided an FAQ resource to support you.
Working with partners to reach target audiences
Working with partners to reach target audiences
Working with partners, inside and outside the local authority, is key to delivering your registration plan and promoting public awareness. Internal and external partners may be able to identify residents who are entitled to be registered, but do not have an entry in the register.
External partnerships can be established at every level, from individual community leaders to national businesses.
Partnerships also need to be built internally within the local authority and with organisations that provide services for the local authority. Council departments or organisations that are in regular contact with residents, for example those delivering meals on wheels or providing domestic care, could be approached to promote the completion of applications. It is important to identify and build relationships with the correct point of contact in each case.
Partnerships should be free, with each side getting a mutual benefit for entering the partnership. However, some costs may be incurred for example, for the production of materials for partners to use with residents.
How can partnerships help to raise public awareness?
How can partnerships help to raise public awareness?
Partnerships can help you to raise public awareness by:
- sharing messages - for some social groups, messages are more likely to be acted upon if they come from someone they trust and know – for example, a respected community leader or organisation
- extending the reach of your advertising – for example, a dentist may put posters in their waiting room, you could also place them in community buildings or on public notice boards
- including information in the communications they already send out
- increasing your capacity by answering people’s questions and supporting them to fill in forms - for example charitable organisations
Other partnership activities could include:
- providing registration forms for estate agents to attach to rental contracts
- identifying a charity whose volunteers are willing to help people fill in forms
- working with a large local employer who is keen on supporting community causes
- providing materials for or working together to deliver a workshop on democracy and registration
Partners may also be able to identify other opportunities that you have not yet considered.
Siarad â phartneriaid am gefnogi'r broses gofrestru
Siarad â phartneriaid am gefnogi'r broses gofrestru
Bydd angen i chi siarad â darpar bartneriaid neu bartneriaid presennol am y posibilrwydd y gallant gefnogi eich gwaith cofrestru. I raddau, bydd angen i chi 'gyflwyno' eich cais er mwyn sicrhau y bydd gennych y siawns orau posibl o gael ymateb cadarnhaol ganddynt, yn enwedig gan y bydd ceisiadau yn dod i law gan sefydliadau eraill hefyd o bosibl.
Yn gyntaf, ymchwiliwch i'r amser gorau ar gyfer eich dull gweithredu – er enghraifft, a fyddant yn brysur gyda blaenoriaeth arall ar adeg benodol?
Bydd angen i chi hefyd sicrhau bod eich cynnig yn cynnwys syniadau ar sut y gallant helpu, a sut y byddai hynny o fudd iddyn nhw ac i'r bobl sy'n gweithio gyda nhw. Bydd hyn yn sicrhau bod gwell siawns gennych o gael ymateb cadarnhaol ganddynt, yn enwedig gan y bydd ceisiadau'n dod i law gan sefydliadau eraill hefyd o bosibl.
Ni fydd pob sefydliad ac unigolyn mewn sefyllfa i gymryd rhan; mae'n bwysig derbyn hyn ac ystyried dewisiadau amgen lle y bo'n bosibl.
Bydd angen i chi hefyd gefnogi partneriaid drwy gydol unrhyw weithgareddau er mwyn cynyddu'r siawns y byddant yn parhau i ymgysylltu.
How to set up a new partnership?
How to set up a new partnership
When setting up a partnership you may want to have a telephone conversation or face to face meeting particularly for larger partnerships, where the following points should be addressed:
- explain why the partnership is beneficial to both parties
- agree the level of support the partner will offer
- understand the mechanisms they will use for reaching their audience
- agree whether any materials will be needed and, if so, who will be producing them
- agree what messages they will use in communicating with their audience
- agree what information they will provide on how the audience can respond or where they can get more help
- agree who at the local authority will be available to answer the partner’s questions
- be clear about timings and when messages need to change
- establish regular communications
- ensure that if things are not going as planned they are open to stopping the activity and, where relevant, returning materials
- agree an approach to evaluation of the activity
Working with existing partners
Working with existing partners
As well as identifying potential new partners, it is important to build on any existing partnership arrangements you have established. This could include those who:
- have previously supported registration work
- are in regular or significant communication with your target audiences
- have good relationships with target audiences and have previously worked with the local authority, but not on registration
- have good relationships with target audiences and have never worked with the local authority
- have a high profile in the local area among broad audiences
Where you identify that you wish to continue working with an existing partner, you should review the partnership and identify whether there is anything you could do differently with them to achieve better results. If this partnership activity has resulted in an increase in the registration levels of your target group, you should feedback success to your partners, which may encourage them to undertake further work with you.
Some examples of partners you may want to consider include:
- Service providers - for example, housing associations, home care services, schools, further education colleges.
- Other governmental organisations and local authority teams – for example, parish councils, housing services, social services.
- Influential individuals – for example a prominent student landlord, local celebrities, politicians, political parties and candidates.
- Community groups and charities – for example, a boxing club, Neighbourhood Watch, over-60s social groups
- Private companies and organisations – for example, a large local employer, gym, dentist, estate agent.
You won’t be able to work with everyone, so as well as evaluating the value added by existing partners during the last canvass and at scheduled polls, you should consider:
- who will best reach your target groups
- the practicalities of working together
- any other local factors
It may be beneficial to categorise your list of partners, identifying which partners will require help to deliver detailed activity, and those who have agreed to simply relay or promote registration messages.
Partnerships that may take a large amount of time to set up and reach a small number of people may still be worthwhile if the people they reach are high on your target list and are unlikely to be engaged in other ways.
Similarly, an organisation that works with residents who are not on your target list, but reaches a huge of residents and is committed to taking time to spread your messages could at least be considered.
It is also important to plan for working with politicians and political parties throughout the year so that they understand how the registration process works. Candidates and their supporters can extend your registration reach by promoting registration during their electoral campaigning. If candidates, parties and politicians are not engaged, there is a risk that the messages and information they provide could be wrong or incomplete.
The risks of working with partners
Partnership risks
Risks should not stop you working with partners, but they should be captured in your risk and issues register and you need to identify mitigations against these risks.
Some potential risks include:
- The partnership results in wide-scale complaints – for example, if a partner engages in political campaigning there may be a perception that the ERO is not politically neutral
- The partner misrepresents your message - do they understand the relationship and their responsibilities? Do they understand and keep to the message you want to get across to residents and to what extent does it matter if they don’t? Are they clear when the work ends, or when the message changes?
- The partner does not carry out the work they agreed - is this risk more significant because you have put time and money into the relationship? Perhaps they misunderstood the workload, or find themselves with an unexpected priority, or perhaps they start to incur additional costs and expect re-imbursement
- Registration fatigue – initial enthusiasm might fade so it will be important to try to maintain momentum in any partnership work, including by keeping up communication and providing feedback
- The cost outweighs the benefits - you may produce comprehensive materials and the organisation does little to help support your registration work
You should consider developing lines to take in the event a partnership organisation attracts negative press which might implicate your local authority.
You should evaluate how effective you were at mitigating any risks when working with partners. These learning points should be reflected when updating your engagement strategy to help inform your approach to future partnership working.
Data protection considerations when working with partners
Data protection considerations when working with partners
You need to be able to demonstrate that all information obtained, whether from internal or external partners, complies with the principles of processing personal data, ensuring that it is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.
You should ensure that any partners assisting electors to complete applications are aware of data protection principles before handling any personal data.
External organisations from whom you are obtaining personal data, for example, universities and care homes, will hold personal data on their students and residents respectively and are likely to be data controllers in their own right.
Although data protection legislation does not require a written agreement when sharing data between data controllers, it is strongly recommended that you agree with your partner a data sharing agreement to help you both demonstrate that you are acting in accordance with data protection legislation
Our guidance on data protection for EROs and ROs contains further information on data protection considerations and a checklist to support you in developing a data sharing agreement.
Raising awareness using advertising and media
Raising awareness using advertising and media
Public awareness activity, such as advertising and working with the media, is an important part of public engagement. As ERO, you have a general duty to promote participation and you will need to undertake advertising of your own as far as is possible.
Your public engagement strategy should ensure that your public awareness raising activity is co-ordinated to take place at key points during the canvass and in the period leading up to scheduled polls and should document any planned use of:
- local authority newsletters
- website
- bus shelters
- poster sites or notice boards
- social media
- media relations tools
Getting the public to take action
Getting the public to take action
If the communications you produce are aimed at getting people to do something, a call to action is fundamental to success. A call to action is a statement that lays out what you want the audience to do next – for example, register online. Without it, people won’t understand what they should do, or if it is unclear or buried in other information it may well be ignored.
Calls to action should:
- be written succinctly, clearly telling people what to do
- use active instructive language (‘Visit for more information' is better than 'interested parties can find further relevant details at the Council’s website')
- be visually prominent in the document - for example, in larger text, a different colour and with space around it to draw people’s attention to it
The Commission previously undertook research with the public, led by Ipsos Mori, to establish which communication messages best motivated and engaged people to take action.
The research findings showed that the following key elements were motivating:
- 'Voting matters' (many people do not distinguish voting from registering)
- loss aversion (the implication that you stand to lose something if you don’t register)
Timing is crucial to ensuring that people don’t get so accustomed to messages that they switch off, so you may want to consider limiting the use of some channels to the periods where they will have most impact.
Using local authority owned media channels
Using local authority owned media channels
You should continue to consider the best places to display your advertising. Buying media (advertising space) such as outdoor poster sites and press advertisements can be prohibitively expensive. More inexpensive options such as community newsletters or local listings magazines may also be out of reach.
You may, however, have a range of local-authority-owned channels available to you, for example:
- local authority residents’ magazine
- internal staff newsletters
- local authority-owned vehicles
- local authority-owned poster sites
- local authority buildings
- bus shelters and billboards
- notice boards
- social media channels
You should undertake an audit of potential owned media and consider the reach and frequency for each option. This will help you to establish how much of your target audience would be exposed to the activity and the number of times they would be exposed to the activity.
You should keep any information up to date and relevant and check for any changes since activities were last undertaken.
Your local authority website can also be used as an additional low-cost media channel. You should ensure that your web content is up-to-date and includes links on key pages to external websites, such as and
How could I make use of social media channels?
Social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and others provide an inexpensive opportunity to raise awareness and can be used for responding to public queries.
Ongoing promotional work is required to build the numbers using your social media channels.
Interesting, amusing, urgent or engaging messages are more likely to be shared by users and reach a wider audience. Posts should be made at key times, for example, at the start of the canvass, to ensure maximum impact.
Think about how external events could provide a hook for social media activity. For example, we have previously made a series of electoral registration Valentine’s Day-themed tweets on 14 February.
Social media also offers opportunities to immediately see the impact of your work. For example, how many times a Facebook post is liked or shared, or how often a tweet is retweeted.
However, social media has limitations – for example, social media channels may in many cases be limited to those who are already engaged with the local authority.
Events and street marketing opportunities
Events and street marketing opportunities
You should consider holding events that involve face-to-face contact with people, for example at an event such as a road show or at a stall in a shopping centre, to boost awareness. Novel activities at existing community events can draw attention and you can promote them in advance. Notify the press ahead of events to attract their attendance and achieve further media coverage.
Events and street marketing can be useful for targeting under-registered groups by bringing information to them.
You could supply posters and leaflets to draw attention to your stand. Then forms can be collected on the spot or facilities provided to make online applications. This also gives the public opportunity to ask about anything they do not understand.
It has been shown that an individual is more likely to take action if they can do so straight away.
Think about the locations that provide an opportunity for people to register then provide information at those points to influence people into taking action to register.
For example, you may want to display reminders on library computers, at job clubs where computers for CV writing are provided, or in free computing skills classes.
Using paid for advertising
Using paid for advertising
Media is typically bought in the weeks and months before a campaign is due to go live.
You will need to hold conversations early on to establish the deadlines for buying advertising media, and for supplying artwork. There are also likely to be technical requirements for the supply of artwork.
You may buy individual sites from media owners, or work with a media buying agency to select the best media to meet your objectives and target audiences.
What are the channels and who could they reach?
- Radio – reaches lower income residents and young adults, as well as those in more rural areas; segmented audience can be reached by appropriate stations
- Online – less useful for lower income households; reaches under-24s and students particularly through social media. Most capable of targeting specific groups
- Newspaper – potential to reach lower incomes, particularly in certain titles
- Magazines / newsletters – target specific local areas or community groups
- Advertorials (promotional articles) for local press and websites – could be used to carry more detailed information
- Outdoor – useful to reach target audiences by locating in areas with high density and passing footfall; potential to reach students; billboards and buses can provide high frequency of views
- Mobile advertising vans – can deliver messages to geographic areas with high densities of your target audience
- Event sponsorship – potential to reach young people and BMEs
What are the other considerations when using paid for advertising?
Buying advertising space is expensive so you should consider the following factors:
- Total reach – the number of relevant people expected to be exposed to an advertiser’s message at least once in a specified time
- Frequency – the number of times a member of the audience is exposed to a message in the specified time
- Cost – The cost of reaching one thousand people or of reaching your target market
When establishing the reach and frequency you may, for example, want to consider if it’s better to have fewer adverts on a larger radio station than lots of adverts on a small radio station and whether a high reach campaign in a local newspaper running for one day is better than a low reach campaign in a community magazine that lasts a month.
Think carefully about your target audiences before accepting any special offers from media owners. Ask why the price is reduced – it may be that the space does not have a proven ability to reach your audience.
Getting others to spread the message (earned media)
Getting others to spread the message (earned media)
By actively working with the media, you have greater influence on the types of messages they carry.
People’s likelihood to register will be affected by the messages they hear in the press and news. Media relations activity provides an opportunity to get your message on the news agenda and raise the profile of your work.
You may not be able to control public opinion, but you can supply messages that are more likely to reassure people and reduce negative coverage that could deter people from registering.
Suggested activity may include:
- issuing press releases ahead of key events, such as at the start of the annual canvass
- giving interviews for radio and television
- holding publicity-generating events
Ensuring communication materials are accessible and impactful
Ensuring communication materials are accessible and impactful
When producing communication materials you should ensure that they emphasise key messages and have a layout that supports clarity and impact. Clear and concise writing has a much higher chance of reaching as many people as possible and ensures the recipient will understand what they need to do.
Communications that provide information in the way the reader wants to receive it are more likely to have greater impact.
You should identify whether there is someone in your local authority who has expertise in writing for the public, plain English or website accessibility, or if possible staff could undertake relevant training.
Not everyone will understand the communications and may need further help or reassurance, so contact details of where the reader can get help should be included.
For further information, see our factsheet on producing accessible communications.
Monitoring and evaluating the success of your public engagement strategy
Monitoring and evaluating the success of your public engagement strategy
Evaluations are essential for measuring the effectiveness of a project and demonstrating achievements
Your engagement strategy and registration plan needs to be updated to reflect findings of your monitoring and evaluation. You should update it to reflect lessons learnt from work you have already undertaken and to include any new information about your registration area.
This information will help to continue to refine the picture you have of the demographics of your area, confirm what the key challenges for engaging with your residents are and measure which activities are most effective in engaging with different target audiences
You should outline how you will monitor and evaluate how effective your public engagement activity and tactics to engage your target groups were during the last canvass, at scheduled polls, and in your ongoing activity to maximise registration. Did you reach your target audience?
Measuring the success of your engagement activities
In order to evaluate the success of an activity, it is important to have clear, measurable objectives and any evaluation measures should relate back clearly to the initial objectives.
It is likely that a variety of methods will be needed to evaluate a project. To identify the most appropriate methods to use for evaluation you should define the questions to be asked to form the evaluation and consider how these questions might be answered.
There are a variety of methods that can be used to assess the effectiveness of your activity, some of which might be behaviour-based (what people have done, what has actually happened) and some of which might be perception-based (what people believe to have happened).
The following are some mechanisms for collecting evidence to support your evaluation:
- recording feedback from the public at events or via your website
- recording the level of responses as a result of the activity
- recording the number of enquiries on the subject
- recording the number of hits to the website requesting information
- recording any feedback provided on social media
- distributing evaluation questionnaires or feedback forms at the end of an event
- conducting a public opinion survey to determine whether the public were aware of your activity, their thoughts about it and whether they took action as a result
- conducting pre-activity and post-activity surveys to determine whether people’s knowledge and awareness of registration and the process has increased as a result of the activity
- interviews with stakeholders to determine what they thought of the activity
- focus groups held with residents to gather feedback – potentially as part of other events
It is also important to attempt to measure:
- environmental factors or background noise: to what extent is increased participation the result of your activity or of some other factors?
- the base case: i.e. what would have happened in the absence of the activity?
- the number of relevant people who were exposed to the activity
- the number of times people were exposed to the activity
- any increases in the number of people taking action, such as registering to vote
- any positive feedback from participants in a scheme
- whether people’s understanding of the process has increased
- any increase in requests for information
The evaluation plan needs to set out who will participate in the evaluation and who is responsible for the various parts of the evaluation.
Monitoring of progress and evaluation should be carried out at the end of each key stage of registration activity to ensure activities are effective and remain appropriate.
While it is important to undertake evaluation as extensively as possible, consideration should be given to the resources allocated and the cost of evaluation should be proportionate to the cost of the project.
You may not be able to evaluate everything in the detail you would like and you should set out any limitations to the evaluation in your plans, including any potential risks to the reliability and validity of the evaluation and findings.
Your evaluation plans should identify relevant stakeholders, such as other local authorities, who may be interested in the evaluation and with whom the findings should be shared.
How the Commission can support you with public engagement
How the Commission can support you with public engagement
There are a range of resources available on the Commission’s website which could be used or developed for future campaigns. You can also subscribe to our voter registration newsletter - Roll Call, which contains the latest information about promoting voter registration and our partnership work.
Our resources will be updated ahead of scheduled polls as appropriate, but the general guidance and suggestions continue to be relevant and may be helpful throughout the year.
Direct one-to-one support also continues to be available through our English regional teams.
You can contact them by:
- Telephone: 0333 103 1928
- Email: [email protected]
Your registration plan
Your registration plan
While your public engagement strategy will help you identify the registration challenges in your area and a general approach for tackling them, your registration plan should be informed by it and capture the detailed actions of everything that needs to be done to maintain electoral registers that are as accurate and complete as possible – not just throughout the canvass period, but throughout the year.
What should a registration plan include?
Your registration plan should capture all registration activity throughout the year, including in the lead up to scheduled polls and during the canvass.
We have produced a template registration plan you can use to support your planning for the delivery of electoral registration services. You do not have to use the template provided.
It is important that you treat your registration plan as a living document and keep it under regular review using available data to monitor progress and to identify where any amendments need to be made.
At a minimum, your registration plan should cover:
- a timetable of deliverables and tasks which should demonstrate how you intend to carry out the necessary steps under Section 9A, both during the canvass and throughout the year
- details of planned partnership activity
- objectives and success measures
- resource requirements
- review of internal processes to ensure they remain relevant, including what measures you have put in place to ensure data protection requirements are met
- identification of training needs, both for external and internal sources of training
- mechanisms for tracking and evaluating progress and for recording amendments
- processes to identify any patterns of activity that might indicate potential integrity problems, including what steps are to be taken to deal with any such problems
You will need systems in place that enable you to track your progress towards ensuring that as many eligible residents as possible are included on the register. This should include processes to track responses from individuals and households to monitor, evaluate and target resources to identify where amendments to your plans are required.
You also need to maintain a risk and issues register, identifying any risks to the effective delivery of your registration plan and corresponding mitigating actions.
We have developed a template risk and issues register that you can use to record any risks you identify. It contains examples that you will need to consider and, if necessary, mitigate, as well as a log to record any issues that emerge and that you will need to address. Alternatively, you may wish to include risks including our examples in any risk management documentation you have already developed.
What resources are needed to deliver your registration plan
What resources are needed to deliver your registration plan?
You will need to identify what work you need to do to engage with residents, and consequently, what resources you will need to do this. Keeping your plan and activity under review will enable you to understand whether your local challenges are being met and enable you to target your resources where they are most needed.
Key departments and individuals you will need to involve, may include:
- the local authority’s IT department
- the local authority’s finance team
- data holders
- the data protection officer at the local authority
- the local authority’s call centre / reception manager
- the communications / media manager at the local authority (if there is one)
- the local authority’s HR manager
- representatives of local authority teams/individuals and local organisations who work with under-registered groups in your area, such as local education departments
Your plan should cover how you will be engage these departments/individuals and how often you will meet with them. Consider:
- whether you should personally chair the group
- who should be involved
- what the terms of reference will be
- how actions will be recorded and taken forward
What records can you inspect to assist you with identifying potential new electors throughout the year?
What records can you inspect to assist you with identifying potential new electors throughout the year?
Your registration plan should include detail of data sources available to you and a schedule of when checks of those records are to be carried out.
As ERO you can by law, for the purpose of meeting your registration duties, inspect and make copies of records kept in whatever form by:1
- the council which appointed you (where you are an ERO for a district council in a two-tier area, this extends to the county council)2
- any registrar of births, deaths and marriages including any superintendent
- any person, including a company or organisation, providing services to, or authorised to exercise any function of, the council including any providing outsourced services under any finance agreement
Where the ERO requests to inspect and/or take copies of the records listed above, a statutory or other restriction, including the GDPR, cannot be used to refuse disclosure of those records.3 For example, if a private contractor has been appointed to collect council tax on behalf of your local authority, as ERO for that authority, you are entitled to access the data held by that contractor.
In addition to this, the council which appointed the ERO is permitted to disclose to the ERO, for certain registration purposes, information contained in records held by the council. In the case of an ERO for a district council, this also applies to the relevant county council.4
There are three purposes:
- to verify information relating to a person who is registered in a register maintained by the officer, or who is named in an application for registration
- to ascertain the names and addresses of people who are not registered but who are entitled to be registered
- to identify those people who are registered but who are not entitled to be registered
Disclosure can only be made in accordance with a written agreement between the council and the ERO processing of the information, including its transfer, storage, destruction and security.
You should also ensure that you are making full use of all the records available to you to check entries on the register, taking steps to remove those electors who are no longer entitled to remain registered.
You should record the number of electors removed from the register and the reason for the removal.
For more information on what types of other records can also be used to identify changes and those who may no longer be entitled to be registered at a particular address see our guidance on managing amendments, reviews, objections and deletions throughout the year.
You will need to use information sources available to identify and target new electors, and ensure that all necessary steps are taken to add them to register.
While records may assist you in identifying who does not have an entry in the register, any potential new elector who is identified must always make a successful application before they can be added to the register. You should record the number of electors added to the register and how these applications originated. For example, whether the application was unsolicited or was it following information included in a canvass communication.
The following records may help you maintain your register throughout the year:
- Council tax: These records may indicate new residents have moved into a property. However, the person named on council tax records is not always eligible to register to vote, for example owners of properties that do not reside there. Also, council tax records will not necessarily tell you all of the people resident at the address who you may need to invite to register. Council tax records can be used as evidence that a property is empty or that it is not someone’s main residence, which may affect their entitlement to register. Access to these records should include any supplementary notes, which may assist with clarifying who is resident.
- Council tax reduction (formerly council tax benefit): These records may alert you to others living at a property.
- Housing: The records of arms-length management organisations and housing records where the council maintains the housing stock can be inspected for tenants details.
- Housing benefit: Housing benefits are paid directly to an individual and as such can be helpful in identifying new electors.
- Register of households in multiple occupation (HMOs): You should consider using these records to make contact with landlords or managing agents who are likely to be able to provide names of new residents.
- Records held by registrars of deaths and marriages: Information received about marriages and civil partnerships could indicate an additional resident at a property. It may also alert you to a change of name of an existing elector. Or in the case of deaths indicate where an existing elector may need to be removed.
- Lists of residential and care homes / shelters / hostels: Social services (or equivalent department) will be able to provide lists of residential and care homes, as well as shelters and hostels. Wardens of these accommodations may be able to provide information on changes of residents. We have produced a factsheet for care homes in that you can adapt to reflect your particular circumstances.
The factsheet is based on our assisted applications guidance which details what one person can do to support another to register.
- Lists of disabled people receiving council assistance: Social services (or equivalent department) may be able to provide details of certain disabled people living at home, such as those who are blind, deaf, etc., which should also enable you to tailor the service you provide to such individuals.
- Land Registry: Can be used to find information on sales of property, which can provide information on changes, particularly as the name of the buyer is given.
- Planning and building control: Inspection of building control records and liaising with house builders can give an indication of the progress of new developments and whether they are ready for residential occupation. Instead of liaising with planning and building control directly, you may be able to gain the necessary information from the Valuation Office.
- List of new British citizens held by the registrar: The registrar will have information on who has become a British citizen. You are entitled to inspect and make copies of these records, and could use them to identify potential new electors. Information on applying to register to vote could be given to the registrar to include packs they make available to those receiving British citizenship. Depending on their previous/other nationality, someone who has become a British citizen may already be on the electoral register, but information should be provided in any case to ensure that they have the correct franchise.
- Local authority education data: This data may provide information to assist with the identification of potential electors aged 16 to 18 years who may be eligible to be registered as attainers or electors.
- Applications for Voter Authority Certificates and Anonymous Elector Documents: an application for one of these documents may alert you to electors who may need to be added to the electoral register. If you receive such an application then you should send them an Invitation to Register.
You separately have the power to require information from a person who is not the elector. You can use this power where it is required for the purposes of maintaining the register.5 For example, you can use it to require those in charge of multiple occupation establishments or care homes to provide you with information on residents.
To comply with data protection legislation, you need to demonstrate that all information obtained complies with the principles of processing personal data, ensuring that it is processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner. Therefore, you should maintain details of:
- the records to be checked
- a schedule of when those checks are carried out
- the lawful basis on which you are processing that information. For example, Section 9A places an obligation on you, the ERO, to inspect these records as part of your duty to maintain the electoral register, therefore providing the statutory basis by which you are processing that personal data the security in place to protect the data. For example, encrypting/password protecting data whenever it is transmitted, and using secure storage
- action taken on the basis of the information you have obtained
- retention and secure disposal of data (in accordance with your document retention plan)
- 1. Regulations 35(1) and (2) Representation of the People (England & Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 35(1), (2)(a) and (3) Representation of the People (England & Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Paragraph 1(5) of Schedule 2 to the Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 23(1) and 35(1), (2)(a) and (3) Representation of the People (England & Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 23(1) Representation of the People (England & Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
Resources for Electoral Registration Officers - Your public engagement strategy and registration plan
Eligibility to register to vote
Eligibility to register to vote
In order for a person to be eligible to register to vote in England they must meet the eligibility criteria on the relevant date. There are three aspects to the entitlement to be registered:1
- the application is made by someone who appears to be the person named on the application
- any statutory requirements in relation to the application, including how it may be made and the information it must contain, are met
- the person named on the application appears to the ERO to meet the eligibility criteria for registration and is not disqualified from registering
- 1. Section 10ZC(1) Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
What is the relevant date?
What is the relevant date?
You must determine applications for registration based on whether an applicant meets the requirements for registration and whether or not they are disqualified from registration on the relevant date.1 The relevant date varies depending on the way the application is made:
- for an application on a paper form it is the day the application is made,2 i.e. when the form including all the required information is completed by the applicant
- for online applications it is the date the IER Digital Service records the application as being made, the electronic date stamp will be included on the information sent to you
- for telephone and in-person applications (which are allowed at your discretion) it is the time that all the information required for the application has been recorded and the applicant has declared the truth of the information
Regardless of the relevant date on a paper application, you must have received the application to register form by the appropriate deadline for it to be determined and included in the next update to the register.
- 1. Section 10ZC(1) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 4(6) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
At what age can someone register to vote?
At what age can someone register to vote?
A person aged 18 or over on the relevant date who meets the residency and nationality qualifications and is not subject to any legal incapacity to vote is entitled to be registered.1 Additionally, 17 year olds and some 16 year olds are entitled to be included on the register as attainers.2
An attainer is someone who turns 18 by the end of the twelve months following the 1 December after the relevant date.
The register must include the date on which any attainers will be 18 years old, i.e. the date from which they will be entitled to vote.
- 1. Sections 4(1)(d), 3(d), 1(1)(d), 2(1)(d) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 4(5) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
What are the residency requirements for registration purposes?
What are the residency requirements for registration purposes?
A person must be resident, on the relevant date, at the address at which they want to be registered.1 Residence has a particular meaning in electoral law and is not equivalent to residence for other purposes such as income tax or council tax.
Normally a person is resident at an address for electoral purposes if it is their permanent home address.
When making a determination on someone’s residence, you need to consider the circumstances of the applicant, including the purpose they are present at a particular address for and/or the reasons they are absent.
What is a qualifying address for electoral registration purposes?
The qualifying address is the address a person is entitled to be registered at. The applicant or elector must be deemed resident at this address in accordance with electoral legislation.
The register must include the qualifying addresses of those persons registered in it,2 subject to certain exceptions, including overseas and anonymous electors. More detailed information on these exceptions is available in our guidance on special category electors.
Which electors are exempt from the residency requirement?
Certain categories of electors have special provisions entitling them to register despite not meeting the residence requirement. These electors include:
- service voters
- anonymous electors
- overseas electors
On submission of the relevant declaration together with their application to register to vote, such electors will be deemed to meet the residence requirement. Our guidance on special category electors provides further information on these types of electors and the process by which they can register.
Does unlawful occupation of grounds or a property prevent registration?
Unlawful occupation of grounds or a dwelling does not disqualify a person from registering there if it is determined that this is their permanent residence. As a result any issue regarding tenancy, ownership or legal occupation of the property by the applicant must be disregarded in determining whether or not the residence requirement has been met.
- 1. Sections 4(1)(a) and 4(3)(a) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 9(2) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Does temporary absence or presence affect residency?
Does temporary absence or presence affect residency?
Being resident for registration purposes does not require actual occupation of the qualifying address on the relevant date.1
Being away on holiday
Going away on holiday does not affect a person’s residence qualification for electoral registration purposes as long as the qualifying address remains their permanent place of residence and they intend to return to that address after their time away.
Working away from home
Someone being away due to any office, service or employment, will not affect their residence qualification, as long as either:2
- they intend to resume actual residence within a period of six months from when they gave up residence, and the reason for their absence will not prevent them from doing so, or
- the property is a permanent place of residence for the applicant alone or with others and the only reason the applicant is not currently at the property is because of the duty they are undertaking
Residents in temporary accommodation
A person in temporary accommodation with no other home elsewhere may, depending on the circumstances, be considered to be resident at that address. If, however, the person does have a permanent home elsewhere, they may not be deemed to be resident at the temporary address.3
A guest staying at a property does not become resident if they have a permanent home elsewhere. The guest will be deemed to be resident at their permanent home. However, a guest who does not have a permanent home elsewhere may, depending on the circumstances, be regarded as being resident for electoral purposes at that address.
- 1. Section 5(2) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 5(3) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 5(2) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Can electors register to vote at more than one address?
Can electors register to vote at more than one address?
Some electors may be entitled to register at more than one address. When considering an application to register a person at a secondary address you should take into account the purpose for which the elector is present at that address, to establish if they may be deemed resident there. You should consider each case on its own merits.
When coming to a determination you need to consider that:
- a person may have more than one home, but property ownership is not sufficient to establish that someone is resident at an address - it is unlikely that owning a second property which is visited only for recreational purposes would meet the residency qualification
- owning and paying council tax on a property alone is not sufficient to satisfy the residence qualification, this may give an indication of connection to an address but is not evidence of residence
- how the second home is used will affect whether or not someone may be considered to be resident at an address, i.e. is this where the ‘main business of life’ is being conducted?
- temporary presence at an address does not make a person resident there
- temporary absence does not deprive a person of their residence
In each case, a person would need to be able to demonstrate their degree of permanency at both addresses. Each decision must be made on a case-by-case basis.
Students often live at two different addresses, one during term time and one during the holidays. Students are entitled to register in respect of both addresses if you consider that they have their permanent home at both places.1
- 1. Section 5(5) Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Can someone register to vote without a fixed address?
Can someone register to vote without a fixed address?
A person who does not have a fixed or permanent address may register at the place where they spend most of their time, or to which they have a local connection. In some cases they will need to register by making a declaration of local connection.
More information on making and processing declarations of local connection can be found in our guidance on special category electors.
How can merchant seamen register?
Merchant seamen who are not resident in the UK but would be if not for their employment are entitled to be treated as resident at either an address at which they would normally be resident, or at a hostel or club which provides accommodation for merchant seamen and at which they would commonly stay in during the course of their occupation.1
How can gypsy and traveller communities register?
Some members of gypsy or travelling communities may not have a permanent address, although they may settle for a period of time at sites designated by the local authority. When present at those sites for a substantive time, they may be considered to be resident there and may register as ordinary electors.
The local authority, who are responsible for maintaining any sites and ensuring appropriate education is provided for the children, may be able to assist you in assessing the situation in the local area and helping facilitate the registration of any gypsies or travellers who meet the entitlement.
Where there is no address where a particular gypsy and traveller community can be considered resident, they cannot register as ordinary electors. They may instead register by making a declaration of local connection at the place where they spend most of their time, or to where they have a local connection.2
You should consider the presence of any gypsy or travelling communities in your area and decide on the best approach to take locally.
How can people living on narrow boats and other movable residences register?
Any person living permanently on a boat, houseboat or similar residence which has a permanent mooring in Great Britain can be treated as being resident at that address and should be registered as an ordinary elector.
When a person lives on a boat or other similar residence without a permanent mooring, they cannot be treated as being resident at any particular address. They will be entitled to make a registration by declaration of local connection at a place where they spend the most of their time (whether during the day or night).3 This may, for example, be a boatyard used for maintenance.
How can homeless people register?
A homeless person will not have a permanent home address and therefore will not be able to register as an ordinary elector. They may make an application to register by local connection at an address where they spend a substantial part of their time, whether during the day or night.4
It may, for example, be a bus shelter, a park bench or the doorway to a high street store.
- 1. Section 6 Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 7B RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 7B RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 7B RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Can a patient in a mental health hospital register to vote?
Can a patient in a mental health hospital register to vote?
A person admitted as an in-patient in a mental health hospital or other establishment maintained mainly for the reception and treatment of persons with a mental health problem may be registered at the hospital/establishment, if the period they are likely to spend there is sufficient for them to be regarded as resident there.1
Patients in mental health hospitals are also entitled to be registered by making a declaration of local connection at:2
- the address at which they would be living if they were not a patient
- an address where they used to live before they became a patient
A person in a mental health hospital may still be considered resident at their permanent home if their stay in hospital is not long enough for them to be able to be regarded as resident there or for them to be able to register through a declaration of local connection.3
More information on making and processing declarations of local connection can be found in our guidance on special category electors.
Patients in mental health hospitals who are convicted offenders and are legally incapable of voting are not entitled to be registered.4
- 1. Section 7(2) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 7(5)(b) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 7(5)(a) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 3A RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Can prisoners register to vote?
Can prisoners register to vote?
Convicted persons detained in penal institutions are not entitled to be registered because they are legally incapable of voting. However, it is possible that in some limited circumstances, a prisoner may meet the criteria to register to vote.
Can a prisoner on remand register?
A person who has been remanded in custody (but is not a convicted prisoner) who is detained in a penal institution or some other place for custodial purposes, may be deemed to be resident there for registration purposes, if the period of detention is sufficient to enable them to be regarded as being resident there.1
A remand prisoner may also choose to register by making a declaration of local connection at:2
- the address at which they would be living if they were not a prisoner on remand
- an address where they used to live before they became a prisoner on remand
A remand prisoner may still be considered resident at their permanent home if their stay at their place of custody is not long enough for them to be able to be regarded as resident there or for them to be able to register through a declaration of local connection.3
Can a convicted prisoner released on temporary licence register?
Convicted persons detained in penal institutions are not entitled to be registered because they are legally incapable of voting. However, it is possible that in some limited circumstances, convicted prisoners who have been released on temporary licence may meet the criteria to register to vote. In these cases, the person’s place of residence should be determined in the ordinary way.
Our guidance provides further information on the registration options available for prisoners on remand and patients in mental hospitals.
- 1. Section 7A(2) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 7A(5)(b) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 7A(5)(a) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
What are the nationality requirements to register to vote?
What are the nationality requirements to register to vote?
General provisions
An individual’s citizenship is one of the factors that determines which, if any, elections in the UK a person is entitled to be registered to vote at.
If an applicant is unsure regarding any aspect of their nationality, they should be advised to contact the Home Office. You should point out to them that they need to be sure of their nationality before applying – knowingly providing false information on an application is an offence, punishable on summary conviction by up to six months imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.1
- 1. Section 13D Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Registration of British citizens
Registration of British citizens
British citizens fulfil the nationality qualification for registration in respect of all elections in the UK.1
Marriage to a British citizen does not automatically mean someone becomes a British citizen. Being born in the UK does not automatically confer British citizenship either. If an applicant is unsure whether they are a British citizen, they should contact the Home Office to make sure that they meet the nationality qualification before applying.
Citizenship ceremonies
Citizenship ceremonies are the final stage of attaining British citizenship. However, an invitation to a citizenship ceremony is not in itself proof of citizenship.
- 1. Sections 4(1)(c ) and (3)(c ) Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How should an elector with dual nationality be registered?
How should an elector with dual nationality be registered?
Some applicants may have more than one nationality. You should always process an application in accordance with the nationality that provides the higher level of franchise.
For example, an application stating that the applicant is a dual German and British citizen should be registered as a British citizen, as this gives them the wider franchise.
Applicants who state in their application that they have dual nationality as an EU19 citizen and another citizenship which is not:
- British
- Irish
- Commonwealth
- EU5 1
must answer a historical citizenship question. Applicants with dual nationality where both their nationalities are EU19, (e.g. French/German) must confirm whether they have held their EU19 citizenship since on or before 31 December 2020 which is the Implementation Period Commencement Date (IPCD).
Where the applicant applies using a paper form the ERO will need to write out and ask the elector the question. Applications made online will automatically be asked the question as part of the online journey.
If the applicant answers that they held their EU19 citizenship on or before 31 December 2020 they meet the retained rights eligibility criteria and they are eligible to register and vote in local government and PCC elections and the register should include a B marker.
If the applicant answers that they obtained their EU19 citizenship after the 31 December 2020 they are not eligible to register.
When writing to the elector to request an answer to the historical citizenship question you should wait for a reasonable period of time after contacting an applicant for them to supply the answer. After that period of time has elapsed, you should write to the applicant to let them know that as they have not responded you have determined them as ineligible to register.
While a reasonable period of time is not defined in legislation, in our view this should be no longer than 28 days. Where there is an election or petition due to take place you should ensure you notify the applicant of the deadline to supply the information to enable the application to be processed for that relevant election or petition.
Where an application is made by a resident who is ineligible to register (for example, a US citizen), their application must be disallowed2 and a notice must be sent to the applicant.3 This notice should make it clear that the application failed the nationality qualification and what steps should be taken should they also hold an eligible nationality. If an applicant does also hold a nationality that would entitle them to register, they can make a new application to register which should include details of all nationalities held.
- 1. Regulation 26(1)(fa), Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 and s203B(1)(b) Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 29(6), Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Reg 29(7), Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Can a Commonwealth citizen register to vote?
Can a Commonwealth citizen register to vote?
Qualifying Commonwealth citizens are entitled to register as Parliamentary and as local government electors provided that on the relevant date they also fulfil the age and residence requirements for registration and are not subject to any other legal incapacity.1
Citizens of Commonwealth countries other than the United Kingdom are not eligible to register as overseas electors.2
Qualifying Commonwealth citizen3
A person is a qualifying Commonwealth citizen if they do not require permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man or they do require permission to enter or stay in the UK but have been granted such permission, or are treated as having been granted such permission.
Any type of permission to enter or stay is acceptable, whether indefinite, time limited or conditional.
Commonwealth citizens temporarily in the UK and pending removal
The Home Office have advised that Commonwealth citizens who are temporarily in the UK pending removal, are not in the UK legally whilst arrangements for their removal are being made. As these citizens do not have permission to enter or stay they are not eligible to register to vote.
List of Commonwealth countries | ||
Antigua and Barbuda | Jamaica | Saint Lucia |
Australia | Kenya | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
The Bahamas | Kingdom of Eswatini | Samoa |
Bangladesh | Kiribati | Seychelles |
Barbados | Lesotho | Sierra Leone |
Belize | Malawi | Singapore |
Botswana | Malaysia | Solomon Islands |
Brunei Darussalam | Maldives | South Africa |
Cameroon | Malta* | Sri Lanka |
Canada | Mauritius | Togo |
Cyprus* | Mozambique | Tonga |
Dominica | Namibia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Fiji | Nauru | Tuvalu |
Gabon | New Zealand | Uganda |
The Gambia | Nigeria | United Kingdom |
Ghana | Pakistan | United Republic of Tanzania |
Grenada | Papua New Guinea | Vanuatu |
Guyana | Rwanda | Zambia |
India | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Zimbabwe |
*Although also EU member states, citizens of Cyprus and Malta are eligible to be registered to vote in respect of all elections held in the UK.
Citizens of Commonwealth countries that have been suspended from the Commonwealth retain their voting rights. Their voting rights would only be affected if their country was also deleted from the list of Commonwealth countries in the British Nationality Act 1981 through an Act of the UK Parliament.
How do you process an application from a citizen of Cyprus?
For registration purposes, the whole of Cyprus is considered to be a Commonwealth country and you should not be concerned with the political situation of the island. If there is any doubt as to whether a person from Cyprus should be registered, they should be asked to provide confirmation that they are Cypriot, such as a Uniform Format Form (Opens in new window) with a UK visa, UK residence permit showing Cypriot nationality, or other appropriate evidence. Registration as a Cypriot national cannot be based solely on a Turkish passport.
- 1. Sections 4(1)(c ) and (3)(c ) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Sections 1(1) and 2 RPA 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 4(6) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Can a citizen from the British Overseas Territories register to vote?
Can a citizen from the British Overseas Territories register to vote?
British Overseas Territories citizens have the same status as Commonwealth citizens and are entitled to register as electors in respect of all elections, provided that they also fulfil the age and residence requirements for such registration and are not subject to any other legal incapacity.
British Overseas Territories | |
Anguilla | Montserrat |
Bermuda | Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands |
British Antarctic Territory | St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha |
British Indian Ocean Territory | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Cayman Islands | Sovereign Base areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia on Cyprus |
Falkland Islands | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Gibraltar | Virgin Islands |
British Overseas Territories citizens are not eligible to register as overseas electors, unless they also hold British citizenship, in which case they would be eligible providing they also meet the relevant eligibility conditions.
How do you process an application from a citizen from Hong Kong?
Following its transfer to Chinese sovereignty on 1 July 1997, Hong Kong was deleted from the list of British Overseas Territories. As a result, former residents of Hong Kong are not automatically qualifying Commonwealth citizens.
Only those previous residents of Hong Kong who hold a British Overseas Territories, British Nationals (Overseas) or British Overseas passport meet the nationality criterion for all elections in the UK. Any previous resident of Hong Kong who only has a Chinese Special Administrative Region passport is Chinese and may not register.
If an elector declares their nationality to be Hong Kong Chinese then you should exercise your powers to require evidence of the elector’s actual nationality and confirm the type of passport that they hold.
Can a citizen from the British Crown Dependencies register to vote?
Can a citizen from the British Crown Dependencies register to vote?
The British Crown Dependencies consist of the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands including Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney, Herm and the other inhabited Channel Islands.
Citizens of the British Crown Dependencies who are resident in the UK are considered to be Commonwealth citizens for the purposes of electoral registration. However, unlike Commonwealth citizens, they may register as overseas electors.
Can a citizen from the European Union register to vote?
Can a citizen from the European Union register to vote?
Providing they meet with the age and residency requirements and that they are not legally incapable of voting citizens from member countries of the European Union are eligible to register to vote in local government elections if they are either:
- a qualifying EU citizen
- an EU citizen with retained rights
Citizens of the Republic of Ireland, Cyprus and Malta are eligible to be registered to vote in respect of all elections in the UK.
Qualifying EU citizens
A person is a qualifying EU citizen if they:1
- are a citizen of a country with which the UK has bilateral Voting and Candidacy Rights (VCR) treaty
- are resident in the UK with any form of permission to stay, or do not require such permission
Permission to enter or stay in the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man is also known as leave to enter or remain.
Currently the UK holds bilateral treaties with the following countries:
- Denmark
- Luxembourg
- Poland
- Portugal
- Spain
In this guidance we refer to these countries as the EU5.
Citizens of EU countries with reciprocal voting treaties that cease to apply retain their voting rights. Their voting rights would only be affected if their country was also deleted from the list of countries in Schedule 6A of the Representation of the People Act 1983, through legislation in the UK Parliament.
EU citizens with retained rights
A person is an EU citizen with retained rights if they:2
- are a citizen of a country with which the UK does not have bilateral Voting and Candidacy Rights (VCR) treaty
- have been legally resident in the UK since before the UK left the EU on 31/12/2020 (the Implementation Period Completion Date – IPCD)
The member states of the European Union which do not currently have a bilateral VCR treaty with the UK and are not also Commonwealth countries (or Ireland) are:
Countries | |
Austria | Hungary |
Belgium | Italy |
Bulgaria | Latvia |
Croatia | Lithuania |
Czech Republic | The Netherlands |
Estonia | Romania |
Finland | Slovakia |
France | Slovenia |
Germany | Sweden |
Greece |
In this guidance we refer to these countries as the EU19.
*Citizens of the Republic of Ireland, Cyprus and Malta are eligible to be registered to vote in respect of all elections in the UK.
Determining eligibility of an elector with EU Settled status
Providing that EU Settled status (EUSS) has been granted to the individual in their own right and not on the grounds of being a joining family member, a grant of EU settled status is sufficient to confirm a person meets the residency requirements, no matter when the EUSS was granted.
This is because having personal EUSS can be taken as evidence that an individual has been resident in the UK continuously since at least IPCD, regardless of when it was granted.
Obtaining EUSS requires the individual to have been legally resident before the IPCD.
This includes any individual who has a personal settled or pre-settled status – either of which can be taken as evidence they meet the new eligibility criteria.
EUSS as a joining family member
If an individual has EUSS as a joining family member it can be assumed that they have not been resident continuously since at least IPCD and as such would not meet the required eligibility criteria of an EU citizen with retained rights.
If they had their own continuous legal immigration status since the IPCD they would have been granted their own EUSS, and not that of a joining family member.
You can ask any such individuals to confirm if they gained settled/pre-settled status on the grounds of being a joining family member or not. If they did, they would not be eligible under the new eligibility criteria.
- 1. Section 203A Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 203B RPA 1983 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Which nationalities can vote at which elections?
Which nationalities can vote at which elections?
UK Parliamentary elections
All British, Republic of Ireland and qualifying Commonwealth citizens meet the nationality requirement to register to vote in UK Parliamentary elections.1
Local government elections
British citizens, qualifying EU citizens, EU citizens with retained rights and qualifying Commonwealth citizens all meet the nationality requirement to register to vote in local government elections.2
Other elections
The local government election franchise is also used as the basis for elections to the Greater London Authority,3 as well as for Police and Crime Commissioner elections.4
We have produced a resource outlining the nationality requirements for each type of election.
- 1. Section 1(1)(c) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 2(1)(c) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 36(2A) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 51(6) Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Data protection considerations for the provision of nationality information
Data protection considerations for the provision of nationality information
Data protection legislation does not affect the requirement for nationality information to be provided on an application. However nationality data is classed as special category of personal data because it may reveal an individual’s racial or ethnic origin.
Data protection legislation prohibits the processing of special categories of personal data unless an additional lawful basis beyond those for the main purposes of processing data are met. The appropriate lawful basis for processing special categories of personal data for electoral purposes would be that it is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest and with a basis in UK law.
Additionally, the Data Protection Act 2018 requires that in order to process nationality data – whether as part of an application to register, or in relation to staff appointments – you must have in place a ’Policy Document’ which, amongst other things, must explain:
- the procedures for complying with the data protection principles
- the policies for retention and erasure
Your policy document will need to reflect your local procedures and policies for the processing, retention and erasure of personal data.
This policy document must be:
- kept until six months after the processing ceases
- reviewed and updated at appropriate times
- made available to the ICO on request
Our data protection guidance for EROs and ROs contains further information on special categories of data and the need for a policy document. The guidance also highlights the need to ensure that a Privacy Notice is published on your website before carrying out any collection of data.
Your powers to request further information
Your powers to request further information
If you are not satisfied that an applicant or elector is eligible to be registered, you have the powers to request documentary evidence from them in regard to their residency, date of birth and/or nationality.
You also have the general power to require any third party to provide information about any aspect in relation to a person’s entitlement to be registered.1
You separately have the power to require information from any other person for the purposes of maintaining the register.2
Failure to respond to a request for information could lead to a £1,000 fine.3
Where you formally request information you should make clear the maximum fine they may incur if they do not respond.
If any fee is payable in connection with the production of the evidence you require, you must pay the fee and treat it as part of the registration expenses paid by the local authority.4
Guidance on the use of this power to verify applicants who cannot provide any of the information required on an application is contained in our guidance on the exceptions process.
- 1. Regulation 23 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 23(1) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 23(3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 24 (3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Requesting evidence of residency at a particular address
Requesting evidence of residency at a particular address
If you are not satisfied that an applicant or elector is resident at a particular address, you can ask them to provide further information.1 For example, you may have local knowledge that suggests that the applicant is not resident. While it will be in the interest of the elector or applicant to respond, you cannot require them to provide you with this information. Where they do not respond and you cannot obtain this information through other means, you may put their application on hold or review their registration.
You could also use your power to require information from any other person for the purposes of maintaining the register2 in regard to an applicant or elector’s residence in some circumstances, for example, you could require those in charge of multiple occupation establishments to provide you with information on residents.
- 1. Regulations 26B and 23(1A) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 23(1) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Requesting evidence of someone's date of birth
Requesting evidence of someone's date of birth
Date of birth checks form part of the application verification process.
If you are not satisfied as to any applicant or elector’s age, you have the power to require the applicant or elector to provide documentary evidence confirming their date of birth.1
You can ask for the following evidence that will help you decide whether or not someone satisfies the age criterion:2
- a birth certificate
- a certificate of naturalisation
- a document showing that a person has become a citizen of another Commonwealth country (although this may, in some cases, not include a date of birth)
If someone does not know their date of birth, there are certain documents you can require them to submit to you under the exceptions process. You also have the power to request additional evidence in order to verify the identity of an applicant.
- 1. Regulation 24 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulations 24(2)(a), (b), and (d)(i) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Requesting evidence of someone’s nationality or immigration status
Requesting evidence of someone’s nationality or immigration status
Evidence of nationality
If you are not satisfied as to any applicant or elector’s nationality, you have the power to require the applicant or elector to provide documentary evidence confirming their nationality. You can ask for the following evidence:1
- a birth certificate
- a certificate of naturalisation
- where a person has made an application to register as an overseas elector, further evidence as to their status as a British citizen
- a document showing that someone has become a Commonwealth citizen
Evidence of immigration status for EU citizens with retained rights
In order to determine whether an EU applicant satisfies the historical residency requirements and can be registered at an EU citizen with retained rights, EROs have the power to require evidence of their historic immigration status.
EROs may hold or have access to a range of data for the purpose of their registration duties and the legislation is not prescriptive about what data can be used to help establish if an elector is an EU citizen with retained rights.
If your EMS holds sufficient registration history to identify if an EU19 citizen was registered prior to the implementation period commencement date (IPCD), you can use this information to determine them as eligible to registered as an EU citizen with retained rights.
If you do not have access to registration history and still require further information in order to determine whether the elector is an EU citizen with retained rights, you may require the elector, if they have not already done so, to declare they have been in the UK since before IPCD and provide a share code that will allow you to view the elector’s immigration status using the view and prove service (Opens in new window) .
The confirmation of the date an elector arrived in the UK is important because the view and prove service will only provide assurance of a current immigration status which can also be applied to individuals here on the family scheme who may have arrived post-IPCD.
Some applicants will not be able to provide a code and, in these circumstances, you should request any letters or documents issued by the Home Office which confirm the current or historical immigration status of the elector.
If documentary evidence is provided by an applicant and the name on any document differs from the name under which an applicant is applying to be registered the applicant should also provide evidence which should show a clear link between the evidence and the name in which they are applying to register. Acceptable documents to prove this link may include:
- marriage or civil partnership certificate
- overseas marriage or civil partnership certificate
- enrolled deed poll
- unenrolled deed poll or change of name deed
- statutory declaration or affidavit
- baptismal or confirmation certificate (for first names only)birth certificate
- certificate of naturalisation or registration
- adoption order/certificate
This list is not exhaustive and it is for you to decide whether a document constitutes satisfactory proof of a link between the name of the elector and any other documentary evidence.
You should request copies of the evidence either by post or by electronic means. The applicant may attend your offices in person with either copies or original documents if they do not wish to send copies. Copies of documents provided by applicants, or taken by you of the original documents, must be stored securely in the same way as application forms.
You must be satisfied that the documents or copies provided appear to be genuine. If you have any doubts, or if the copy is of such poor quality that you cannot make an assessment, you may ask the applicant to present the original document(s) to you in person or to send original documents to be copied and returned. However, you should be aware that you would become responsible for the secure transit of the document.
Where there has been more than one change of name, the applicant should provide sufficient documentary evidence to show a clear link between their name on the documentary evidence and the name in which they wish to register.
Evidence of immigration status for any eligible nationality
In order to be entitled to register to vote a person must be legally resident in the UK. If you are in any doubt as to whether an applicant or elector is legally resident, you can request the applicant provides a statutory declaration that they are a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, or a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, or qualifying EU citizen or citizen of the EU with retained rights. You may also request a check of a person’s immigration status against Home Office records.
You may also request a check of a person’s immigration status against Home Office records.
Further guidance on this process and contact details are available by contacting the Home Office: [email protected] (Opens in new window). You will be asked to complete a template which will be provided – please complete and return the section below the heading ‘Subject 1’ to the same email address. The Home Office have requested one template per subject per email, and that ‘ER’ be added to the subject header for each email to ensure that it goes into the correct folder for a response. The Home Office will respond within five working days unless a file is required, in which case it will respond within ten working days. The fact that you may require additional evidence of an applicant’s nationality, and may request checks of a person’s immigration status against Government records is included on the registration application form approved by the Minister and made available to you by the Commission.
- 1. Regulation 24 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How does legal incapacity affect the right to register to vote?
How does legal incapacity affect the right to register to vote?
A person subject to a legal incapacity to vote cannot be included on the register of electors.1
Peers who are members of the House of Lords2 are disqualified from voting at UK Parliamentary elections and therefore are not entitled to be registered in the UK Parliamentary register of electors. They do, however, qualify to be registered in the local government register of electors as they are not disqualified from voting in local government elections.3
A full list of members of the House of Lords can be found on the House of Lords website. Alternatively, the Information Office at the House of Lords will be able to assist with enquiries by email or can be contacted by telephoning 0800 223 0855 or 020 7219 3107.
Detained convicted prisoners
Detained convicted prisoners who have been found guilty of an offence (excluding contempt of court) and are detained in prison (except for detention in consequence of non-compliance with a non-custodial sentence) are not legally capable of voting and therefore not eligible to be included in the register of electors. This applies whether the person is in prison or unlawfully at large.4
It is possible in some limited circumstances, convicted prisoners who are released on temporary licence may meet the criteria to register to vote, given that such prisoners may not be detained within the meaning of section 3 RPA 1983.
Convicted offenders detained in a mental health hospital
Convicted offenders that are detained in a mental health hospital (or are unlawfully at large) are not legally capable of voting and therefore cannot be included in the register of electors.5
Persons found guilty of electoral offences
Persons found guilty of:
- the corrupt practice of personation
- found guilty of a corrupt practice relating to applications for postal and proxy votes
are legally incapable of being registered to vote for five years from the date of the conviction or the report of an election court.6
Persons found guilty of:
- knowingly voting or applying to vote when subject to a legal incapacity to vote
- knowingly appointing a proxy who is subject to a legal incapacity to vote
- knowingly voting as proxy on behalf of someone who is subject to a legal incapacity to vote
- multiple voting (both as an elector or a proxy)
are legally incapable of being registered to vote for three years from the date of the conviction or election court report:7
There may be some occasions where a court does not impose any further incapacity to register to vote or mitigates or ends any existing incapacity. You will therefore need to make a determination on a case-by-case basis, having regard where possible to any judgments or court reports. A successful appeal against a conviction would also remove the legal incapacity.
- 1. Section 4 Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 3(2) House of Lords Act 1999 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 3(2) House of Lords Act 1999 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 3 RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Section 3A RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Sections 60, 62, 173(1), (2) and (3) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Sections 61, 173(1), (2) and (3) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
How does mental capacity affect the right to register to vote?
How does mental capacity affect the right to register to vote?
A lack of mental capacity is not a legal incapacity to vote.1 Persons who meet the other registration qualifications are eligible for registration regardless of their mental capacity.
Voting rights
While electors with any level or no level of mental capacity may be registered to vote, the decision as to whether and how to vote at an election must be made by the elector themselves and not by any other person on their behalf. Those who care for or who otherwise make decisions on behalf of a person may not make decisions on voting.
For more information on the registration of patients in mental hospitals see our guidance.
- 1. Section 73 Electoral Administration Act 2006 (EAA 2006) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Resources for Electoral Registration Officers - Eligibility to register to vote
Special category electors
Special arrangements apply to some electors, including those who do not meet the usual residence qualification.
These are:
- overseas electors, i.e. British citizens living outside the UK
- HM forces service voters (and their spouses or civil partners)
- Crown servants and British Council employees (and their spouses or civil partners)
- electors who have a declaration of local connection, who include people living in the UK but who have no permanent address or fixed address
- anonymously registered electors, i.e. those who can register anonymously because their safety would be at risk if they appeared on the register using their name
- patients in mental health hospitals whose stay at the hospital is sufficient for them to be regarded as resident there
- remand prisoners whose stay at a penal institution is sufficient for them to be regarded as resident there
As well as providing the same information as ordinary electors in their application to register, they must provide additional specific information, through a declaration, to register as a special category elector.
ITR Reminders
The duty to send a second and third invitation to non-responding new potential electors and the duty to make at least one personal visit does not apply where someone has made an application1 :
- under Section 7(2) or 7A(2) of the RPA 1983
- by making a declaration of local connection, service declaration or overseas elector’s declaration
- to register anonymously
Data protection
Data protection legislation requires you to have a policy document in place when processing special categories of personal data, which includes nationality data received as part of an application to register.
We have produced guidance on the requirement to have a policy document when processing special categories of personal data, including what it must contain.
- 1. Regulation 32ZD(6) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Overseas electors
This section contains guidance on who can make an application to register as an overseas elector and how an application can be made.
To be eligible to register as an overseas elector an individual must meet either the previously registered or previously resident eligibility conditions and pass identity verification checks.
The previously registered condition applies to a person who was previously registered to vote in the UK, either before they left the UK or as an overseas elector and the previously resident condition applies to a person who was previously resident in the UK (including those who left the UK before they were old enough to register to vote).
The guidance covers the actions you should take as ERO to carry out both stages of processing these applications. It includes guidance on how to carry out checks of further information to be able to be satisfied that an elector meets the eligibility conditions for overseas electors and passes the identity verification checks, through use of the IER digital service, local data matching, and where necessary the exceptions and attestation processes.
It also covers absent voting arrangements for overseas electors and how overseas electors will be shown on the register of electors.
Transitional arrangements for overseas electors
The Representation of the People (Overseas Electors) (Amendment) Regulations 2023 commenced on 16 January 2024.
In addition to the expansion of the franchise for British citizens living overseas and changes to eligibility conditions, the new provisions also change the renewal cycle for overseas electors.
Following commencement, transitional arrangements will be in place to cover the change to the renewal cycle from every 12 months to every 3 years for existing overseas electors.
You should ensure that applications and renewals received while the transitional arrangements are in place are date stamped to enable you to tell when an overseas elector application or renewal has been received. Overseas elector applications made online will be electronically dated and time-stamped when received into the ERO Portal (EROP). You should date stamp paper applications upon receipt so that you have an audit trail of which applications were received.
This will enable you to process the application or renewal in line with the guidance contained in this section.
Overseas electors with existing postal votes
Postal voting arrangements in place for overseas electors made before the 31 October 2023 will end no later than the period of registration remaining on their existing declaration (which will not exceed 12 months). You will need to contact the elector before their declaration expires to advise them that they will need to reapply for a postal vote. Our guidance on Absent vote applications made outside of the overseas elector renewal cycle has more information.
Eligibility conditions for registering as an overseas elector
British citizens (which includes eligible Irish citizens and citizens of the Crown Dependencies)1 may register as overseas electors if they are now living abroad, providing they are:
- a person who was previously registered to vote in the UK, either before they left the UK or as an overseas elector – known as the previously registered condition
- a person who was previously resident in the UK (including those who left the UK before they were old enough to register to vote) – known as the previously resident condition
Applicants must apply to register as an overseas elector in respect of the address where they were last registered to vote in the UK2 or, if they have never been registered, the last address at which they were resident in the UK.
Previously registered condition
An applicant must use the previously registered condition if they have at any point been previously registered to vote in the UK.3
If an applicant has been previously registered at more than one address, they should apply in respect of the one they were most recently registered at.
If an applicant was previously registered in respect of more than one address simultaneously then the elector must choose which one of those addresses to register in connection with.
Examples of individuals who may be eligible to register under this condition include:
- a person who, before they left the UK, was registered to vote as an ordinary elector
- a person who has previously been registered as an overseas elector and whose declaration has expired
- a person last registered on the basis of a declaration of local connection, as a merchant seaman or as a service voter.
Previously resident condition
To be eligible under the previously resident condition an applicant must have been previously resident4 in the UK but never been registered to vote. This includes:
- a person who was resident in the UK but not registered
- a person who was too young to register when they left the UK
- a person who was of no fixed abode5
when they left the UK and who would have been eligible to make a declaration of local connection or who left the UK before 2001 (when declaration of local connection provisions were not in force).
- 1. Part 1 and Section 50 British National Act 1981 and S2 Representation of the People Act 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 14, 1A(2)(a), Elections Act 2022 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 14 1A(2)(a) EA22 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 14 1A(3)(b)(ii) EA22 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Section 14 1A(3)(b)(ii) EA22 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
How to make a new application to register as an overseas elector
Individuals can make a new application to register as an overseas elector:
- online via the central government website -
- by providing the necessary information in writing (e.g. on a paper form)
- telephone (if you offer the service)
Online applications
The online application portal is hosted on GOV.UK. If you have an email address for a potential elector you could, in the first instance, use it to encourage them to submit an online application or issue an application by electronic means.
Existing overseas electors who are renewing their registration can provide their declaration in any format, so a letter, email or paper application form are acceptable.1 Our guidance on the renewals process for existing overseas electors has more information on this.
Paper applications
We produce printable overseas elector application forms which you can use. They are published on our website and on GOV.UK. We also provide versions of the forms in a range of accessible formats, such as large print and easy read.
Telephone applications
For the benefit and convenience of electors, you should offer this service wherever possible. This will also help you meet your duties under the Equalities Act 2010, as people who may have difficulties completing a paper or online application will have the opportunity to apply without the need to provide the information in writing.
If you are unable to provide telephone applications for all, you may allow these at your discretion in certain circumstances, and you should do so to assist disabled applicants in order to help as many electors as possible register to vote and to meet equalities obligations.
- 1. Regulation 22B Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
What must an application to register as an overseas elector contain?
An application to register as an overseas elector must contain all of the following:
- the applicant’s full name1
- the applicant’s date of birth or, if they are unable to provide this, the reason why and a statement as to whether the applicant is under 18 years old or aged 76 or over2
- the applicant’s National Insurance number or, if they are not able to provide this, the reason they are not able to do so3
- an indication of whether their name should be omitted from the edited register4
- if the application is accompanied by an application for an anonymous entry, a statement of that fact5
- a declaration that the contents of the application are true6
- the date of the application7
- the appropriate declaration (the details of the content of the declaration are listed below).
The declaration must include:8
- the full name of the person making the declaration9
- the applicant’s present address (to be used for correspondence)10
- a statement that the applicant is a British citizen11
- a statement that the applicant is not resident in the UK on the date of the declaration12
- a statement as to whether the applicant is seeking to be registered based on the previous registration condition or the previous residence condition13
- a statement that the applicant believes the matters stated in the declaration to be true14
- if they have a British passport which describes their national status as a British citizen, the number, date and place of issue of that passport – even if that passport has expired15
- if they do not have such a passport but were born in the UK before 1 January 1983, a statement of that fact16
- if they do not have such a passport and were not born in the UK before 1 January 1983, a statement of when and how they acquired British citizenship, together with the date, place and country of their birth17
- the date of the declaration18
If an applicant's has a correspondence address that is different from their present address they may provide both addresses in their declaration. You may maintain a record of both the present and correspondence address but only the present address is published on the list of overseas electors. For more information, see our guidance on How should overseas electors be listed in the register?
A declaration received later than three months after it is dated must be rejected.19 The applicant should be informed and invited to submit a fresh declaration.
Depending on the qualifying condition the applicant is applying under, the application must contain additional information either related to the previously registered or previously resident condition as appropriate.
Applicant is using the previously registered qualifying condition
If the applicant is using the previously registered qualifying condition, the declaration must also include the following:
- the last UK address at which they were registered20
- when they were last included on a register there21
- a statement that the applicant’s entry in that register ceased to have effect and that they have not been included in any electoral register since (whether in respect of that or any other address)22
- if they have changed their name since they were last registered, their previous name and the reason for the change of name23
- an indication if the applicant was previously registered via:24
- an overseas elector’s declaration
- a service declaration
- a declaration of local connection
If an applicant states on their declaration that they were simultaneously registered in respect of two addresses before they left the UK, you should advise the applicant to nominate one of these as part of their application to register.
Applicant is using the previously resident qualifying condition
If the applicant is using the previously resident qualifying condition, the application must also include the following:
- the UK address at which they were resident25
- when they were last resident there26
- a statement that since being resident at that address, the applicant has not been resident at any other address in the UK27
- if they have changed their name since they were last resident, their previous name and the reason for the change of name28
- If they were younger than 18 when they left the UK29 (the applicant may provide documentary evidence or information as evidence as part of their declaration)30
If the applicant is using the previously resident qualifying condition, on the basis that they could have made a declaration of local connection in respect of an address,31 the following information must be included in the declaration:
- the address in respect of which the applicant could have made a declaration of local connection on the last day on which the applicant was resident32
- a statement as to which category of declaration of local connection applied33 and, if the category of declaration of local connection was as a mental health patient, the name and address of the hospital34
- if they have changed their name since they were last resident at the address at which they could have made a declaration of local connection, their previous name and the reason for the change of name35
- 1. Regulation 26(1)(a) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Reg. 26(1)(e) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Reg. 26(1)(f) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Reg. 26(1)(h) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Reg. 26(1)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Reg. 26(1)(j) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Reg. 26(1)(k) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Reg. 18 RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Section 1C(1)(a) Representation of the People Act 1985 (as amended) (RPA 1985) ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
- 10. Reg. 18(4) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 10
- 11. Section 1C(1)(c) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 11
- 12. Section 1C(1)(d) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 12
- 13. Section 1C(1)(e) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 13
- 14. Section 1C(1)(g) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 14
- 15. Reg. 18(5)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 15
- 16. Reg. 18(5)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 16
- 17. Reg. 18(5)(c) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 17
- 18. Section 1C(1)(b) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 18
- 19. Section 2(6) RPA 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 19
- 20. Section 1A(3)(b)(i) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 20
- 21. Section 1C(2)(a)(ii) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 21
- 22. Section 1C(2)(b) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 22
- 23. Reg.18(2)(a)and(3) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 23
- 24. Reg. 18(7) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 24
- 25. Section 1C (3)(a)(i) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 25
- 26. Section 1C (3)(a)(ii) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 26
- 27. Section 1C (3)(b)(i) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 27
- 28. Reg. 18 (2)(b)(i)and(3) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 28
- 29. Reg. 18 (8)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 29
- 30. Reg. 18(8)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 30
- 31. Section 1A (3)(b)(ii) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 31
- 32. Section 1C(4) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 32
- 33. Reg. 18(8)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 33
- 34. Reg. 18(8)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 34
- 35. Reg. 18(2)(b) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 35
Anonymous overseas electors
A person may apply to be an anonymous overseas elector if they meet the qualifications for both overseas and anonymous elector registration1
Anonymous domestic electors must reapply to register on an annual basis. However, as an overseas elector entitlement lasts for three years, overseas electors who wish to register anonymously may reapply for an anonymous entry on the register each year without having to reapply to register as an overseas elector.2
Anonymous electors must provide their qualifying address for their overseas application in their application to be registered anonymously.
Anonymous registration applications may be submitted electronically (by email) but cannot be submitted via the online application portal. However, all anonymous renewals must still contain a wet-ink signature. Digital signatures, as written by a stylus or similar device, may not be used.
Anonymous overseas electors will be listed differently in the register to other overseas electors. For more information, please see our guidance on how anonymous electors appear in the register.
For more information on the requirements of anonymous registration, please see our guidance on anonymous electors.
- 1. Section 9B Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 25ZA Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001(as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Processing overseas elector applications
This section contains guidance on the actions you should take as ERO to process a new application to register as an overseas elector.
There are two types of verification that must be carried out before you can determine an application.
You must:
- verify that the applicant meets the condition of being previously registered or previously resident at the address provided in their application
- verify the applicant’s identity
The applicant will either have provided an address at which they were previously registered or an address at which they were previously resident. You can find further information in our guidance on Eligibility conditions for registering as an overseas elector.
This section provides guidance on the information you can use to be satisfied that the applicant qualifies under either condition, and on how you should verify an applicant’s identify.
All applications and declarations including any documentary evidence should be processed as soon as possible after receipt.
If you receive an application where the qualifying address falls outside your area, you should forward it to the relevant ERO without delay.
There is no legal requirement for an application to be acknowledged, although you do have discretion to send an acknowledgement if you wish. In all cases, you are required to send a confirmation of whether the application is successful or not. Our guidance on confirming applications and declarations has more information on this.
Checking the applicant’s qualification to register under the previously registered condition
For an applicant to qualify to register under this condition they must have been previously registered to vote in the UK and are required to provide the address at which they were last registered. This is in addition to the need to verify the applicant’s identity.
You must be satisfied that the applicant was previously registered at the address they have provided.1 In most instances, this will involve checking previous registers where these are held, either digitally or in hard copy. Retaining historical registers for as long as is practicable will assist you with undertaking such checks of applicants’ previous registration.
Checking electoral registers
The applicant will have provided a date that they were last registered as part of their declaration.
If an applicant has recently moved overseas the current register can be checked to find their registration entry. However, if an applicant left the UK some time ago, and you hold historical registers in an easily accessible format or location, you should check whether the applicant was on the relevant register.
An applicant’s declaration may contain other information that can assist you to locate their previous registration. For example, if the applicant was last registered as an overseas elector, service voter or via a declaration of local connection, they may be listed in a distinct part of the register.
Information that an applicant has changed their name since they were last registered may also assist you in identifying the previous registration of the applicant more easily.
You should check registers either side of the date the applicant claims they were last registered, to cover the possibility that the applicant may have supplied the wrong date.
If you cannot find the applicant’s entry, you cannot confirm that they were previously registered. You should consider this as evidence that the person is not eligible under the previously registered condition as they have applied in respect of an address which they were not registered at, and reject the application on that basis.
If the applicant has ever been previously registered at any other address (or addresses) in the UK, you should advise the applicant to make another application using their next most recent address. If their next application is rejected on the basis that they were not on the register, they can continue to make applications at the next most recent address(es) where they may have been registered, working backwards chronologically. If the applicant has no more addresses at which they were previously registered, they may then apply to register on using the previously resident criteria.
You should consider how accessible older copies of the register are, especially those that are from before the 15-year period relevant to the previous overseas elector registration rules.
When is it not feasible to use electoral registers to check an applicant’s qualification to register under the previously registered condition?
It may not always be feasible to check electoral registers, for example:
- the applicant left the UK a long time ago and you are unable to access the relevant register or you no longer hold it because it is stored offsite and/or archived or it is held outside the EMS in an inaccessible format
- if the time and/or cost of doing so would significantly affect the ERO’s ability to complete other duties which may adversely impact other applicants and electors
Next steps if you are unable to use electoral registers to check an applicant’s qualification under the previously registered condition
You should not take a decision to reject an application based solely on a register check not being feasible.
If you are unable to check electoral registers, you can choose to use other information available to you to assist you in being satisfied that the applicant meets the previously registered condition.
These include:
- using the result of the automated match against DWP records
- checking other locally-held records
- using any documentary evidence provided by the applicant at the time of application, or requesting such evidence where it hasn’t already been provided
If, after you have carried out the checks of other information available, you remain unable to be satisfied that the applicant meets the previously registered condition, you can choose to either:
- review your decision relating to the feasibility of checking electoral registers
- reject the application
- consider any exceptional circumstances
There may be exceptional circumstances where an applicant is unable to provide you with documentary evidence to support their application and is also unable to provide an attestation.
In these circumstances, you should ask the applicant for an explanation as to the specific reasons why they are unable to provide you with the evidence or attestation. If you are satisfied with the explanation given, you may consider the information included in an applicant’s declaration is sufficient evidence that they meet the previously registered condition, given that you have attempted, but been unable to, obtain either documentary evidence or an attestation from the applicant.
You should be sure you have taken all the steps available to you before taking a decision to reject an application.
- 1. Section 1B (2)(a) Representation of the People Act 1985 (as amended by Elections Act 2022) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Checking the applicant's qualification to register under the previously resident condition
For an applicant to qualify to register under this condition, they must have been previously resident in the UK and not have been previously registered.
If you have reason to believe that an applicant may have been previously registered at any time then a residency application should be rejected and the elector should be advised to apply in respect of the last address at which they were registered, even if they have since been resident elsewhere.
If you are satisfied the previously resident condition applies, rather than the registration condition, an applicant is required to provide the last address at which they were resident in the UK. This is in addition to the need to verify the applicant’s identity.
You must be satisfied that an applicant was previously resident at that address.1 You can use any additional information available to you to assist you in being satisfied that the applicant meets the previously resident condition. Our guidance on Carrying out checks of further information to satisfy the eligibility conditions for overseas electors has more information.
If after you have carried out the checks of other information available, you remain unable to be satisfied that the applicant meets the previously resident condition, you can reject the application.
- 1. Section 1B (2)(b) Representation of the People Act 1985 (as amended by Elections Act 2022) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Carrying out checks of further information to satisfy the eligibility conditions for overseas electors
This section contains guidance on the other sources of information you can use to check that an applicant meets the eligibility conditions.
The sources of information you can use include:
- the results of the automated match against DWP records
- other locally-held records
- any documentary evidence provided by the applicant at the time of application, or requesting evidence where it hasn’t already been provided
Using the results of the automated match against DWP records
In order to complete the identity check that is also required for an overseas elector to register to vote, information contained in an application to register is sent to the DWP for matching.
This will include a check of the postcode for the address at which the applicant was previously registered or previously resident.
A positive DWP match may therefore provide you with sufficient evidence to be satisfied that the applicant can be linked to the previous address provided in their application, as well as providing verification of their identity.
Defnyddio proses paru data lleol at ddiben prosesu ceisiadau gan etholwyr tramor
Gall paru data lleol roi rhagor o wybodaeth i chi y gallwch ei defnyddio i benderfynu a ddylid caniatáu cais newydd.
Mae paru yn erbyn data lleol yn eich galluogi i ddefnyddio ffynonellau data i wneud y canlynol: 1
- llywio eich penderfyniad o ran a ydych yn fodlon bod ymgeisydd yn bodloni naill ai'r amod cofrestriad blaenorol neu'r amod preswylfa flaenorol
- cadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd.
Dim ond os byddwch yn fodlon y gall y ffynonellau data sydd ar gael i chi fodloni gofynion y dasg y dylid defnyddio paru data lleol.
Ceir rhagor o wybodaeth am baru data lleol yn ein canllawiau Penderfynu a ddylid defnyddio data lleol at ddibenion dilysu a Ffynonellau data posibl ar gyfer paru data lleol .
- 1. Rheoliad 35, Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Gofyn am dystiolaeth ddogfennol bellach ar gyfer cais gan etholwr tramor
Os byddwch yn gofyn am dystiolaeth ddogfennol bellach gan ymgeisydd, dylech restru'r mathau o dystiolaeth y gellir eu cyflwyno, a faint o bob math. Gallwch hefyd bennu terfyn amser i'r ymgeisydd ymateb. Bydd terfyn amser yn ddefnyddiol wrth benderfynu a ddylid gwrthod cais am na chafwyd ymateb. Eich dewis chi fydd faint o amser a roddir i ymateb; fodd bynnag, dylid rhoi amser rhesymol i'r ymgeisydd ddod o hyd i'r dogfennau perthnasol a'u cyflwyno.
Os na all ymgeisydd gyflwyno'r mathau o dystiolaeth ddogfennol rydych wedi gofyn amdani, neu ddigon o'r mathau hynny, dylid gofyn iddo ddarparu ardystiad cyfeiriad i ategu ei gais.
Using evidence to support determination of eligibility conditions of an overseas elector's application
You may use documentary evidence to determine an applicant’s entitlement to register under the previously registered or previously resident condition.1
Different evidence is required for applicants who left the UK before turning 18.
You may also require documentary evidence of any name changes from when an applicant was previously registered or previously resident.
Documentary evidence can be provided by an applicant at the point of their application or in response to a request from you when you are processing their application.
You must be satisfied that an applicant satisfies the criteria of having been previously registered or previously resident under which they have applied before you consider any evidence to support the application. For example, if you have reason to believe that an applicant applying using the residency condition should be applying under the previously registered or residency condition in a different local authority area, you should reject their application and tell them to reapply in the area that meets the legislative criteria.
Documentary evidence may be uploaded alongside an online application or delivered to your office by hand, by post or as an attachment to an email. Any copies of documents provided by applicants should be stored securely in the same way as application forms. For more information see our guidance on the retention of information submitted with applications.
You should be satisfied that copies provided to you appear to be genuine. Where you have doubt as to whether a document is genuine, you may ask the applicant to provide original documents or alternative documentary evidence. Where original documents or alternative documentary evidence is not available, you should direct the applicant to the address attestation process or reject the application.
Where documentary evidence does not appear to be genuine, you should advise the applicant of the penalties for supplying false information and inform your police Single Point of Contact (SPOC) where you suspect that false information may have been supplied.
For more information, see our ERO guidance on document authenticity checks.
- 1. Regulation 26(1) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Acceptable evidence for applications made under the previously registered or previously resident condition
If you decide that additional evidence is needed for you to be satisfied that an overseas applicant was previously registered or resident in respect of the relevant address given in their application, you may request the applicant provides a document which meets the evidential requirements.1 The evidential requirements are that the document must show the full current or previous name of the applicant2 and the relevant address.3
You may choose to accept any document that meets the evidential requirements if you are satisfied that it demonstrates that the applicant was previously registered or resident. Where the document provided is a copy (or original, if requested) of any of the documents listed here, and meets the evidential requirements, you must accept them.4 These documents are:
- a driving licence granted in the UK (including an expired licence)
- an instrument of a court appointment, such as a grant of probate or letters of administration
- a letter from the Office of the Public Guardian confirming the registration of a lasting power of attorney
- a letter from His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
- a council tax demand letter or statement
- a rent book issued by a local authority
- a statement of benefits or entitlement to benefits, such as a statement of child benefit, within the meaning of section 141 of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992, or a letter confirming that the applicant is entitled to housing benefit, within the meaning of section 130 of that Act
- a letter from the DWP confirming the applicant’s entitlement to a state pension
- a letter from a school, college, university or other educational institution which confirms the attendance of, or the offer of a place for, the applicant at that institution
- a letter from the Student Loans Company
- an official copy of the land register entry for the relevant address or other proof of title for the relevant address
- a solicitor’s letter confirming the purchase of, or confirmation of the land registry registration of, the relevant address
- a Form P45, Form P60, reference or payslip issued to the applicant by their employer or former employer
- a bank or building society passbook or statement, or a letter from a bank or building society confirming that the applicant has opened an account with that bank or building society
- a credit card statement
- a utility or mobile telephone bill
- a letter from an insurance provider
There are some categories of applicants who can provide alternative documents that meet the evidential requirement. These are:
- applicants who were previously registered or resident (or could have been) through a declaration of local connection
- applicants who were previously registered as a service voter or merchant seaman
- applicants who were previously registered as the spouse or civil partner of a service voter
- applicants who were previously registered as an overseas elector and, prior to leaving the UK, were registered through a declaration of local connection, as a service voter or as a merchant seaman
Applicants who left the UK before turning 18 are required to provide different evidence to demonstrate that they qualify to register as an overseas elector. For more information see our guidance on using information or documentary evidence to check qualifying condition of applicants who left the UK before turning 18.
- 1. Regulation 26D(3) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26D(3)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26D(3)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 26D(4) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
How to use the address attestation process for an overseas elector application
You may require an applicant to provide an address attestation where you consider that additional evidence is necessary to be satisfied that an applicant has a previous connection to the relevant address.1
An address attestation must:2
- confirm that the applicant was resident at the relevant address3
- give an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant was resident at that address4
- be in writing and signed by the qualified attestor5
- state the qualifying attestor’s full name, date of birth, occupation, residential address and (if different) the address at which they are registered as an elector6
- state7
- where the qualifying attestor is registered as an overseas elector, the attestor’s British passport number together with its date and place of issue or
- where the qualifying attestor is registered as a domestic or service voter, the attestor’s electoral number [or, if the qualifying attestor is registered in Northern Ireland, the applicant’s Digital Registration Number (DRN)]
- include an explanation that the qualifying attestor is able to confirm the applicant met the relevant requirement, including (but not limited to) the qualifying attestor’s connection to the applicant and the length of time that that connection has existed8
- include an indication that the qualifying attestor is aware that it is an offence to provide false information to the registration officer9
- include a declaration by the qualifying attestor that all information provided in the attestation is true10
- state the date on which it is made11
Where you require an applicant to provide an address attestation, you should write to them to communicate the legislative requirements for an address attestation. You could either design a form containing the necessary legal statements and requirements for an attestation or set out the detail of the requirements in a letter to the applicant. The AEA have developed a template that you could use.
You could set a deadline date for the applicant to respond. This will help you if you decide to reject an application because no response has been received. The period of time given to applicants to respond is at your discretion. However, you should allow a reasonable amount of time for the applicant to source and return their attestation.
An attestation may be delivered to your office by hand, by post or by electronic means, such as email. If the attestation is sent electronically, the signature of an attestor must be a photograph or scanned image of a handwritten wet signature attached to an email.
You can also require an address attestation for particular categories of elector where you consider that additional evidence is needed. Specific information needs to be included in the address attestations for these categories of elector:
- those who were treated as resident at a particular address as a merchant seaman12
- those previously registered as a service voter or overseas elector
- those previously registered via a declaration of local connection, or those who would have been entitled to register via a declaration of local connection, on the last day on which they were resident in the UK
For more information on the requirements of address attestations for these particular categories of electors, see our guidance on:
Requiring additional documentary evidence as to a declaration of local connection Requiring additional documentary evidence from applicants who were previously service voters or non resident merchant seaman Requiring additional documentary evidence from an applicant who was previously registered as the spouse or civil partner of a service voter
- 1. Regulation 26E(1)(c) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26E RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26E(2)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 26E(2)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 26I(1)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 26I(1)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Regulation 26I(1)(c) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Regulation 26I(1)(d) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Regulation 26I(1)(e)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
- 10. Regulation 26I(1)(e)(ii) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 10
- 11. Regulation 26I(1)(f) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 11
- 12. Section 6, Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 12
Is the address attestation for an overseas applicant valid and complete?
Is the address attestation for an overseas applicant valid?
When you receive an address attestation, you must assess whether it is valid.
You should do this by checking whether the attestation is complete and that the attestor meets the requirements to be a qualifying attestor.
Is an address attestation complete?
Does the address attestation meet the following requirements?1 | Notes | Answer |
Confirm that the applicant met the relevant address connection requirement | This would be confirmed by written statement and the attestor signing the attestation | Yes/No |
Give an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant met the requirement | This should be written on the attestation | Yes/No |
Must be in writing and signed by a qualifying attestor | This should be written on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s full name | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s date of birth | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s occupation | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s residential address and, if different, the address in respect of which the qualifying attestor is registered as an elector | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
If the attestor is an overseas elector, state the qualifying attestor's British or Irish passport number together with its date and place of issue | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
If the attestor is a domestic elector or service voter, state the qualifying attestor’s electoral number [or, if the qualifying attestor is registered in Northern Ireland, the applicant’s Digital Registration Number (DRN)] | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
Include an explanation as to the attestor's ability to confirm that the applicant met the relevant requirement including (but not limited to) the attestor's connection to the applicant and the length of time that that connection has existed | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
Include confirmation that the qualifying attestor is aware of the offence of providing false information to a registration officer | This would be confirmed by written statement and attestor signing the attestation | Yes/No |
Include a declaration by the qualifying attestor that all of the information provided in the attestation is true | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the date on which it is made | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
If the answer to all these questions is yes, then the applicant has provided a complete attestation. If one or more of the questions are answered with a no, then the attestation is not complete and the applicant must be directed to ask the attestor to supply the missing information.
If an attestor cannot supply the missing information, the applicant should be told that they must seek an attestation from another source, or their application will be rejected. You could set a deadline date for this. This will help you if you decide to reject an application because no response has been received. The period of time given to applicants to respond is at your discretion. However, you should allow a reasonable amount of time for the applicant to source and return their attestation.
- 1. Regulation 26H(3)(a) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
A yw'r ardystiwr yn bodloni'r gofynion i fod yn ardystiwr cymwys?
Ar gyfer ardystiadau cyfeiriad, rhaid i ardystwyr cymwys: 1
Rhaid i bob ardystiwr cymwys:2
- fod yn 18 oed neu drosodd3
- cadarnhau nad yw'n briod, partner sifil, rhiant, tad-cu/mam-gu, brawd, chwaer, plentyn nac ŵyr/wyres i'r ymgeisydd4
- bod wedi cofrestru fel etholwr5
- cadarnhau nad yw eisoes wedi llofnodi ardystiadau cyfeiriad ar gyfer dau ymgeisydd arall naill ai ers i'r gofrestr ddiwygiedig gael ei chyhoeddi ddiwethaf, neu ers i'r ardystiwr gael ei ychwanegu at y gofrestr gyntaf, pa un bynnag sydd fwyaf diweddar6
Pan fydd ardystiwr yn etholwr domestig, rhaid iddo fod:
- yn berson ac iddo enw da yn y gymuned7
Dylech gynghori'r ymgeisydd na chaniateir i ardystiwr godi tâl am ddarparu ardystiad.
Enw da
Nid oes diffiniad manwl gywir o enw da; fodd bynnag, at ddibenion ardystiad, dylech ei ystyried i olygu rhywun sydd â chymwysterau y gellir eu gwirio ac a fyddai'n dioddef niwed proffesiynol neu enw da pe baent yn darparu ardystiad ffug. Nid yw’r rhestr yn y tabl isod yn derfynol ond ei bwriad yw dangos pa broffesiynau y gellid eu disgrifio fel rhai o enw da:
Enghreifftiau o broffesiynau y gellid eu disgrifio fel rhai o statws da |
Mae'n bwysig nodi nad yw person di-waith/sydd wedi ymddeol sydd ag enw da yn y gymuned yn cael ei atal rhag ardystio cais.
Rhaid i chi farnu pob ardystiad yn ôl ei rinweddau unigol yn hytrach na chymhwyso polisi cyffredinol.
A yw'r ardystiwr wedi'i gofrestru i bleidleisio?
Rhaid i'r sawl sy'n ardystio cyfeiriad etholwr fod wedi'i gofrestru i bleidleisio. 8 Os yw cyfeiriad cymwys neu gyfeiriad cofrestru'r ardystiwr yn yr un ardal awdurdod lleol â'r ymgeisydd, dylech edrych ar eich cofrestr etholiadol i gadarnhau a yw'r ardystiwr yn bodloni'r amod hwn.
Os nad yw cyfeiriad cymwys neu gyfeiriad cofrestru'r ardystiwr yn yr un ardal awdurdod lleol â'r ymgeisydd, dylech gysylltu â Swyddog Cofrestru Etholiadol yr ardystiwr i gadarnhau a yw'r ardystiwr yn bodloni'r amodau.
A yw'r ardystiwr eisoes wedi darparu ardystiadau cyfeiriad ar gyfer dau unigolyn o fewn cyfnod penodedig?
Ni chaniateir i ardystwyr lofnodi ardystiad cyfeiriad ar gyfer mwy na dau unigolyn mewn unrhyw flwyddyn etholiadol (o 1 Rhagfyr tan 30 Tachwedd fel arfer), neu ers i'w cofnod gael ei ychwanegu at y gofrestr yn yr ardal awdurdod lleol honno, pa un bynnag yw'r cyfnod byrraf. 9 Rhaid i chi fod yn fodlon nad yw ardystiwr wedi mynd dros y terfyn.
Os bydd ardystiwr wedi cyrraedd y terfyn, dylech wrthod yr ardystiad am y rheswm hwn. Ni fydd hyn yn atal yr ymgeisydd rhag ceisio ardystiad arall gan etholwr arall. Dylech brosesu ardystiadau yn y drefn y dônt i law.
Os bydd yr ardystiwr yn bodloni'r holl amodau, dylid derbyn yr ardystiad, a dylech nodi hyn ar gofnod yr etholwr. Bydd hyn wedyn yn cyfrif tuag at y cyfanswm o ardystiadau cyfeiriad y caiff yr etholwr hwn eu gwneud.
- 1. Rheoliad 26I(1)(a), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr) (Yr Alban) (fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Rheoliad 26I(1)(a), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr) (Yr Alban) (fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Rheoliad 26I(3)(a), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr) (Yr Alban) (fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Rheoliad 26I(3)(b), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr) (Yr Alban) (fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Rheoliad 26I(3)(c), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr) (Yr Alban) (fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Rheoliad 26I(3)(e), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Rheoliad 26I(3)(d), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Rheoliad 26I(3)(c), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Rheoliad 26I(3)(e), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
Defnyddio gwybodaeth neu dystiolaeth ddogfennol i wirio amod cymwys ymgeiswyr a adawodd y DU cyn eu pen-blwydd yn 18 oed
Gall ymgeisydd ddewis darparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol o'i breswylfa flaenorol ei hun mewn cyfeiriad cymwys. Mae ein canllaw Tystiolaeth dderbyniol ar gyfer ceisiadau a wneir o dan yr amod a gofrestrwyd yn flaenorol neu’n breswylydd yn flaenorol yn cynnwys rhagor o wybodaeth am y math o dystiolaeth ddogfennol y gellir ei darparu.
Os na allwch gael eich bodloni gan dystiolaeth ddogfennol, gallwch ofyn i'r ymgeisydd ddarparu ardystiad. Mae ein canllaw ar Sut i ddefnyddio'r broses ardystio cyfeiriad ar gyfer cais etholwr tramor yn cynnwys rhagor o wybodaeth.
Yn ogystal â hyn, gall ymgeiswyr a oedd yn iau na 18 oed pan adawon nhw’r DU wneud cais o dan yr amod preswylio’n flaenorol drwy ddangos eu cysylltiad â’u rhiant neu warcheidwad y mae’n rhaid eu bod wedi preswylio’#n flaenorol yn eu cyfeiriad cymwys ar y diwrnod olaf.
Gall yr ymgeisydd gynnwys yn ei gais:
- enw llawn rhiant neu warcheidwad yr ymgeisydd a oedd yn byw yn y cyfeiriad perthnasol ar y diwrnod olaf
os darperir enw llawn rhiant, mae’n rhaid i’r ymgeisydd hefyd ddarparu copi (neu fersiwn wreiddiol, os yw’n briodol) o’i dystysgrif geni ei hun sy’n cynnwys ei ddyddiad geni ac enw ei riant.
os darperir enw llawn gwarcheidwad, rhaid i chi ofyn iddynt ddarparu copi (neu fersiwn wreiddiol, os yw’n briodol) o dystiolaeth sy’n cadarnhau mai’r person a enwyd oedd ei warcheidwad pan adawodd y DU
- mewn perthynas â phob rhiant neu warcheidwad, nodyn bod eu rhiant neu warcheidwad wedi’u cofrestru yng nghyfeiriad cymwys yr ymgeisydd
Pan fydd ymgeisydd yn darparu tystysgrif geni neu dystiolaeth ddogfennol arall sy’n dangos ei gysylltiad â rhiant neu warcheidwad a bod ei enw ar y dystiolaeth honno’n wahanol i’w enw presennol (neu ei enw ar yr adeg y’i cofrestrwyd ddiwethaf, a ddarperir o dan ofyniad datganiad ar wahân), dylech ofyn bod yr ymgeisydd yn rhoi esboniad o'r gwahaniaeth yn yr enw (os yw'n hysbys).
Lle bydd ymgeisydd yn darparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol a bod enw unrhyw riant neu warcheidwad enwebedig yn wahanol i enw’r rhiant neu warcheidwad ar yr adeg yr oedd yr ymgeisydd yn preswylio ddiwethaf, dylech ofyn am esboniad ynghylch y gwahaniaeth yn yr enw (os yw’n hysbys).
Dylech ddefnyddio'r wybodaeth a ddarparwyd i gynnal gwiriad cofrestr etholiadol yn y cyfeiriad cymwys i wirio a oedd y rhiant neu warcheidwad wedi'i gofrestru yno.
Os gallwch ddod o hyd i gofnod y rhiant/gwarcheidwad ar y gofrestr etholiadol yn y cyfeiriad cymwys a’ch bod yn fodlon bod y dystiolaeth ddogfennol yn dangos cysylltiad yr ymgeisydd â’r rhiant/gwarcheidwad a enwir, gallwch brosesu’r cais.
Os na allwch ddod o hyd i gofnod rhiant neu warcheidwad ymgeisydd ar gofrestr etholiadol yn y cyfeiriad perthnasol, nid yw o reidrwydd yn golygu nad oedd yr ymgeisydd yn breswylydd.
Gallwch ofyn am dystiolaeth ddogfennol bellach o breswylfa flaenorol yr ymgeisydd yn y cyfeiriad cymwys. Neu os na allwch fod yn fodlon y gellir dangos preswylfa flaenorol yr ymgeisydd yn y cyfeiriad cymwys trwy wiriad cofrestr ar gyfer y rhiant/gwarcheidwad neu drwy dystiolaeth ddogfennol, gallwch ofyn i’r ymgeisydd ddarparu ardystiad.Gall ymgeiswyr a adawodd y DU cyn eu pen-blwydd yn 18 oed gynnwys gwybodaeth neu dystiolaeth ddogfennol gyda'u cais yn dangos eu bod yn arfer byw yn eu cyfeiriad cymwys.
Requiring additional documentary evidence as to declaration of local connection
This section applies where an applicant was either:
- previously registered via a declaration of local connection1
- on the last day on which the person was resident in the UK, they were not resident at an address but could have made a declaration of local connection in respect of such an address2
If after requiring the applicant to provide documentary evidence, you remain unsatisfied that an applicant was or could have been previously entered in an electoral register via a declaration of local connection in respect of the relevant address, because either:
- the applicant has been unable to provide a document from the list of acceptable evidence3 that must be accepted
- you have received alternative documents that meet the evidential requirement but you remain unsatisfied
you can require the applicant provides either:
- additional documentary evidence
- an attestation of local connection made by a qualifying attestor
Additional documentary evidence
This evidence must be either a copy (or original) of any documents which:
- show the full name of the applicant4
- confirms that the applicant met the local connection requirement5
Attestation of local connection
Alternatively, the applicant may supply an attestation of local connection from a qualifying attestor which must:6
- confirm the basis on which the applicant met the local connection requirement7
- give an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant met the requirement8
The local connection requirement is that the applicant was registered via a declaration of local connection because they were:
- a person of no fixed abode
- a patient in a mental health hospital whose stay at the hospital was sufficient for them to be regarded as resident there
- a remand prisoner whose stay at a penal institution was sufficient for them to be regarded as resident there
Attestation of relevant address connection
If you remain unsatisfied after requesting additional evidence or attestation of local connection from a qualifying attestor, you may require the applicant to make an attestation of relevant address connection.9
The attestation of relevant address connection must include:
- confirmation that the applicant met the relevant address connection requirement
- an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant met the requirement
The attestation of relevant address connection requirement is:10
- that the applicant would have been residing at the relevant address if the applicant had not been a patient or detained
- that the relevant address was, or was nearest to, a place in the UK where the applicant commonly spent a substantial part of their time (whether during the day or at night)
Our guidance on Address attestations has more information on the requirements of an attestation.
- 1. Regulation 26G(1)(b)(i) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26G(2)(c) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26G(1)(d) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 26G(3)(a)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 26G(3)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 26G(3)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Regulation 26G(3)(b)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Regulation 26G(3)(b)(ii) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Regulation 26H(3) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
- 10. Regulation 26H(4)(d)and(e) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 10
Requiring additional documentary evidence from applicants who were previously service voters or non resident merchant seamen
This section applies where an applicant was previously registered via a service declaration1 or was registered on the basis that they were treated as resident at a relevant address (non resident merchant seamen).2
If after requiring the applicant to provide documentary evidence, you remain unsatisfied that an applicant was previously entered in an electoral register in respect of the relevant address, because either:
- the applicant has been unable to provide a document from the list of acceptable evidence3 that must be accepted
- you have received alternative documents that meet the evidential requirement but you remain unsatisfied
you can require the applicant provides either:
- additional documentary evidence
- an attestation of registration status made by a qualifying attestor
Additional documentary evidence
This evidence must be either a copy (or original) of any documents which:
- show the full name of the applicant4
- can be used to confirm that the applicant met the registration status requirement5
Attestation of registration status
Alternatively the applicant may supply an attestation of registration status from a qualifying elector6 which must include:
- confirmation of which of the registration status requirements7 the applicant met
- an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant met the requirement8
The registration status requirement is that the applicant had a service qualification because they were:
- a member of HM forces
- employed as a Crown servant or a British Council employee
or that the applicant was registered via a declaration of local connection as a merchant seaman.
Attestation of relevant address connection
If you remain unsatisfied after requesting additional evidence or an attestation of registration status from a qualifying attestor, you may require the applicant to make an attestation of relevant address connection.
The attestation of relevant address connection must include:
- confirmation that the applicant met the address connection requirement
- an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant met the requirement.
The relevant address connection requirement is:
- they would have been residing in the UK if they had not been serving as a member of the armed forces
- they would have been residing at the relevant address but for their occupation as a merchant seaman or they commonly stayed at the relevant address which was a hotel or club for merchant seamen during the course of their occupation as a merchant seaman
- 1. Regulation 26F(1)(b)(i) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26F(1)(b)(ii) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26F(1)(d) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 26F(2)(a)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 26F(2)(a)(ii) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 26F(2)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Regulation 26F(2)(b)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Regulation 26F(2)(b)(ii) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
Requiring additional documentary evidence from an applicant who was previously registered as the spouse or civil partner of a service voter
This section applies where an applicant was previously registered via a service declaration as the spouse or civil partner of a service voter.
If after requiring the applicant to provide documentary evidence, you remain unsatisfied that an applicant was previously entered in an electoral register in respect of the relevant address, because either:
- the applicant has been unable to provide a document from the list of acceptable evidence1 that must be accepted
- you have received alternative documents that meet the evidential requirement but you remain unsatisfied
you can require the applicant provides either:
- additional documentary evidence
- an attestation of registration status made by a qualifying attestor
Additional documentary evidence
This evidence must be either a copy (or original, if appropriate) of any document which:2
- shows the full name of the applicant3
- can be used to confirm that the applicant met the registration status requirement4
You may also, in addition to or instead of the documentary evidence or attestation of registration status, require5 the applicant to provide a copy (or original, if appropriate) of a document which confirms:
- the full current or former name of the service voter and their qualification as a service voter6
- that the service voter is or was (as the case may be) the spouse, civil partner, parent or guardian of the applicant7
Attestation of registration status
Alternatively the applicant may supply an attestation of registration status from a qualifying elector8 which must include:
- which of the registration status requirements9 the applicant met
- an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant met the requirement10
The registration status requirement is that the applicant had a relevant service qualification because their spouse, civil partner, parent or guardian was a member of HM forces.
Attestation of relevant address connection
If you remain unsatisfied after requesting additional evidence or an attestation of registration status from a qualifying attestor, you may require the applicant to make an attestation of relevant address connection which must include:
- confirmation that the applicant met the relevant address connection requirement
- an indication of the dates between which, to the best of the qualifying attestor’s knowledge, the applicant met the requirement
The relevant address connection requirement is that they would have been residing in the UK had their spouse, civil partner, parent or guardian not been serving as a member of the armed forces.11
- 1. Regulation 26F(1)(d) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26F(4) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26F(2)(a)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 26F(2)(a)(ii) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 26F(4) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 26F(4)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Regulation 26F(4)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Regulation 26F(2)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Regulation 26F(2)(b)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
- 10. Regulation 26F(2)(b)(ii) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 10
- 11. Regulation 26F(5)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 11
Pa wybodaeth sydd ei hangen pan gaiff enw gwahanol ei ddarparu ar gais neu mewn tystiolaeth ddogfennol?
Os bydd datganiad ymgeisydd yn nodi bod ei enw wedi newid ers iddo fod wedi'i gofrestru'n flaenorol neu ers roedd yn arfer byw yn y cyfeiriad, gallwch ofyn iddo ddarparu:
- tystiolaeth briodol sy'n cadarnhau'r newid i'r enw1
- os bydd ymgeisydd wedi darparu dogfen fel tystiolaeth ei fod yn bodloni'r amod cofrestriad blaenorol neu'r amod preswylfa flaenorol2 a bod yr enw ar y dystiolaeth yn wahanol i'r enw a ddarparwyd ar ei ddatganiad, esboniad o'r newid i'r enw3
- tystiolaeth briodol sy'n cadarnhau bod yr enw wedi newid4
Os oedd ymgeisydd yn rhy ifanc i fod wedi'i gofrestru cyn iddo adael y DU a'i fod wedi darparu dogfen fel tystiolaeth5 a bod enw ei riant neu ei warcheidwad ar y ddogfen yn wahanol i'r un a nodir yn y cais neu'r datganiad, gallech ofyn i'r ymgeisydd ddarparu naill ai:
- esboniad o'r newid i'r enw6
- datganiad yn nodi na wyddys y rheswm dros y gwahaniaeth
- 1. Rheoliad 26J 2(b), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Rheoliad 26J 1(b), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Rheoliad 26J 2(a), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Rheoliad 26J 2(b), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Rheoliad 26J 1(b), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Rheoliad 26J 2(a), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
Cadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd ar gyfer cais gan etholwr tramor
Rhaid i unrhyw un sy'n gwneud cais newydd i gofrestru ddarparu dynodyddion personol a gaiff eu defnyddio i gadarnhau pwy yw'r ymgeisydd gan ddefnyddio cofnodion yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau.
Mae'r broses i gadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd yn ychwanegol at y broses sydd ei hangen i gadarnhau a yw ymgeisydd yn bodloni'r amodau cymhwystra fel etholwr tramor a oedd naill ai wedi'i gofrestru'n flaenorol neu'n arfer byw mewn cyfeiriad yn y DU.
Caiff y wybodaeth ganlynol a gaiff ei chynnwys yn y cais ei gwirio yn erbyn cofnodion yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau:
- Enw
- Enw blaenorol (lle y bo'n berthnasol)
- Dyddiad geni
- Rhif Yswiriant Gwladol
- Cod post cyfeiriad cymwys yr ymgeisydd
Dylid cysylltu ag ymgeiswyr na allant ddarparu eu rhif Yswiriant Gwladol ond sydd wedi rhoi rheswm pam na allant wneud hynny, a gofyn iddynt ddarparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol1 sy'n cadarnhau pwy ydynt.
Ni waeth pryd y daw cais i gofrestru fel etholwr tramor i law, rhaid i chi anfon y wybodaeth berthnasol i'w pharu â data'r Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau ac ystyried y canlyniadau wrth benderfynu a ddylid caniatáu'r cais.2
Os na ellir cadarnhau pwy yw'r ymgeisydd gan ddefnyddio cofnodion yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau, gellir gwirio ei ddynodyddion yn erbyn ffynonellau data lleol hefyd.
Os byddwch yn dal i fethu cadarnhau pwy yw'r ymgeisydd gan ddefnyddio ffynonellau data lleol, gallwch ddewis:
- defnyddio unrhyw dystiolaeth ddogfennol a ddarparwyd gan yr ymgeisydd wrth gyflwyno'r cais i gadarnhau pwy ydyw
- gofyn i'r ymgeisydd ddarparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol sy'n cadarnhau ei fod yn dweud y gwir am bwy ydyw.
Os byddwch yn dal i fethu cadarnhau pwy yw'r ymgeisydd ar ôl defnyddio'r dystiolaeth ddogfennol a ddarparwyd, gallwch ofyn i'r ymgeisydd ddarparu ardystiad hunaniaeth neu, mewn rhai achosion prin, fwy nag un ardystiad, neu ardystiad ar y cyd â thystiolaeth ddogfennol. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, gweler ein canllawiau ar y broses ardystio hunaniaeth
- 1. Rheoliad 26(9B), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Rheoliad 29ZAA(10), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Tystiolaeth i gadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd sydd am gofrestru fel etholwr tramor
Gall ymgeisydd ddarparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol pan fydd yn gwneud cais neu mewn ymateb i gais gennych chi pan fyddwch yn prosesu ei gais.
Cewch ddefnyddio tystiolaeth ddogfennol i gadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd o dan yr amgylchiadau canlynol:
- ni ellir paru ei ddynodyddion personol yn erbyn cofnodion yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau na ffynonellau data lleol
- ni all ddarparu rhai o'r dynodyddion personol gofynnol, neu ddim un ohonynt
Gellir lanlwytho tystiolaeth ddogfennol ar y cyd â chais ar-lein neu ei chyflwyno i'ch swyddfa â llaw, drwy'r post neu fel atodiad i e-bost. Dylai unrhyw gopïau o ddogfennau a ddarperir gan ymgeiswyr gael eu storio'n ddiogel yn yr un ffordd â ffurflenni cais. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, gweler ein canllawiau ar gadw gwybodaeth a gyflwynir gyda cheisiadau.
Dylech fod yn fodlon bod y copïau a roddir i chi yn ymddangos yn ddilys. Os byddwch yn amau nad yw dogfen yn ddilys, gallwch ofyn i'r ymgeisydd gyflwyno dogfennau gwreiddiol neu dystiolaeth ddogfennol amgen yn y lle cyntaf. Os na fydd dogfennau gwreiddiol neu dystiolaeth ddogfennol amgen ar gael, dylech gyfeirio'r ymgeisydd at y broses ardystio neu wrthod y cais.
Os nad yw'n ymddangos bod tystiolaeth ddogfennol yn ddilys, dylech roi gwybod i'r ymgeisydd am y cosbau a roddir am gyflwyno gwybodaeth anwir a rhoi gwybod i'ch Pwynt Cyswllt Unigol yn yr heddlu os byddwch yn amau bod gwybodaeth anwir wedi cael ei chyflwyno o bosibl.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, gweler ein canllawiau i Swyddogion Cofrestru Etholiadol ar wiriadau dilysrwydd dogfennau.
Mathau derbyniol o ddogfennau ar gyfer cadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd
Dylai'r dystiolaeth sy'n ofynnol i gadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd yn llwyddiannus gyfeirio at yr ymgeisydd wrth ei enw.
Mae'r mathau o ddogfennau y gellir eu darparu er mwyn cadarnhau pwy yw ymgeisydd am gais fel etholwr tramor fel a ganlyn:
- unrhyw un o'r dogfennau o dabl 1
- un ddogfen o dabl 2 a dwy ddogfen ychwanegol o dabl 2 neu o dabl 3
- pedair dogfen o dabl 3 – rhaid i bob dogfen yn nhabl 3 fod wedi'i chyflwyno yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron a rhaid iddi gynnwys enw llawn yr ymgeisydd1
Tabl 1: Prif ddogfennau adnabod
Dogfen | Nodiadau |
Pasbort | Unrhyw basbort cyfredol |
Dogfen breswylio fiometrig2 | Un a ddosbarthwyd yn y DU yn unig |
Cerdyn Adnabod yr Ardal Economaidd Ewropeaidd | Rhaid iddo fod yn ddilys o hyd |
Rhan cerdyn llun o drwydded yrru gyfredol | Y DU/Ynys Manaw/Ynysoedd y Sianel (llawn neu dros dro) |
Cerdyn adnabod etholiadol Gogledd Iwerddon |
Tabl 2: Dogfennau Dibynadwy gan y Llywodraeth
Dogfen | Nodiadau |
Hen fersiwn bapur trwydded yrru gyfredol | Y DU yn unig |
Trwydded yrru â llun | A gyflwynwyd yn unrhyw wlad heblaw'r DU a Thiriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Tystysgrif geni | Y DU a Thiriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron yn unig |
Tystysgrif Priodas/Partneriaeth Sifil | Y DU a Thiriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron yn unig |
Tystysgrif mabwysiadu | Y DU a Thiriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron yn unig |
Trwydded arfau tanio | Y DU a Thiriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron yn unig |
Taflen mechnïaeth yr heddlu | Y DU a Thiriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron yn unig |
Tabl 3: Dogfennau ariannol a hanes cymdeithasol
Dogfen | Nodiadau |
Datganiad morgais | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Cyfriflen Banc neu Gymdeithas Adeiladu | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Llythyr yn cadarnhau agor cyfrif Banc neu Gymdeithas Adeiladu | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Datganiad cerdyn credyd | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Datganiad ariannol, e.e. pensiwn neu waddol | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Datganiad Treth Gyngor | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Bil Cyfleustodau – nid bil ffôn symudol | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Datganiad P45 neu P60 | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Datganiad budd-dal, e.e. Budd-dal Plant, Pensiwn | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
Dogfen gan lywodraeth ganolog neu leol, un o asiantaethau'r llywodraeth neu gyngor lleol yn rhoi hawl, e.e. gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau, y Ganolfan Byd Gwaith, CThEF | A gyflwynwyd yn y DU neu yn un o Diriogaethau Dibynnol y Goron |
I gael gwybodaeth am y cyfnod cadw ar gyfer dogfennau a ddaw i law fel rhan o gais, gan gynnwys o dan y broses eithriadau a'r hyn a ddylai gael ei adlewyrchu yn eich polisi cadw dogfennau, gweler ein canllawiau ar gadw dogfennau.
- 1. Rheoliad 26B(4), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl (Cymru a Lloegr) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Mae eVisa yn ddogfen breswylio fiometrig ar ffurf ddigidol. Ar hyn o bryd ni ellir cyflwyno unrhyw fath arall o ID ffotograffig mewn fformat digidol. ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Gofyn am dystiolaeth ddogfennol bellach neu ardystiad hunaniaeth pan fyddwch yn anfodlon o hyd
Os byddwch yn gofyn am dystiolaeth ddogfennol bellach gan ymgeisydd, dylech restru'r mathau o dystiolaeth y mae'n rhaid eu cyflwyno, a faint o bob math. Gallwch hefyd bennu terfyn amser i'r ymgeisydd ymateb. Bydd terfyn amser yn ddefnyddiol wrth benderfynu a ddylid gwrthod cais am na chafwyd ymateb. Eich dewis chi fydd faint o amser a roddir i ymateb; fodd bynnag, dylid rhoi amser rhesymol i'r ymgeisydd ddod o hyd i'r dogfennau gofynnol a'u cyflwyno.
Os na all ymgeisydd gyflwyno'r mathau o dystiolaeth ddogfennol a nodir yn y canllawiau hyn, neu ddigon o'r mathau hynny, i gadarnhau pwy ydyw, dylid gofyn iddo ddarparu ardystiad hunaniaeth.
Sut i ddefnyddio'r broses ardystio hunaniaeth ar gyfer cais etholwr tramor
Os na fydd ymgeisydd (ac eithrio rhai a oedd wedi'u cofrestru'n flaenorol fel pleidleisiwr yn y lluoedd arfog, masnachlongwr neu etholwr tramor) yn gallu darparu'r mathau o dystiolaeth ddogfennol sy'n ofynnol gan y broses eithriadau, neu ddigon o'r mathau hynny, er mwyn profi:
- ei gysylltiad â chyfeiriad o dan yr amod cofrestriad blaenorol
- ei gysylltiad â chyfeiriad o dan yr amod preswylfa flaenorol
- pwy ydyw
dylech ysgrifennu ato i esbonio'r gofynion deddfwriaethol ar gyfer yr ardystiadpriodol. Gweler ein canllawiau i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ardystiadau cyfeiriadau
Gallech naill ai ddylunio ffurflen yn cynnwys y datganiadau a'r gofynion cyfreithiol angenrheidiol ar gyfer ardystiad, neu nodi manylion y gofynion mewn llythyr at yr ymgeisydd. Mae Cymdeithas y Gweinyddwyr Etholiadol wedi datblygu templed y gallech ei ddefnyddio.
Os bydd ymgeisydd yn cyflwyno ardystiad sy'n cynnwys yr holl wybodaeth ofynnol ar gyfer y math hwnnw o ardystiad, dylech ei dderbyn fel un dilys.
Gallech bennu terfyn amser i'r ymgeisydd ymateb. Bydd hyn yn eich helpu os byddwch yn penderfynu gwrthod cais am na chafwyd ymateb. Eich dewis chi fydd faint o amser a roddir i ymgeiswyr ymateb. Fodd bynnag, dylech ganiatáu digon o amser i'r ymgeisydd gael ardystiad a'i anfon.
Gellir cyflwyno ardystiad i'ch swyddfa â llaw, drwy'r post neu drwy ddull electronig, megis e-bost. Os caiff yr ardystiad ei anfon yn electronig, rhaid i lofnod yr ardystiwr fod ar ffurf llun neu ddelwedd wedi'i sganio o lofnod inc wedi'i ysgrifennu â llaw. .
The requirements of the identity attestation process for an overseas elector application
Attestation is the final option in the verification of identity process. Applicants can only use attestation to establish their identity once all the other verification stages of DWP matching, local data matching (where appropriate) and the exceptions process have been undertaken and it has not been possible to verify their identity.1
An identity attestation for an application to register as an overseas elector must:
- confirm that the applicant is the person named in the application2
- be in writing and signed by the qualified attestor3
- state the qualifying attestor’s full name, date of birth, occupation, residential address and (if different) the address at which the qualifying attestor is registered as an elector4
- state–
- where the qualifying attestor is registered as an overseas elector, the attestor’s British passport number together with its date and place of issue5 or
- where the qualifying attestor is registered as a domestic or service voter, the attestor’s electoral number6 [or, if the qualifying attestor is registered in Northern Ireland, the applicant’s Digital Registration Number (DRN)]
- include an explanation that the qualifying attestor is able to confirm the applicant is the person names in the application, including (but not limited to) the qualifying attestor’s connection to the applicant and the length of time that that connection has existed7
- include an indication that the qualifying attestor is aware that it is an offence to provide false information to the registration officer8
- include a declaration by the qualifying attestor that all information provided in the attestation is true9
- state the date on which it is made10
- 1. Reg 26B(5) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(a) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(b) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(c) RPR 2001 (E&W) (S) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(d)(i) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(d)(ii) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(e) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(f)(i) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(f)(ii) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
- 10. Regulation 26B(6ZA)(g) RPR 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 10
Is the identity attestation for an overseas applicant valid and complete?
Is the identity attestation for an overseas applicant valid?
When you receive an identity attestation, you must assess whether it is valid.
You should do this by checking whether it is complete and that the attestor meets the relevant requirements to be a qualified attestor.
Is an identity attestation complete?
Question – does the identity attestation meet the following requirements:1 | Notes | Answer |
Confirm that the applicant is the person named in the application | This would be confirmed by written statement and attestor signing the attestation | Yes/No |
Be in writing and signed by a qualifying attestor | This should be written on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s full name | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s date of birth | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s occupation | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the qualifying attestor’s residential address and, if different, the address in respect of which the qualifying attestor is registered as an elector | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
If the attestor is an overseas elector, state the qualifying attestor's British or Irish passport number together with its date and place of issue | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
If the attestor is a domestic elector, state the qualifying attestor’s electoral number [or if the qualifying attestor is registered in Northern Ireland, the applicant’s Digital Registration Number (DRN)] | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
Include an explanation as to the qualifying attestor’s ability to confirm that the applicant is the person named in the application, including (but not limited to) the qualifying attestor’s connection to the applicant and the length of time that that connection has existed | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
Include confirmation that the qualifying attestor is aware of the offence of providing false information to a registration officer | This would be confirmed by written statement and attestor signing the attestation | Yes/No |
Include a declaration by the qualifying attestor that all of the information provided in the attestation is true | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
State the date on which it is made | This should be written or printed on the attestation | Yes/No |
If the answer to all these questions is yes then the applicant has provided a complete attestation. If one or more of the questions are answered with a no, the attestation is not complete and the applicant must be directed to ask the attestor to supply the missing information.
If an attestor cannot supply the missing information, the applicant should be told that they must seek an attestation from another source, or their application will be rejected. You could set a deadline date for this. This will help you if you decide to reject an application because no response has been received. The period of time given to applicants to respond is at your discretion. However, you should allow a reasonable amount of time for the applicant to source and return their attestation.
- 1. Regulation 26B (6ZA) Representation of the People Regulations 2001 (E&W) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
A yw'r ardystiwr yn bodloni'r gofynion i fod yn ardystiwr cymwys?
A yw'r ardystiwr yn bodloni'r gofynion i fod yn ardystiwr cymwys?
Rhaid i bob ardystiwr cymwys:
- gadarnhau nad yw'n briod, partner sifil, rhiant, tad-cu/mam-gu, brawd, chwaer, plentyn nac ŵyr/wyres i'r ymgeisydd 1
- cadarnhau nad yw eisoes wedi llofnodi ardystiadau hunaniaeth ar gyfer dau ymgeisydd arall naill ai ers i'r gofrestr ddiwygiedig gael ei chyhoeddi ddiwethaf, neu ers i'r ardystiwr gael ei ychwanegu at y gofrestr gyntaf, pa un bynnag sydd fwyaf diweddar 2
- bod yn 18 oed neu drosodd 3
- bod wedi cofrestru fel etholwr 4
Pan fydd ardystiwr yn etholwr domestig, rhaid iddo fod:
- yn berson ac iddo enw da yn y gymuned 5
Dylech gynghori'r ymgeisydd na chaniateir i ardystiwr godi tâl am ddarparu ardystiad.
Enw da
Nid oes diffiniad manwl gywir o enw da; fodd bynnag, at ddibenion ardystiad, dylech ei ystyried i olygu rhywun sydd â chymwysterau y gellir eu gwirio ac a fyddai'n dioddef niwed proffesiynol neu enw da pe baent yn darparu ardystiad ffug. Nid yw’r rhestr yn y tabl isod yn derfynol ond ei bwriad yw dangos pa broffesiynau y gellid eu disgrifio fel rhai o enw da:
aelod, cydymaith neu gymrawd o gorff proffesiynol asiant sicrwydd cwmni cydnabyddedig asiant teithio (cymwys) asiant yswiriant (llawn amser) cwmni cydnabyddedig athro/athrawes, darlithydd bargyfreithiwr cadeirydd/cyfarwyddwr cwmni cyfyngedig ciropodydd clerc erthyglog cwmni cyfyngedig comisiynydd llwon cyfarwyddwr/rheolwr elusen sydd wedi'i chofrestru ar gyfer TAW cyfarwyddwr/rheolwr/swyddog personél cwmni sydd wedi'i gofrestru ar gyfer TAW cyfreithiwr cyfrifydd cyfryngwr gwasanaethau ariannol (e.e. brocer stoc neu frocer yswiriant) cynrychiolydd a etholwyd yn gyhoeddus (AS, Cynghorydd ac ati) deintydd fferyllydd ffotograffydd (proffesiynol) gwas sifil (parhaol) gweinidog crefydd gydnabyddedig (gan gynnwys Gwyddoniaeth Gristnogol) gweithiwr cymdeithasol gweithiwr meddygol proffesiynol llywydd/ysgrifennydd sefydliad cydnabyddedig newyddiadurwr nyrs (RGN ac RMN) optegydd paragyfreithiwr (paragyfreithiwr ardystiedig, paragyfreithiwr cymwys neu aelod cyswllt o Sefydliad y Paragyfreithwyr) peilot cwmni hedfan peiriannydd (gyda chymwysterau proffesiynol) person ag anrhydedd (OBE neu MBE, er enghraifft) prisiwr neu arwerthwr (cymrodyr ac aelodau cyswllt o’r gymdeithas gorfforedig) rheolwr/swyddog personél (cwmni cyfyngedig) swyddog banc/cymdeithas adeiladu swyddog Byddin yr Iachawdwriaeth swyddog heddlu swyddog llywodraeth leol swyddog Swyddfa'r Post swyddog undeb llafur swyddog y gwasanaeth tân swyddog y lluoedd arfog Swyddog y Llynges Fasnachol Swyddogion Gwarantau a Phrif Is-swyddogion syrfëwr trefnydd angladdau trwyddedai tafarn Ynad Heddwch
Mae'n bwysig nodi nad yw person di-waith/sydd wedi ymddeol sydd ag enw da yn y gymuned yn cael ei atal rhag ardystio cais.
Rhaid i chi farnu pob ardystiad yn ôl ei rinweddau unigol yn hytrach na chymhwyso polisi cyffredinol.
A yw'r ardystiwr wedi'i gofrestru i bleidleisio?
Rhaid i'r sawl sy'n ardystio pwy yw etholwr fod wedi'i gofrestru i bleidleisio, naill ai fel etholwr domestig neu fel etholwr tramor. Os yw cyfeiriad cymwys neu gyfeiriad cofrestru'r ardystiwr yn yr un ardal awdurdod lleol â'r ymgeisydd, dylech edrych ar eich cofrestr etholiadol i gadarnhau bod yr ardystiwr yn bodloni'r amod hwn.
Os nad yw cyfeiriad cymwys neu gyfeiriad cofrestru'r ardystiwr yn yr un ardal awdurdod lleol â'r ymgeisydd, dylech gysylltu â Swyddog Cofrestru Etholiadol yr ardystiwr i gadarnhau a yw'r ardystiwr yn bodloni'r amodau hyn.
A yw'r ardystiwr eisoes wedi darparu ardystiadau hunaniaeth ar gyfer dau unigolyn o fewn cyfnod penodedig?
Ni chaniateir i ardystwyr lofnodi ardystiad hunaniaeth ar gyfer mwy na dau unigolyn mewn unrhyw flwyddyn etholiadol (o 1 Rhagfyr tan 30 Tachwedd fel arfer), neu ers i'w cofnod gael ei ychwanegu at y gofrestr yn yr ardal awdurdod lleol honno, pa un bynnag yw'r cyfnod byrraf. 6 Rhaid i chi fod yn fodlon nad yw ardystiwr wedi mynd dros y terfyn. 7
Os bydd ardystiwr wedi cyrraedd y terfyn, dylech wrthod yr ardystiad am y rheswm hwn. Ni fydd hyn yn atal yr ymgeisydd rhag ceisio ardystiad arall gan etholwr arall. Dylech brosesu ardystiadau yn y drefn y dônt i law.
Os bydd ardystiwr yn bodloni'r holl amodau, dylid derbyn yr ardystiad, a dylai Swyddog Cofrestru Etholiadol yr ardystiwr nodi hyn ar gofnod yr etholwr. Bydd hyn wedyn yn cyfrif tuag at y cyfanswm o ardystiadau hunaniaeth y caiff yr etholwr hwn eu gwneud.
- 1. Rheoliad 26B(6ZB)(b), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr)(Yr Alban)(fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Rheoliad 26B(6ZB)\(e), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Rheoliad 26B(6ZB)(a), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr)(Yr Alban)(fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Rheoliad 26B(6ZB)(c), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr)(Yr Alban)(fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Rheoliad 26B(6ZB)(d), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr)(Yr Alban)(fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Rheoliad 26B(6ZB)(e)(ii), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr)(Yr Alban)(fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Rheoliad 26B(6ZB)(e), Rheoliadau Cynrychiolaeth y Bobl 2001 (Cymru a Lloegr)(Yr Alban)(fel y'u diwygiwyd) ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
How long are overseas declarations valid for?
If an individual successfully applies to register as an overseas elector their declaration is valid for up to 3 years. Each declaration will expire on the third 1 November following the date the individual’s entry on the register first takes effect, unless the elector has successfully renewed their declaration. Our guidance on the renewal of overseas declarations has more information on this.
Registrations can be removed earlier in the following circumstances:
- cancellation of the declaration by the elector1
- you determine the person is no longer entitled to be registered2
- you determine the person was registered, or that their entry was altered, as a result of an application made by another person (i.e., not the individual whose details are provided on the application and who has declared that the information provided is true)3
- if another entry is made in respect of the elector in any register of electors4
An overseas voter may cancel their declaration at any time.5 The cancellation of an overseas declaration will also cancel any absent voting arrangement made in connection with that declaration, even if the elector then registers as an ordinary elector at the same qualifying address.
For guidance on removing an elector from the register, see our guidance on deletions.
- 1. Section 2(2)(b) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 2(2)(aa) RPA 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section (2)(ab) RPA 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 2(2)(c) RPA 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Section 2(5) RPA 1985 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
Renewal of overseas declarations
A renewal declaration will confirm that the details held on the electoral register are accurate and will also provide an opportunity for overseas electors to provide updated correspondence details.
You are not required to check the identity of an elector making a renewal declaration.
Once an overseas elector is registered, they are unable to make a fresh application, unless their entitlement to register as an overseas elector has expired. If a registered overseas elector makes a fresh application before their registration has expired, you should ask them to instead complete a renewal declaration.
A renewal declaration must be in writing and include:
- the applicant’s full name
- the applicant’s date of birth
- a statement that the applicant is a British citizen
- a statement that the applicant is not resident in the UK at the date of the declaration
- a declaration of truth
- their qualifying (registered) address
- their current (overseas) address
- a statement confirming that since they were registered in respect of their qualifying address, no other entry has been made in any electoral register at any address
- a statement confirming that they are aware that it is an offence to provide false information1
- the date of the declaration
A declaration received later than three months after it is dated must be rejected.2 The applicant should be informed and invited to submit a fresh declaration.
A renewal may also contain the applicant’s email address and telephone number, but they are not a requirement. A signature is not required.
Electors cannot use the online application service to renew their declaration.
A renewal made by letter, email or paper application form is acceptable. Renewal declaration forms are not prescribed, however they must contain all the required information. Electors are not required to provide a signature for a declaration renewal.
We produce printable renewal declaration forms which you can use. These printable renewal declaration forms are published on our website.
If you receive a written renewal declaration that is not on a renewal declaration form, you should check that it contains all the required information. If it is incomplete, you should contact the elector and request the missing information.
The renewal information can also be provided to you by the applicant over the telephone or in person. In these circumstances you must transfer the information provided to you by the applicant into a renewal declaration in writing.3
The renewal period will begin at the start of the last 6 months of an overseas elector’s existing entitlement.4
As long as a renewal declaration is made within the last 6 months of their existing declaration, an overseas elector’s entitlement can be renewed for another three years.
Existing overseas electors who make an application outside of the renewal period
If an existing overseas elector submits a new application outside of their renewal period, the application must be rejected. However, you should consider the reason why the application has been made - for example has the elector moved or changed their contact information, or do they need to change their absent vote arrangement, and contact them about what they can do to renew their registration.
The three-year renewal cycle
Overseas electors declarations will expire on the third 1 November following the date when the person's entry on the register first takes effect.5 You will need to maintain a record showing when reminders are due to be sent.
By way of example, if a person is first included on the register on 1 March 2024, their declaration will expire on 1 November 2026. If they renewed within the last 6 months of their declaration expiring on 1 November 2026, it would next expire on 1 November 2029. If, however, they are first included on the register on 1 December 2024, their declaration would expire on 1 November 2027. If they renewed it within the last 6 months of it expiring, their entitlement would next expire on 1 November 2030. This table provides some worked examples:
First included on the register | Declaration expires | Renewal determined | Declaration expires |
1 March 2024 | 1 November 2026 | 1 September 2026 | 1 November 2029 |
1 December 2024 | 1 November 2027 | 1 September 2027 | 1 November 2030 |
1 January 2025 | 1 November 2027 | 1 September 2027 | 1 November 2030 |
Any renewal declaration must be received by the ERO within 3 months of it being made for it to be valid.6
Overseas electors cannot update or change their name as part of the renewal process. They must use the separate name change process.
- 1. Regulation 22B(2)(a)(ii) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 2(6) Representation of the People Act 1985 (RPA 1985) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Reg. 22B(3) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Reg. 22A(2)(a)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Section 1D RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Section 1D(5) RPA 1985 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
Sending renewal reminders to overseas electors
To remain registered, an overseas elector must complete a renewal declaration before their existing registration expires.
You must remind overseas electors of the need to make a renewal declaration1 by sending a notice during the relevant period. The relevant period begins with the 1 July immediately before the third 1 November on which their registration will end, and ends with that 1 November.2 The reminder should explain the requirements of a renewal declaration and include a paper renewal declaration for the overseas elector to complete.
You are required to send a second reminder if they have not responded to the first after a reasonable period of time.3 While a reasonable period of time is not defined in legislation, in our view this should be no longer than 28 days and may in some circumstances be shorter (for example, if an election is due to take place). The full renewal period is 6 months long and will overlap with annual canvass processes, so you should plan when you intend to send your renewal reminders alongside your canvass activity. More information can be found in our guidance on planning for the annual canvass.
You have discretion around how you issue renewal reminders. You could use post, email or other e-communications.
You are not required to send a reminder where you have already received a renewal declaration4 or you have received information that the person is no longer entitled to make a renewal declaration.5 You are not required to inform an overseas elector that they have been removed from the register if they fail to renew their declaration.
Sending reminders to anonymous electors who are based overseas
The registration of an anonymous elector who is based overseas will end on the date which their entitlement to remain registered as an anonymous elector ends.6
If an anonymous elector who is based overseas wishes to remain registered this way, they must complete a fresh application for an anonymous entry on the register7 i.e., their entire registration will come to an end if they have not successfully re-applied to be registered.
You must send a reminder to anonymous electors based overseas during the reminder period which begins 3 months before and ends 2 months before the date their entitlement to remain registered as an anonymous elector ends.
For example, if entitlement to be registered as an anonymous elector ends on 31 August, the reminder period begins on 31 May and ends on 30 June.
The reminder must explain that:
- if they wish to remain registered as an anonymous elector based overseas, they must make a fresh application to register8
- if they wish to remain registered as an overseas elector without an anonymous entry, they must make a fresh registration application and a fresh overseas elector declaration9
You are not required to send a reminder where you have already received a fresh application for an anonymous entry on the register.10
A reminder may be sent to the elector’s address by post, email or other e-communications.11
- 1. Regulation 22A(1)(a) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 1D Representation of the People Act 1985 (RPA 1985) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Reg. 22A (1)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Reg. 22A (3)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Reg. 22A (3)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Reg. 25ZA (2)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Reg. 25ZA (2)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Reg. 25ZA(2)(b)(i) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Reg. 25ZA (2)(b)(ii) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
- 10. Reg. 22A (3) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 10
- 11. Reg. 25ZA(4) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 11
Absent vote arrangements for overseas electors
An overseas elector’s postal voting arrangement is directly linked to their registration and will cease on the third 1 November, calculated from the original date of their addition to the register.
This table provides some worked examples:
Date of addition to the electoral register | Date of expiry of postal vote arrangement |
Addition 1 March 2024 | 1 November 2026 |
Addition date before 1 October 2024 | 1 November 2026 |
Addition date before 1 October 2025 | 1 November 2027 |
There may be instances where an overseas elector renews their declaration and postal vote earlier in their renewal period than the 1 November deadline.
Any postal vote arrangement for an overseas elector will expire when their electoral registration expires, regardless of the date the postal vote application was made. In these cases, the postal vote arrangement may be in effect for longer than the three-year maximum period because the postal vote arrangement is linked to the renewed declaration and will be in place until the expiry of the renewed declaration. This table provides some worked examples:
Date of renewal of overseas declaration | Date of expiry of postal vote arrangement |
1 September 2024 | 1 November 2027 |
1 October 2025 | 1 November 2028 |
31 October 2026 | 1 November 2029 |
For more information, see our guidance on managing the renewal of overseas elector registration.
Absent vote renewals made alongside an overseas elector’s declaration
Overseas electors will be able to reapply or refresh their absent vote arrangements at the same time as renewing their declaration.
You may choose to combine absent vote renewals with declaration renewals, though this is not mandatory as not all overseas electors will have an absent vote arrangement.
If, during the renewal period, a new postal vote application is received separately from a renewal declaration from an overseas elector and a poll is not imminent, you should check to see if the elector has made a renewal declaration. If they have not, you should contact the overseas elector to confirm whether they want to renew their declaration and to prompt them to complete their renewal if they do. If they confirm that they do intend to renew their declaration, you should wait to receive the renewal and process it in advance of the postal vote application, as otherwise their absent vote arrangement would only be valid until their existing overseas elector’s declaration expires.
If you cannot get confirmation from the elector, you should process the postal vote application without the renewal and clarify to the elector that it will only be applicable until the end of the declaration period (i.e., up to the 1 November). If a renewal declaration is subsequently received, the overseas elector would be required to reapply for their postal vote if they wish their arrangement to continue to be in place after that date.
If a poll is called whilst you are waiting for the elector to respond or an election is already imminent, you should process any postal vote application you have received without delay. When you confirm the postal vote application has been processed, you should explain why you have done so and that they will need to complete a fresh application if they wish their postal vote arrangement to continue after their existing declaration expires.
Absent vote applications made outside of the overseas elector renewal cycle
Where an overseas elector applies for a postal vote after the 31 October 2023 but before the changes to overseas electors are implemented, then the postal vote may only be granted for the remaining length of time of their original 12-month overseas elector registration, calculated from the date they were added to the register. This table provides some worked examples:
Date of addition to the electoral register | Postal vote application date | Overseas declaration expiry | Postal vote arrangement expiry |
1 June 2023 | 15 November 2023 | 1 June 2024 | 1 June 2024 |
1 July 2023 | 12 February 2024 | 1 July 2024 | 1 July 2024 |
1 March 2024 | 1 August 2024 | 1 November 2026 | 1 November 2026 |
Where an overseas elector’s existing declaration does not expire until after the 31 October 2023, but they have a proxy vote arrangement in place prior to this date their proxy arrangement will expire on 31 January 2024, not with their existing overseas elector declaration. At this point the signature requires refreshing, and both their overseas elector declaration renewal and the renewal of their proxy arrangement will be in line on a three-year cycle.
However, where an overseas elector on the existing 12-month declaration cycle submits a new proxy application within three months of the expiry of their declaration (and subsequently renews their declaration as an overseas elector), the proxy arrangement would not expire alongside their existing declaration but would instead be carried forward until the expiry of their new declaration i.e., the third 1 November after the date of the overseas declaration.
Any overseas elector who applies for a proxy vote after 31 January 2024 will be required to refresh their signature refresh at the same time as the expiry of their overseas declaration, regardless of whether their declaration is under the 12-month or three-year cycles. This table provides some worked examples:
Date of addition to the electoral register | Proxy application date | Overseas declaration expiry | Proxy declaration expiry |
1 July 2023 | 10 July 2023 | 1 July 2024 | Signature refresh required before 31 January 2024; if the signature refresh is completed, the proxy arrangement would continue until 1 July 2024 |
1 July 2023 | 1 February 2024 | 1 July 2024 | 1 July 2024 |
1 February 2023 | 20 December 2023 | 1 February 2024 | 1 November 2026 |
You can find more information in our guidance on the absent vote renewal process.
Confirming applications and declarations
Application confirmations
If you have determined that an applicant is entitled to be registered, you must confirm to them that their registration application has been successful.1 You can deliver the confirmation to the applicant by post or by email.2
You should also include, alongside the confirmation, information on any absent voting arrangements that are in place. If no arrangements are in place, you should make clear what their absent voting options are and how to make an application.
If you have rejected a registration application, you must notify the applicant and inform them of the reasons why.3
Renewal confirmations
You must inform the elector of the outcome of a submitted renewal declaration.4 You may decide to communicate this by sending a confirmation letter, but this is not mandatory. You could also confirm that renewal has been successful by email.
This communication could also include information on when their declaration will expire, how and when they will next be reminded to renew it, what absent voting arrangements they have in place and, if they have none, information on absent voting options.
You should make the elector aware of the general timings for dispatching postal votes ahead of an election and could advise the elector to appoint a proxy as an alternative if it is not realistic for their postal ballot pack to be dispatched, completed, and returned before the close of poll. It is, of course, the elector’s choice as to which method of voting they prefer, but it is important that they can make an informed decision.
The form and format of the confirmation will be at the discretion of the ERO.
- 1. Regulation 22(1) and Regulation 29(2BA) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001(as amended) (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Reg. 29(2BB) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Reg. 22(2)(c) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Reg. 22D RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Gwiriadau blynyddol gydag etholwyr tramor
Gallwch ddewis cynnal gwiriad blynyddol yn ystod blwyddyn gyntaf neu ail flwyddyn y cyfnod cofrestru etholwyr tramor i sicrhau bod eu manylion cyswllt yn dal i fod yn gywir.
Gall rhoi cyfle tebyg iddynt i ddiweddaru eu manylion cyswllt helpu i leihau’r risg na fyddwch o bosib yn gallu cysylltu â’r etholwyr os gelwir etholiad.
Os bydd etholwr tramor, fel rhan o'r broses wirio hon, yn dweud wrthych fod eu cyfeiriad gohebu wedi newid, gallwch ddiweddaru'r rhestr etholwyr tramor i adlewyrchu'r newid. Nid yw’n ofynnol i chi gyhoeddi hysbysiad newid os ydych yn diweddaru’r rhestr etholwyr tramor yn seiliedig ar newid i gyfeiriad gohebu etholwr.
Os bydd etholwr tramor, fel rhan o'r broses wirio hon, yn dweud wrthych fod eu henw wedi newid, dylech eu cynghori i lenwi ffurflen gais newid enw a darparu tystiolaeth ddogfennol os oes angen. Ein canllawiau ar Brosesu newid i enw etholwr | Mae gan y Comisiwn Etholiadol ragor o wybodaeth.
Os oes gan yr etholwr drefniant pleidlais absennol, dylech eu gwneud yn ymwybodol y bydd angen iddynt hefyd ddiweddaru'r manylion ar eu cofnod pleidlais absennol a'u cynghori ar sut y gallant wneud hyn.
How should overseas electors be listed in the register?
Overseas electors should be listed as other electors at the end of each relevant part of the register and entries must be shown without an address. They must be grouped in alphabetical order together with any service voters and persons registered by a declaration of local connection. All overseas electors must have the letter F prefixed before their name.
You must prepare and maintain a separate list of the names of overseas electors. The names must be listed in alphabetical order.1
The list must include the elector’s qualifying address and their present address.2
For anonymous overseas electors the list must only contain their elector number3 and the date on which their entitlement to remain registered anonymously ends.4 The elector numbers of anonymous overseas electors must be printed after the alphabetical list of names of ordinary overseas electors.
The list of overseas electors must be made available for inspection (under supervision) at the same time as a revised version of the register is published.5
- 1. Regulation 45(2) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (as amended) (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Reg. 45(1) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Reg. 45(1A)(a) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Reg. 45(1A)(b) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Reg. 45(3) RPR (E&W) 2001 (as amended) ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
HM forces service voters
HM forces service voters
A member of HM forces and their spouse or civil partner may register as a service voter, although they may choose in certain circumstances to make a registration application as an ordinary elector instead.1
A member of HM forces is a person serving on full pay the naval, military or air forces of the Crown raised in the UK.
The following do not qualify as an HM forces service voter:2
- persons serving only as a member of a reserve or auxiliary force (except those serving during a period of emergency)
- members of the regular army required, by the terms of their service, to serve in Northern Ireland only
When a person is not qualified to be a service voter for one of the reasons listed above, and is away from a UK address at which they have been residing, they can still be deemed to be resident there. They may therefore be registered as an ordinary elector if outside the UK on duty.3
Service Unit Registration Officers
Each unit has designated one member of staff to be a Unit Registration Officer (URO) and each base commander has been asked to give assistance to the URO and other personnel in their unit to promote participation in the electoral process. A Unit could be a base, ship, depot, barracks etc.
The responsibilities of the URO include providing information to service personnel and their families and acting as a liaison between the unit and local EROs.
Where you have any military establishments in your area you should make contact with the UROs. If any problems occur with the registration of service personnel you should raise these issues with the URO of the unit in the first instance. It should now be possible for you to contact a URO in any location, including overseas. To ascertain who the URO is for any particular unit, the Ministry of Defence recommends contacting the unit directly, initially through directory enquiries, and then asking for information about the URO from:
- Royal Navy – First Lieutenant’s office
- Army – Adjutant’s office
- RAF – OC PSF (Officer Commanding Personnel Services Flight)
Registration of HM forces service voters who are qualifying Commonwealth citizens
A service declaration must state the address where the applicant is living in the UK or, if they are living abroad because of their service, where they would have been living in the UK but for their service abroad. If they cannot give such an address, they must give an address at which they have lived in the UK.4
Qualifying Commonwealth citizens, who have been recruited to the services in their country of origin or outside the UK without previously being resident in the UK, but who receive their training in the UK and are then immediately posted overseas may register at:
- the address of the barracks where they were enlisted and/or did their training
- a barracks where they were or would be resident if they were not posted abroad
- their regimental headquarters where they may have been resident
- an address in the UK where they would be resident were they no longer in the forces or not required to be resident in barracks, such as a relative’s address
- 1. Section 14(1)(a) and (d) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 59(1)(b) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 59(2) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 16(1)(d) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
How to make a new application to register as a HM forces service voter
Individuals can make a new application to register as a HM forces service voter:
- online via the central government website -
- by providing the necessary information in writing (e.g. on a paper form)
- by telephone (if you offer the service)
Online applications
The online application portal is hosted on GOV.UK. If you have an email address for a potential elector you could, in the first instance, use it to encourage them to submit an online application or issue an application by electronic means.
Existing HM forces service voters who are renewing their registration can only do so using a paper renewal form which may be sent by post or by email. Our guidance on the renewals process has more information on this.
Paper applications
We produce printable HM forces service voter application forms which you can use. They are published on our website and GOV.UK. We also provide versions of the forms in a range of accessible formats such as large print and easy read.
Telephone applications
For the benefit and convenience of electors, you should offer this service wherever possible. This will also help you meet your duties under the Equalities Act 2010, as people who may have difficulties completing the paper or online form will have the opportunity to apply without the need to provide the information in writing.
If you are unable to provide telephone registration for all, you may allow these at your discretion in certain circumstances, and you should do so to assist applicants with disabilities in order to meet equalities obligations.
What must be included in an application from a member of HM forces?
What must be included in an application from a member of HM forces?
An application to register as an HM forces service voter must contain all of the following:1
- the applicant’s full name
- their correspondence address or British Forces Post Office (BFPO) number
- any address where the applicant has ceased to reside in the 12 months prior to the date of the application and, where that address is not in the UK, an indication of whether registered as an overseas elector during this period
- an indication of whether the applicant is resident at any other address, including any address where the applicant is currently registered and claims to be entitled to remain registered
- the applicant’s date of birth or, if unable to provide this information, the reason why they are unable to do so and a statement as to whether as to whether the applicant is under 18 years old or aged 76 or over
- the applicant’s National Insurance number or, if they are not able to provide this, the reason they are not able to do so
- the applicant’s nationality or nationalities or, if they are not able to provide this information, the reason they are not able to do so
- an indication of whether their name should be omitted from the edited register
- a declaration that the contents of the application are true
- the date of the application
- the appropriate declaration
The application form must also provide space for their most recent previous name2
(if they have one) and an explanation that providing this information is not mandatory but may help in verifying their identity and that if it is not provided, additional personal information may be required.
An HM forces service declaration must state:3
- the date of declaration
- the applicant’s full name and address
- that on that date the applicant is, or but for the circumstances entitling that person to make the declaration would have been, residing in the UK
- the address where the applicant is, or would have been residing in the UK, or if they cannot give any such address, an address at which they have resided in the UK
- that on the date of the declaration the applicant is a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of a member state of the European Union
- whether the applicant had on the date of the declaration attained the age of 18 years and, if they had not, their date of birth
- the grounds on which a service qualification is claimed
- information relating to the service in which they or the person entitling them to make the application serve (whether naval, military or air forces), their rank and service number
- 1. Regulation 26(1) and (4) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26(3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 16(1) Representation of the People Act 1983 and Regulation 15 RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
How should an application from a member of HM forces be processed?
How should an application from a member of HM forces be processed?
Acknowledging applications
There is no legal requirement for an application to be acknowledged although you do have discretion to send an acknowledgement if you wish. In all cases, you are required to send a confirmation if the application is successful, as set out below.
Verifying applications
All applications and declarations should be processed and the applicant’s identity verified as soon as possible after receipt.
If you receive an application where the qualifying address falls outside your area you should forward it to the relevant ERO without delay.
Members of the armed forces whose personal identifiers fail the DWP match must provide an attestation as to their identity
You must write to the applicant informing them that it has not been possible to verify their identity and ask them to supply an attestation.
You may wish to create a form which contains the necessary legal statements and requirements for the attestation. Alternatively, you may wish to set this detail out in the letter to the applicant. In all cases, you must communicate the legislative requirements for an attestation.1
The attestation must:
- be in writing
- confirm that the applicant is the person stated in the service voter’s application
- be signed by an officer of the armed forces who is not the spouse, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, child or grandchild of the applicant
- state the full name, address and rank of the person signing the attestation and the service (whether naval, military or air forces) in which the attestor serves
- state the date on which it is made
Persons attesting armed forces applications do not have to be registered to vote and may attest an unlimited number of applications.
You may wish to set a deadline date for the applicant to respond; this will be helpful when deciding to reject an application because no response has been received. The time given to applicants to respond is at the discretion of the ERO; however, it should allow the applicant reasonable time to source and return their attestation, bearing in mind that armed forces electors may be deployed to overseas locations.
Spouses or civil partners of members of the armed forces whose personal identifiers fail the DWP match must provide documentary evidence in support of their application
You must write to the applicant informing them that it has not been possible to verify their identity and asking them to supply documentary evidence. This must be a copy of the information / photograph page of their passport or both sides of their EEA identity card, certified by an officer of the armed forces who is not the applicant’s spouse or civil partner.
You may wish to set a deadline date for the applicant to respond; this will be helpful when deciding to reject an application because no response has been received. The time given to applicants to respond is at the discretion of the ERO; however, it should allow the applicant reasonable time to source and return their attestation, bearing in mind that armed forces electors may be deployed to overseas locations.
Confirming applications and declarations
If you have determined an applicant is entitled to be registered, you must confirm to them in writing that their registration application has been successful.2
You should also include alongside the confirmation letter, information on any absent voting arrangements that are in place. If no arrangements are in place you should make clear what the absent voting options are.
If you have rejected a registration application, you must notify the applicant and inform them of the reasons why.3
Where an existing HM forces elector has successfully renewed their declaration, there is no requirement to send them a confirmation notice. You may, however, still decide to confirm their renewal has been successful, which you could do by e-mail. This communication could also include information on when their declaration will expire, how and when they will next be reminded to renew it, what absent voting arrangements they have in place and, if they have none, information on absent voting options.
You should make the elector aware of the general timings for dispatching postal votes ahead of an election and could advise the elector to appoint a proxy as an alternative if it is not realistic for their postal ballot pack to be dispatched, completed and returned before the close of poll. It is, of course, the elector’s choice as to which method of voting they prefer, but it is important that they can make an informed decision. Further information can be found in our guidance on absent voting.
- 1. Regulation 26B Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 17(1) and Regulation 29(2BA) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 17(2) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
How should HM forces service voters be listed in the register?
How should HM forces service voters be listed in the register?
Service voters either living at their qualifying address, or who would be living there were it not for the fact that they were stationed elsewhere because of their employment in the services, must be shown in the main body of the register, in the same way as ordinary electors.
HM forces service voters should only be listed as other electors when they no longer have a connection to their qualifying address other than the fact that they once lived there.1
Their names are to be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the relevant polling district beneath the other electors heading. The entry will show their name and elector number but not their address.2
- 1. Regulation 40(2) and 41(3) Representation of the People (England and Wales) (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 41(3) RPR ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
How long are service declarations valid for?
How long are service declarations valid for?
A service declaration for members of HM forces or their spouse or civil partner is valid for five years.1 Registrations can be removed earlier in the following circumstances:2
- cancellation by the elector
- you determine the person is not entitled to be registered
- you determine the person was registered, or their entry was altered, as a result of an application made by another person (i.e. not the individual whose details are provided on the application and who has declared that the information provided is true)
- if another entry is made in respect of the elector in any register of electors
For guidance on removing an elector from the register, see our guidance on deletions.
A service declaration received later than three months after it is dated must be rejected.3
The applicant should be informed and invited to submit a fresh declaration.
A service voter may cancel their declaration at any time.4
The cancellation of a service declaration will cancel any absent voting arrangement made in connection with that declaration even if the elector registers as an ordinary elector at the same qualifying address.
- 1. Article 2 Service Voters' Registration Period Order 2010 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 15(2) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 15(8) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 15(7) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Renewal of service declarations
Renewal of service declarations
A person registered as an HM forces service voter is entitled to remain registered, provided the elector continues to satisfy the other conditions for registration, until the end of the five year period beginning with the date when the entry first takes effect. You should make contact with the HM forces service voter during this five year period to ensure that their registration and voting arrangements remain current.
You will need to maintain a record showing when reminders are due to be sent.
You must remind every service voter of the need to make a fresh declaration if they wish to remain registered.1
The reminder must be sent between 57 and 58 months after the date when the service entry first takes effect2
and should include a new declaration for the service voter to complete. If you do not receive a fresh declaration, you are required to send a second reminder not less than 21 days and not more than 28 days after sending the first reminder.3
Reminders must not be sent where you have received information that the person is no longer entitled to make the relevant declaration or no longer wishes to be registered as a service voter.4
Where a declaration is not renewed within the five year period and the person is removed from the register, they will also lose any absent voting arrangement they had in place.
Further information about notifying electors of loss of entitlement to absent voting arrangements can be found in our guidance on absent voting.
- 1. Regulation 25(2) Representation of the People (England and Wales) (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 25(3)(a) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 25(3A) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 25(4) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Crown servants and British Council employee service voters
Crown servants and British Council employee service voters
Crown servants and British Council employees abroad and their spouse or civil partner accompanying them can be registered at any time as service voters1 – although they may choose in certain circumstances to make a registration application as an ordinary elector instead.
A Crown servant is a person employed in the service of the Crown in a post outside the UK. They are required to devote the whole of their working time to the duties of that post, and their remuneration is paid wholly out of money provided by Parliament.2
However, spouses and civil partners who are themselves in the UK do not qualify for this type of registration.3
- 1. Section 14(1)(e) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 14 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 14(1)(b),(c) and (e) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
How to make a new application to register as a Crown Servant or British Council employee service voter
Individuals can make a new application to register as a Crown Servant or British Council employee:
- online via the central government website -
- by providing the necessary information in writing (e.g. on a paper form)
- by telephone (if you offer the service)
Online applications
The online application portal is hosted on GOV.UK. If you have an email address for a potential elector you could, in the first instance, use it to encourage them to submit an online application or issue an application by electronic means.
Existing Crown Servant or British Council employee service voters who are renewing their registration can only do so using a paper renewal form which may be sent by post or by email. Our guidance on the renewals process has more information on this.
Paper applications
We produce printable Crown Servant and British Council employee service voter application forms which you can use. They are published on our website and GOV.UK. We also provide versions of the forms in a range of accessible formats such as large print and easy read.
Telephone applications
For the benefit and convenience of electors, you should offer this service wherever possible. This will also help you meet your duties under the Equalities Act 2010, as people who may have difficulties completing the paper or online form will have the opportunity to apply without the need to provide the information in writing.
If you are unable to provide telephone registration for all, you may allow these at your discretion in certain circumstances, and you should do so to assist applicants with disabilities in order to meet equalities obligations.
What must be included in an application from a Crown servant or British Council employee?
What must be included in an application from a Crown servant or British Council employee?
An application to register as a service voter must contain all of the following:1
- the applicant’s full name
- their correspondence address
- any address where the applicant has ceased to reside in the 12 months prior to the date of the application and, where that is not in the UK, an indication of whether that person was registered as an overseas elector during this period
- an indication of whether the applicant is resident at any other address, including any address where the applicant is currently registered and claims to be entitled to remain registered
- the applicant’s date of birth or, if unable to provide this information, the reason why they are unable to do so and a statement as to whether the applicant is under 18 years old or aged 76 or over
- the applicant’s National Insurance number or, if they are not able to provide this, the reason they are not able to do so
- the applicant’s nationality or nationalities or, if they are not able to provide this information, the reason they are not able to do so
- an indication of whether their name should be omitted from the edited register
- a declaration that the contents of the application are true
- the date of the application
- the appropriate declaration
The application form must also provide space for their most recent previous name2
(if they have one) and an explanation that providing this information is not mandatory but may help in verifying their identity and that if it is not provided, additional personal information may be required.
Their service declaration must state:3
- the date of declaration
- the applicant’s full name and address
- that on that date the applicant is, or but for the circumstances entitling that person to make the declaration would have been, residing in the UK
- the address where the applicant is, or, would have been residing in the UK, or if they cannot give such an address, an address at which they have resided in the UK
- that on the date of the declaration the applicant is a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of a member state of the European Union
- whether the applicant had on the date of the declaration attained the age of 18 years and, if they had not, their date of birth
- the grounds on which a service qualification is claimed
- information relating to their job (or the person’s job who entitles them to make the application) must be declared as shown in the table below:
Crown Servant | British Council employee |
The declaration made by Crown servants and British Council employees does not need to be sent via their employer, which means that Crown servant and British Council employees can complete the registration process online.4
- 1. Regulation 26(1) and (4) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26(3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 16 Representation of the People Act 1983 and Regulations 15 and 15A RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 16 RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
How should an application and declaration from a Crown servant or British Council employee be processed?
How should an application and declaration from a Crown servant or British Council employee be processed?
Acknowledging applications
There is no legal requirement for an application to be acknowledged although you do have discretion to send an acknowledgement. In all cases, you are required to send a confirmation if the application is successful, as set out below.
Verifying applications
All applications and declarations should be processed and the applicant’s identity verified as soon as possible after receipt.
If you receive an application where the qualifying address falls outside your area it should be forwarded to the relevant ERO without delay.
Potential Crown servants, British Council employees or their spouses or civil partners who fail the DWP match must provide documentary evidence in support of their application.
You must write to the applicant informing them that it has not been possible to verify their identity and asking them to supply documentary evidence. This must be a copy of the information / photograph page of their passport or both sides of their EEA identity card, certified by a Crown servant or British Council employee who is not the applicant’s spouse or civil partner.
You may wish to set a deadline date for the applicant to respond; this will be helpful when deciding to reject an application because no response has been received. The time given to applicants to respond is at the discretion of the ERO; however, it should allow the applicant reasonable time to source and return their attestation, bearing in mind that some electors may be deployed to overseas locations.
Declaration requirements
The declaration must contain all the required information for it to be considered duly made.1
If the declaration does not meet with the requirement, you shall return the declaration to the applicant and explain what information is missing.2
Confirming applications and declarations
If you have determined that an applicant is entitled to be registered, you must confirm to them in writing that their registration application has been successful.3
You should also include, alongside the confirmation letter, information on any absent voting arrangements that are in place. If no arrangements are in place you should make clear what the options are.
If you have rejected a registration application, you must notify the applicant and inform them of the reasons why.
Where an existing service voter has successfully renewed their declaration, there is no requirement to send a confirmation notice. You may, however, still decide to send them further information confirming that their renewal has been successful, which you could do by e-mail. This communication could also include information on when their declaration will expire, how and when they will next be reminded to renew it, what absent voting arrangements they have in place and, if they have none, information on absent voting options.
You should also make the elector aware of the general timings for dispatching postal votes ahead of an election and could advise the elector to appoint a proxy as an alternative if it is not realistic for their postal ballot pack to be dispatched, completed and returned before the close of poll. It is, of course, the elector’s choice as to which method of voting they prefer, but it is important that electors can make an informed decision. Further information can be found in our guidance on absent voting.
- 1. Regulation 17(1) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 (RPR (E&W) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Reg 17(2) RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 17(1) and Regulation 29(2BA) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
How should Crown servants and British Council employee service voters be listed in the register?
How should Crown servants and British Council employee service voters be listed in the register?
Service voters either living at their qualifying address, or who would be living there were it not for the fact that they were stationed elsewhere because of their employment, must be shown in the main body of the register, in the same way as ordinary electors.
Crown servant and British Council employee service voters should only be listed as other electors when they no longer have a connection to their qualifying address other than the fact that they once lived there.1
If this is the case then their names are to be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the relevant polling district of the register beneath the ‘other electors’ heading. The entry will show their name and elector number but not their address.2
- 1. Regulations 40 and 41(3) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 41(3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
How long are service declarations for Crown servants and British Council employees valid for?
How long are service declarations for Crown servants and British Council employees valid for?
A service declaration for Crown servants, British Council employees, or their spouse or civil partner is valid for 12 months.1 Registrations can be removed earlier in the following circumstances:2
- cancellation by the elector
- you determine the person is not entitled to be registered
- you determine the person was registered, or that their entry was altered, as a result of an application made by another person (i.e. not the individual whose details are provided on the application and who has declared that the information provided is true)
- if another entry is made in respect of the elector in any register of electors
For guidance on removing an elector from the register, see our guidance on deletions.
A declaration received later than three months after it is dated must be rejected.3
The applicant should be informed and invited to submit a fresh declaration.
A service voter may cancel their declaration at any time.4
The cancellation of a service declaration will cancel any absent voting arrangement made in connection with that declaration even if the elector registers as an ordinary elector at the same qualifying address.
- 1. Section 15(2)(a) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 15(2) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 15(8) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 15(7) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Renewal of Crown servant and British Council employee service declarations
Renewal of Crown servant and British Council employee service declarations
A Crown servant or British Council employee is entitled to remain registered provided the elector continues to satisfy the other conditions for registration during this period until the end of the 12 month period beginning with the date when their entry first takes effect.
You will need to maintain a record showing when reminders are due to be sent.
You must remind every service voter of the need to make a fresh declaration to remain registered as a service voter.1
The reminder must be sent between 9 and 10 months after the date when the service entry first takes effect2
and should include a declaration for the service voter to complete.
If you do not receive a fresh declaration, you are required to send a second reminder not less than 21 days and not more than 28 days after sending the first reminder.3
Reminders must not be sent where you have received information that the person is no longer entitled to make the relevant declaration or no longer wishes to be registered as a service voter.4
Where a declaration is not renewed within the 12 month period and the person is removed from the register, they will also lose any voting arrangement they had in place.
Further information about notifying electors of loss of entitlement to absent voting arrangements can be found in our guidance on absent voting.
- 1. Regulation 25(2) 2001 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 25(3)(a) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 25(3)(a) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 25(4) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Declarations of local connection
Declarations of local connection
A person who does not have a fixed or permanent address may register at the place where they spend most of their time, or to which they have a local connection,1
by making a declaration of local connection.
Our guidance on eligibility to register sets out in detail who can make a declaration of local connection.
- 1. Section 7B Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How to make a new application to register with a Declaration of local connection
Individuals can make a new application to register with a declaration of local connection either:
- by providing the necessary information in writing (e.g. on a paper form)
- by telephone (if you offer the service)
Paper applications
We produce printable declaration of local connection application forms which you can use. They are published on our website and GOV.UK. We also provide versions of the forms in a range of accessible formats such as large print and easy read.
Telephone applications
For the benefit and convenience of electors, you should offer this service wherever possible. This will also help you meet your duties under the Equalities Act 2010, as people who may have difficulties completing the paper or online form will have the opportunity to apply without the need to provide the information in writing.
If you are unable to provide telephone registration for all, you may allow these at your discretion in certain circumstances, and you should do so to assist applicants with disabilities in order to meet equalities obligations.
What must be included in an application made by a declaration of local connection?
What must be included in an application made by a declaration of local connection?
An application to register by making a declaration of local connection must include all of the following:1
- the applicant’s full name
- the address in respect of which the applicant applies to be registered
- any address where the applicant has ceased to reside in the 12 months prior to the date of the application and, where that address is not in the UK, an indication of whether that person was registered as an overseas elector during this period.
- an indication of whether the applicant is resident at any other address, including any address where the applicant is currently registered and claims to be entitled to remain registered
- the applicant’s date of birth or, if unable to provide this information, the reason why they are not able to do so and a statement as to whether the applicant is under 18 years old or aged 76 or over
- the applicant’s National Insurance number or, if they are they are not able to provide this, the reason they are not able to do so
- the applicant’s nationality or nationalities or, if they are not able to provide this information, the reason they are not able to do so
- an indication of whether the applicant requests their name to be omitted from the edited register
- a declaration that the contents of the application are true
- the date of the application
- the appropriate declaration
The application form must also provide space for their most recent previous name2
(if they have one) and an explanation that providing this information is not mandatory but may help in verifying their identity and that if it is not provided, additional personal information may be required.
A declaration of local connection must be signed and dated by the applicant and state:3
- the applicant’s full name
- the address to which correspondence can be delivered or a statement confirming that they are willing to collect correspondence from the ERO
- the category in which their declaration falls, e.g. mental health patient, remand prisoner or person of no fixed address
- in the case of a person of no fixed address, the address of, or near, a place where they commonly spend a substantial part of their time
- in the case of a prisoner on remand, the name and address of the place where they are detained, as well as the address at which they would be residing if they were not detained. If they are unable to give such an address, an address at which they have previously resided
- in the case of a mental health patient, the name and address of the mental health hospital, as well as the address at which they would be residing if they were not a patient. If they are unable to give such an address, an address at which they have previously resided
- that they have attained 18 years of age or, if not, their date of birth.
- that they are a qualifying Commonwealth citizen, a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a citizen of a European Union member state
At a by-election to the UK Parliament any declaration of local connection made by a homeless person received during the period from the date of the vacancy to the close of nominations must include a statement that the applicant has spent a substantial part of time during the past three months at or near to the address at which they claim to be entitled to be registered.4
If a person makes a declaration of local connection stating more than one address, or makes more than one declaration on the same date and stating different addresses, the declaration or declarations will be void.5
- 1. Regulation 26(1) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26(3)(ea) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 7B(3) and (4) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 7B(6) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Section 7B(8) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
How should applications made by a declaration of local connection be processed?
How should applications made by a declaration of local connection be processed?
Acknowledging applications
There is no legal requirement for an application to be acknowledged although you do have discretion to send an acknowledgement. In all cases, you are required to send a confirmation if the application is successful, as set out below.
Verifying applications
All applications and declarations should be processed and the applicant’s identity verified as soon as possible after receipt.
If you receive an application where the qualifying address falls outside your area it should be forwarded to the relevant ERO without delay.
Any applicant who fails the DWP match must provide documentary evidence, or if they cannot provide documentary evidence, an attestation in the same way as people applying to register as an ordinary elector. See our guidance on verification, exceptions and attestations.
All correspondence between you and applicants may be sent electronically. In addition, it is permissible for applicants to provide attestations or documentary evidence by electronic means such as a fax or scanned image.
Confirming applications and declarations
If you have determined that an applicant is entitled to be registered, you must confirm to them in writing that their registration application has been successful.1
You should also include, alongside the confirmation letter, information on any absent voting arrangements that are in place. If no arrangements are in place you should make clear what the absent voting options are.
If you have rejected a registration application, you must notify the applicant and inform them of the reasons why.
Where a person who is registered through a declaration of local connection has successfully renewed their declaration, there is no requirement to send them a confirmation notice. You may, however, still decide to send them further information confirming that their renewal has been successful, which you could do by e-mail. This communication could also include information on when their declaration will expire, how and when they will next be reminded to renew it, what absent voting arrangements they have in place and, if they have none, information on absent voting options.
- 1. Regulation 29(2BA) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How should electors registered by making a declaration of local connection be listed in the register?
How should electors registered by making a declaration of local connection be listed in the register?
All persons registered through a declaration of local connection must be included at the end of each relevant part of the register under the heading ‘other electors’ without an address. Their names are to be included in alphabetical order, grouped together with any service voters and overseas electors, but before any anonymously registered electors.1
- 1. Regulations 40 and 41(3) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How long are declarations of local connection valid for?
How long are declarations of local connection valid for?
A declaration of local connection is valid for 12 months from the date when the entry on the register first takes effect.1 Registrations can be removed earlier in the following circumstances:2
- cancellation by the elector
- you determine the person is not entitled to be registered
- you determine the person was registered, or that their entry was altered, as a result of an application made by another person (i.e. not the individual whose details are provided on the application and who has declared that the information provided is true)
- if another entry is made in respect of the elector in any register of electors
For guidance on removing an elector from the register, see our guidance on deletions.
A declaration received later than three months after it is dated must be rejected.3
The applicant should be informed and invited to submit a fresh declaration.
- 1. Section 7C(2)(a) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 7C(2)(aa), (ab), (b) and (c) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Section 7B(10) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Renewal of declarations of local connection
Renewal of declarations of local connection
A person registered through a declaration of local connection is entitled to remain registered until the end of the 12 month period beginning with the date when the entry first takes effect, provided the other conditions for registration remain satisfied.
You will need to maintain a record showing when reminders are due to be sent. You must remind the elector of the need to make a fresh declaration if they wish to remain registered.1
The reminder must be sent between 9 and 10 months after the date when the entry first takes effect2
and should include a declaration for the elector to complete. If you do not receive a fresh declaration, you are required to send a second reminder not less than 21 days and not more than 28 days after sending the first reminder.3
Reminders must not be sent where you have received information that the person is no longer entitled to make the relevant declaration.4
Where a declaration is not renewed within the 12 month period and the person is removed from the register, they will also lose any absent voting arrangement they had in place.
Further information about notifying electors of loss of entitlement to absent voting arrangements can be found in our guidance on absent voting.
You should consider the most appropriate method of obtaining a renewal from those who have registered through a declaration of local connection. It may be appropriate, in addition to simply sending a renewal notice by post, to make a personal visit to ensure the reminder and declaration reaches the elector.
- 1. Regulation 25(2) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 25(3)(a) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 25(3A) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 25(4) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Prisoners and detained mental health patients
Prisoners and detained mental health patients
Some remand prisoners or detained mental health patients may remain registered as ordinary electors if their absence from their home address is limited.
Longer term remand prisoners or mental health patients may register through a declaration of local connection, at an address where they would be living, if it were not for their circumstances, or where they used to live before becoming a remand prisoner or mental health patient.1
Some remand prisoners or mental health patients will qualify to register at a place of custody or hospital address, if their length of stay is sufficient.2
Our guidance on eligibility to register sets out the options that prisoners and patients in mental health hospitals have for registering.
- 1. Section 7A (5) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 7A (2) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Who may apply and how should applications be processed?
Who may apply and how should applications be processed?
Prisoners on remand and patients in mental health hospitals who are registered at their place of custody or hospital must supply the same information as for an ordinary application.1
Acknowledging applications
There is no legal requirement for an application to be acknowledged although you do have discretion to send an acknowledgement. In all cases, you are required to send a confirmation if the application is successful, as set out below.
Verifying applications
All applications and declarations should be processed and the applicant’s identity verified as soon as possible after receipt.
If you receive an application where the qualifying address falls outside your area it should be forwarded to the relevant ERO without delay.
Any applicant who fails the DWP match must provide documentary evidence, or if they cannot provide documentary evidence, an attestation in the same way as people applying to register as an ordinary elector.
Confirming applications and declarations
If you have determined that an applicant is entitled to be registered, you must confirm to them in writing that their registration application has been successful.2
You should also include, alongside the confirmation letter, information on any absent voting arrangements that are in place. If no arrangements are in place you should make clear what the absent voting options are.
If you have rejected a registration application, you must notify the applicant and inform them of the reasons why.
- 1. Regulation 26 2001 Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 29(2BA) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
How long are registrations valid for?
How long are registrations valid for?
Registration of remand prisoners and mental health patients lasts for 12 months from the day the entry is made on the register.1 Registrations can be removed earlier in the following circumstances:2
- cancellation by the elector
- you determine the person is not entitled to be registered
- you determine the person was registered, or that their entry was altered, as a result of an application made by another person (i.e. not the individual whose details are provided on the application and who has declared that the information provided is true)
- if another entry is made in respect of the elector in any register of electors
For guidance on removing an elector from the register, see our guidance on deletions.
- 1. Sections 7(3)(a) and 7A(3)(a) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Sections 7(3)(aa) – (b) and 7A(3)(aa) – (b) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Anonymous registration
Anonymous registration
Anonymous registration is available to electors whose safety would be at risk if their name or address were listed on the electoral register. Other persons in the same household also qualify to register as anonymous electors and may also apply for anonymous registration if they wish.1
You should consider which establishments or properties, such as refuges, should receive anonymous registration forms and additional information as part of your duty to maintain the register. Registration application forms could be sent with a note explaining what anonymous registration is and how people can apply.
In partnership with Women’s Aid we have produced a guide to anonymous registration for professionals working with survivors of domestic violence.
The guide, which may also be useful to you and your staff, explains what anonymous registration is and that an applicant’s name and address details will be kept securely and will not be searchable on the electoral register. The guide also outlines how to apply for anonymous registration.
There may be circumstances where a returned canvass communication may include a note from a potential elector with a reason that may satisfy the requirements for anonymous registration. An anonymous registration application should then be sent and the person told that others in the household may also be entitled to register anonymously.
Combining anonymous registration with other special category elector entitlement
Anonymous registration does not affect any other special category elector entitlement and can be combined. For example, a person may be an anonymous elector with a local connection or an anonymous service voter, or an anonymous overseas voter if they meet the qualification for both registrations.
- 1. Section 9B (10) Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How to make a new application to register as an anonymous elector
Individuals can make a new application to register as an anonymous elector either:
- by providing the necessary information in writing (e.g. on a paper form)
- by telephone (if you offer the service)
Paper applications
We produce printable anonymous elector application form which you can use. They are published on our website and GOV.UK. We also provide versions of the forms in a range of accessible formats such as large print and easy read.
Telephone applications
For the benefit and convenience of electors, you should offer this service wherever possible. This will also help you meet your duties under the Equalities Act 2010, as people who may have difficulties completing the paper or online form will have the opportunity to apply without the need to provide the information in writing.
If you are unable to provide telephone registration for all, you may allow these at your discretion in certain circumstances, and you should do so to assist applicants with disabilities in order to meet equalities obligations.
What must be included in an application for anonymous registration?
What must be included in an application for anonymous registration?
Applicants for anonymous registration must include the following as part of their application for registration:1
- the applicant’s full name
- the address where the applicant is resident on the date of the application and in respect of which they are applying to be registered
- any address where the applicant has ceased to reside in the 12 months prior to the date of the application and, where that address is not in the UK, an indication of whether that person was registered as an overseas elector during this period
- an indication of whether the applicant is resident at any other address, including any address where the applicant is currently registered and claims to be entitled to remain registered
- the applicant’s date of birth or, if unable to provide this information, the reason why they are unable to do so and a statement as to whether the applicant is under 18 years old or aged 76 or over
- the applicant’s National Insurance number or, if they are not able to provide this , the reason they are not able to do so
- the applicant’s nationality or nationalities or, if they are not able to provide this information, the reason they are not able to do so
- a declaration that the contents of the application are true
- the date of the application
- the fact that the application is accompanied by an application for anonymous registration
An application for anonymous registration must be in writing. It must be signed and dated by the applicant and must contain:2
- the applicant’s full name and address
- the reason for their application
- evidence to support their application (a court document or an attestation as described below)
- if the applicant is someone who lives in the same household as someone whose safety would be at risk, evidence that the applicant lives in the same household as that person. Evidence could be a utility bill, bank statement, photocard driving licence, etc.
- if the applicant is someone who lives in the same household as someone whose safety would be at risk, evidence that that person’s safety would be at risk
- a declaration that:
- the evidence to support their application is genuine so far as the applicant is aware
- if it is someone who lives in the same household, the person to whom the evidence relates lives in the same household and that, as far as they are aware, the evidence is genuine
- the other information given is true
The application form must also provide space for their most recent previous name (if they have one)3
and an explanation that providing this information is not mandatory but may help in verifying their identity and that if it is not provided, additional personal information may be required.
Applicants must be able to satisfy you that their safety or that of any other person in the same household would be at risk if their details were made public.4
Documentary evidence or an attestation must be provided in support of the application.5
You should not involve yourself in the personal circumstances of applicants and your decisions should only rely on the accompanying documents. You should be satisfied that documents provided in support of an application are genuine.
Anonymously registered electors are entitled to submit a correspondence address which must be used for future registration correspondence if given.6
- 1. Regulation 26(1) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 31G RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26(3)(ea) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 31H(2)(b) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 31H(2)(a) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 31G(6) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
What documents or attestations must be included with an application for anonymous registration?
What documents or attestations must be included with an application for anonymous registration?
The application must be accompanied by either a court order or an attestation.1
Any court order or injunction must be for the protection or the benefit of the applicant or another person of the same household.2 The order must be in force on the day of the application,3 but need not be for the whole 12 month period of registration. An order ceasing to be in force during the 12 month period of registration does not reduce or otherwise affect the length of registration. A copy of any relevant court document is acceptable.4
The eligible court documents are:5
Eligible court documents |
An injunction for the purpose of restraining a person from pursuing any conduct which amounts to harassment granted in proceedings under Section 3 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 or under article 5 of the Protection from Harassment (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 |
An injunction granted under Section 3A(2) of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 |
A restraining order made under Section 5(1) of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, or under article 7 of the Protection from Harassment (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 |
A restraining order on acquittal made under Section 5A(1) of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, or under article 7A(1) of the Protection from Harassment (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 |
A non-harassment order, interdict or interim interdict made under Section 8 or 8A of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 |
A non-harassment order made under Section 234A(2) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 |
A non-molestation order made under Section 42(2) of the Family Law Act 1996, or under article 20(2) of the Family Homes and Domestic Violence (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 |
A matrimonial interdict within the meaning of Section 14 of the Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981 |
A domestic interdict within the meaning of Section 18A of the Matrimonial Homes (Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981 |
A relevant interdict within the meaning of Section 113 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 |
An interdict that has been determined to be a domestic abuse interdict within the meaning of Section 3 of the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2011 |
Any interdict with an attached power of arrest made under Section 1 of the Protection from Abuse (Scotland) Act 2001 |
A forced marriage protection order or interim forced marriage protection order made under Part 4A of the Family Law Act 1996, or under Section 2 of, and paragraph 1 of Schedule 1 to, the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007, or under Section 1 or Section 5 of the Forced Marriage etc. (Protection and Jurisdiction) (Scotland) Act 2011 |
A domestic violence protection order made under Section 28 of the Crime and Security Act 2010 or section 97 of, and paragraph 5 of Schedule 7 to, the Justice Act (Northern Ireland) 2015. A template of a domestic violence protection order is available on our website, though you should be aware that each order will be tailored to the circumstances of the case |
A female genital mutilation protection order made under Section 5A of, and paragraphs 1 or 18 of Schedule 2 to, the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003. A template of a female genital mutilation protection order is available on our website, though you should be aware that an Order may vary in appearance |
A domestic abuse protection order within the meaning of Section 27 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 |
No documents other than these can be used as eligible court documents in support of an application for anonymous registration.
If an attestation is used it must certify that if the name or address were on the register the applicant’s or another member of the same household’s ‘safety would be at risk’.6 Attestations must be in writing and must be signed and dated by a qualifying officer. The period of the attestation begins on the date stated and lasts for a period of between one and five years. The actual length must be stated within the attestation.7
The anonymous registration application form approved by the Lord President of the Council and made available by the Electoral Commission contains a template attestation that applicants may use.
The qualifying officers who may attest are:8
- a police officer of or above the rank of inspector of any police force in the UK
- the Director General of the Security Service or the National Crime Agency
- a director of adult social services or children’s services in England or a director of social services in Wales
- any chief social work officer in Scotland
- any director of social services of a Health and Social Services Board or executive director of social work of a Health and Social Services Trust in Northern Ireland
- any medical practitioner who is registered with the General Medical Council
- any nurse or midwife who is registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council
- any person who manages a refuge. A ‘refuge’ means accommodation together with a planned programme of therapeutic and practical support for victims of, or those at risk of, domestic abuse or violence9
No person other than those listed may attest an application for anonymous registration. It is not possible for a qualifying officer to delegate their power to attest an application to a different person.
The attestation can come from one of the qualifying officers from a different area from which the elector now lives and is registering. This may often be the case where the applicant has moved to a new area to set up home away from the cause of the risk to their safety. For example, an attestation from one English local authority director of children’s services is valid in every local authority area in Great Britain.
You should consider contacting any qualifying officers to alert them to their powers under the anonymous registration process. They may wish to be aware of their attestation powers and any guidance that their representative groups have given on dealing with requests for attestation. In particular, you should proactively contact any refuges, GP surgeries and other medical establishments in your registration area who may not be aware that the types of court order and the attestation requirements have been expanded. For example, you could contact social services, Women’s Aid, or other organisations who work with survivors of domestic abuse, and – explaining what are you doing – ask for details of refuges in your registration area.
In partnership with Women’s Aid we have produced a guide to anonymous registration for professionals working with survivors of domestic violence.
The guide explains what anonymous registration is and that an applicant’s name and address details will be kept securely and will not be searchable on the electoral register. The guide also outlines how to apply for anonymous registration and how refuge managers may provide an attestation if they wish to do so.
If you consider it necessary, you are able to undertake online checks of certain categories of attestor:
- The General Medical Council maintains a list of registered medical practitioners available on their website:
- The Nursing & Midwifery Council maintains a list of registered nurses and midwives on their website:
If you have concerns about an application for anonymous registration, it should be treated like any other application for registration. As set out in identifying suspicious registration applications, your local police single point of contact (SPOC) will help you ensure that any possible instances of registration fraud are quickly identified and dealt with. If you have reason to believe that an attestation provided as part of an application for anonymous registration is not genuine, you should contact your SPOC as soon as possible.
- 1. Regulation 31I(2) or 31(5) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 31I(4) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 31I(5) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 31I(2) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 31I(3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 31J(2)(a) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Regulation 31J(2)(b), (c) and (3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Regulation 31J(4) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
- 9. Regulation 31J(5) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 9
How should an application for anonymous registration be processed?
How should an application for anonymous registration be processed?
Acknowledging applications
There is no legal requirement for an application to be acknowledged although you do have discretion to send an acknowledgement if you wish. In all cases, you are required to send a confirmation if the application is successful, as set out below.
Verifying applications
Applications should be processed and the applicant’s identity verified as soon as possible after receipt.
If you receive an application where the qualifying address falls outside your area it should be forwarded to the relevant ERO without delay.
Any applicant who fails the DWP match must provide documentary evidence, or if they cannot provide documentary evidence, an attestation in the same way as people applying to register as an ordinary elector. See our guidance on verification, exceptions and attestations.
All correspondence between you and applicants may be sent electronically. In addition, it is permissible for applicants to provide attestations or documentary evidence by electronic means such as a fax or scanned image.
Anonymous registration application details such as name and address are not added to the lists of applications. Anonymous applications are not available for public inspection at any time.1
This means that these applications do not have the same type of public scrutiny as other electoral registration applications. You should therefore be particularly proactive in being satisfied that all the requirements for registration are met.
When an anonymous application is received, all previous ‘ordinary’ applications either awaiting determination or determined but not added to the register for that individual are suspended until the anonymous application is determined. If the anonymous application is rejected, then all pending applications for registration must be disregarded. If the anonymous registration application is rejected, they cannot be added as an ordinary elector.
Confirming applications and declarations
If you determine that an applicant is entitled to be registered anonymously, you must issue a certificate of anonymous registration.2 You must also send them a notice by post, as soon as is reasonably practicable, to inform them that they must have an Anonymous Elector’s Document if they want to vote in person at relevant elections, or sign a signing sheet in person at a recall petition.3 You should also consider confirming any absent voting arrangements that are in place, or if no arrangements are in place you should make clear what their absent voting options are.
If a person already has an entry on the register and an anonymous application is accepted, the ordinary register entry must be removed and the anonymous registration added. However, the existing entry must not be removed until the anonymous application is accepted.
If you have rejected an application, you should notify the applicant and inform them of the reasons why.
The details of a person who has made an application to register anonymously must not be added to the register if the anonymous part of the application fails.4
However, you should encourage them to submit an ordinary registration application and invite them to register. If they do not submit an application in response to an invitation, you may require them to submit an application to register, but you should consider the individual’s particular circumstances before issuing a ‘requirement to register’ notice.
- 1. Regulation 28(2) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 45G(1) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Reg 25(2) The Voter Identification Regulations 2022 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Section 9B(6) Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
What are the deadlines for adding anonymously registered electors to the register?
What are the deadlines for adding anonymously registered electors to the register?
The deadlines for anonymous applications are different from ordinary registration applications as there is no five day objections period for anonymous applicants. This is because their applications cannot be objected to.
The deadlines for receiving and determining anonymous registration applications are as follows:1
Action | Deadline |
For being added to a monthly notice of alteration | 14 calendar days before the publication of the notice |
For being added to the final election notice of alteration | 6 working days before polling day |
For being added to the revised register following the canvass | The last working day of the month prior to the month when the revised register is published |
For being added to a revised register published at any other time | 14 calendar days before the end of the month preceding the month when the revised register is due to be published |
- 1. Sections 13A(2) and (3), 13B(1), 13(1) and (3) Representation of the People Act 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How should anonymous electors be listed in the register?
How should anonymous electors be listed in the register?
Persons registered anonymously must be included at the end of each relevant part of the register under the heading other electors without a name or address. The entry for each anonymously registered elector must consist of their elector number and the letter ‘N’.1
Anonymous entries must not be included in the edited register and all anonymous electors are automatically opted out.2
You must keep a separate list – the record of anonymous entries. This will contain the elector number, full name, qualifying address, correspondence address (if any) and the date that the registration first took effect. If the person has a postal vote, the delivery address must also be kept on the record.3
You should ensure that the list is kept secure and prevent any unauthorised access.
Only the following persons and organisations are entitled to have access to the record of anonymous entries:4
- Returning Officers and referendum Counting Officers
- the Jury Service
- the security services, including Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
- the police, including the National Crime Agency (at the request of a senior officer, this means an officer a rank senior to that of superintendent, or, in the case of the National Crime Agency, the Director General of that Agency)
When a person is entered in the record, you will need to issue a signed ‘certificate of anonymous registration’. This must state the local authority area, the elector’s name, qualifying address, electoral number and the date on which the registration took effect. It must also state that the registration will end no later than 12 months from that date if a fresh application for anonymous registration is not made.5
We have produced a template certificate of anonymous registration which you may wish to use.
Absent voting lists
The absent voting lists for anonymous electors and their proxies, must contain only the elector’s electoral number and the period for which the absent vote is in effect, but not any name or address.6 At an election, the copy of the absent voting lists to enable postal vote issuing and marking the return of postal votes contains only the electoral number.7 The address to which the ballot pack will be sent must not be on that list and all correspondence must be sent in an unidentifiable envelope.8
- 1. Regulation 41A Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations (RPR) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 93(2A) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 45A RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulations 45C, 45D, 45E and 45F RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 45G(3) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Schedule 4 Paragraph 5(4) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 2000 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
- 7. Regulations 77(8)(a), 78(4)(a) and 78A(4)(a) RPR 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 7
- 8. Section 9B(8) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 8
How long is an anonymous registration valid for?
How long is an anonymous registration valid for?
Registration lasts for 12 months from the day the anonymous entry is first made on the register.1 Anonymous registrations can be removed earlier in the following circumstances:2
- cancellation by the elector
- you determine the person is not entitled to be registered
- you determine the person was registered, or that their entry was altered, as a result of an application made by another person (i.e. not the individual whose details are provided on the application and who has declared that the information provided is true)
For guidance on removing an elector from the register, see our guidance on deletions.
- 1. Section 9C(1)(a) Representation of the People Act (RPA) 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Sections 9C(1)(b) and 10ZE(1) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Renewal process for an anonymous registration
Renewal process for an anonymous registration
An anonymous elector is entitled to remain registered, provided the elector continues to satisfy the other conditions for registration during this period, until the end of the 12 month period beginning with the date when their entry first takes effect.
You will need to maintain a record showing when reminders are due to be sent.
You must send a reminder between 9 and 10 months after the date of the first registration (and each anniversary). The reminder must explain that a fresh application for anonymous registration must be made if the elector wants to remain registered anonymously.1
Any renewal application must contain the same level of evidence as the original application. Applicants should therefore be advised to keep a copy of attestations or copies of court documents for subsequent applications. You should offer to copy any originals so that they can be returned and the copy kept for reference. If the elector loses their supporting documents, provided you have the appropriate safeguards in place, you could supply a copy of any document or attestation which is still in force to assist with any renewal.
Anonymous entries can be subject to the review procedures. Further consideration of the review process is contained in reviews, objections and deletions. The name and address of the person is not entered on the list of persons under review.
- 1. Regulation 25A Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Donations to registered political parties by anonymously registered electors
Donations to registered political parties by anonymously registered electors
Anonymously registered individuals can donate to registered political parties but they must provide the party with a copy of their certificate of anonymous registration as proof of eligibility. A registered political party may ask you to confirm the validity of any certificate. The elector details cannot be confirmed but you may wish to confirm the format of their certificate and that the electoral number on that certificate matches the register entry for an anonymous elector.
Guidance for Returning Officers on sending poll cards and postal votes to electors registered anonymously is contained in Part C and D of our guidance for Returning Officers.
Resources for Electoral Registration Officers - Special Category Electors
Inviting individuals to register to vote
This section contains guidance on who should be invited to register to vote and how the invitation should be made.
It also covers the follow up processes to undertake if someone does not respond to an invitation to register, what you can do to require them to register and information on issuing a civil penalty notice.
Who should be invited to register to vote?
Any potential electors identified, for example by a successful response to a canvass communication, direct contact from individuals or by other local data matching, should be invited to make an application to register to vote. You should do this by sending an invitation to register (ITR) and an application form.
The ITR must invite potential electors to make an application to register as soon as reasonably practicable and within 28 calendar days of the date that you identified that they may be entitled to be registered.
Where the 28 day period ends on a weekend or bank holiday, the period is extended to the next working day.1
Your EMS should have a mechanism for keeping a record of the date on which you conclude that an individual may be entitled to be registered, which then starts the 28-day period.
You should have a process in place to identify whether an application to register has been made before you give an invitation. You should not issue an ITR to an individual who has made an application to register, or if you identify that they are not eligible to register to vote.
Your EMS may be able to automate a process to check for applications received through any allowed channels before you issue an ITR.
Some manual checking of applications received against invitations issued may also be required, as the name on an application may not exactly match the name of the individual to whom you have given an invitation.
A manual check could be done by cross-checking the details on an application against your list of potential new electors to whom you have sent an ITR. On paper applications, this process could be facilitated by adding a barcode to the paper application form you are including alongside your ITR.
- 1. Regulation 8, Representation of the People Regulation (England & Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Content of the invitation to register
The content of the ITR is prescribed.1
Whenever you issue an ITR you must include a paper application form with it.
You must use the application form approved by the Minister for the The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and made available to you by the Commission and must, if practicable, pre-print on the application form the full name and address of the individual being invited.2 This does not apply if you give the ITR by electronic means.3 In that case the prescribed email ITR includes a link to
The ITR and application form that you must use are available on our website. The prescribed form includes a data protection statement and the prescribed description of the electoral and open registers.
The prescribed email invitation is included in the letters folder, also available on our website. You should always ensure that you are using the latest versions.
Our forms and letters guidance sets out how the application form and letter must be used.
- 1. Regulation 32ZC(3)(b) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZC(3)(c) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZC(3A) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
How should an invitation to register be issued?
An ITR must be given either by delivering it to the individual (including by post) or by leaving it at the individual’s address.1
The ITR may also be given by electronic means, including by email.2
An ITR cannot be given verbally, such as by telephone, although you can informally prompt applications to register by any suitable means before or after you have given an invitation.
When you have decided how to give an ITR, you should ensure that you have processes in place to create an audit trail of the deliveries. Before you can require an individual to make an application to register, you will need to establish that they have received at least one ITR.
You may want to ensure that at least one of the ITRs is hand-delivered. This will provide you with assurance that an ITR was delivered.
Your public engagement strategy and registration plan should reflect your considerations of the delivery method for ITRs.
If you are delivering a paper ITR you should address the covering envelope to the named individual at the address you have identified. You must print the following information on the envelope.3
- a direction requesting that the envelope is not re-directed if it is incorrectly addressed
- a direction requesting that any other individual who receives the envelope and who is resident at the address inform you if the addressee is not resident there
- your contact details
You must also include with the ITR – except for any sent electronically – a pre-addressed, pre-paid reply envelope in which the form can be returned.4
Suggested content for envelopes, which includes all required information, and accompanying guidance can be found here.
- 1. Regulation 32ZC(3)(za)(i) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZC(3)(za)(ii) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZC(3)(d) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 32ZC(3)(d) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Encouraging applications before giving an invitation to register
You can prompt an individual to make an application after you have given a formal ITR. There may be circumstances, such as immediately before an election, where you should encourage people to register informally and not wait to formally invite them to register.
Prompting and encouraging an application to be made, in particular an online application, has the potential to improve efficiency and reduce your costs because you will not have to start the formal ITR process, which would involve follow up activity if no response is received.
You can use contact information provided to you by individuals on canvass communications for any appropriate purpose in connection with that individual’s entitlement to be registered, or for the purpose of carrying out your duty to encourage electoral registration.1
If you do decide to informally prompt applications you should do so as soon as possible after you identify an individual, to allow time for them to make an application before a formal invitation is given.
You could prompt applications by:
- emailing a link to the online application form and providing information about the other available channels for registration if you have an e-mail address
- encouraging an application to register when following up a canvass communication using telephone canvassing, if you have identified potential new electors
- providing information about how to register by phone or email to individuals who get in touch with the local authority contact centre about a change of address
Any methods used to prompt applications should also enable you to identify and invite to register other potential new electors who may be resident at the same address.
You should consider how you will evaluate your approach to prompting applications to understand how effective they are in encouraging registration and reducing the number of electors you formally invite to register. The outcome of any evaluation carried out may identify which approaches are most effective allowing you to tailor your approach to prompting applications across your local area.
You do not have to issue an invitation to an individual who, when informally prompted, makes an application before the end of the 28-day period in which an ITR must have been given.
If a prompt encouraging an individual to make an application to register does not lead to an application being made, you are still required send an ITR within 28 days of becoming aware of the potential elector.
- 1. Section 9A, RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
How should I follow up with non-responders to an invitation to register?
After an individual has been given an ITR, you are required to take certain steps to encourage them to make an application to register if they have not yet done so. You should have processes in place to identify whether an application has been made by any available channel before you send a reminder invitation.
You may visit the address at which you delivered the first invitation at any time to encourage the individual to make an application.
You are not required to carry out the follow up steps if, since sending the first ITR, you are now satisfied that the individual in question is not entitled to be registered at the address where the invitation was given, or that the individual is registered at a different address.1
- 1. Regulation 32ZD(5) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
Sending reminder invitations
If you have given an ITR and the individual does not make an application to register within a reasonable period of time, you must give them a second invitation.1
If no application is made within a reasonable period of time following the second invitation you must give a third invitation.2
There is no difference in the requirements for the content and delivery of ITRs at the second and third reminder stages.
In practice, the second and third invitations are reminders to the individual to make an application to register. You should consider whether the use of a different delivery method for the second or third invitation could be more effective. For example if you have not received a response to an email ITR, you should consider giving the reminder invitations by post or by hand.
You are not required to send reminder invitations to special category electors.
- 1. Regulation 32ZD(1), Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZD(3), Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Making at least one personal visit
If you have given a third invitation and no application to register has been made, you are required by law to make at least one visit to the address for the purpose of encouraging an application to be made.1
You can choose to make a visit at any time in the process, for example, at the same time as delivering any of the invitations. You may, therefore, have met this requirement before the end of the ITR chasing cycle. You must, however, have made a visit specifically for the purpose of encouraging an individual to make an application to register. In our view, this means a visit where you have attempted to make contact personally with the individual you are inviting.
What constitutes a personal visit?
A visit made only for the purpose of leaving an ITR and application form at the address with no attempt made to contact the individual being invited would not, in our view, satisfy the requirement.
The requirement would be fulfilled if the individual making the visit speaks to the individual being invited and encourages them to make an application.
As with all stages of this process, you should ensure that you keep records for the purpose of having a clear audit trail of the steps that you have taken as part of the ITR process. This will help to ensure that, if you consider requiring an individual to make an application, you are able to establish that the prerequisites for making such a requirement have been met.
You should, in any case, consider making a further visit if this is likely to result in an application being made.
If no application is made in response to the third invitation and you have made at least one visit to the address, you can move to the next stage of requiring the individual to make an application to register by giving them notice in writing of the requirement.2
- 1. Regulation 32ZD(3),Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 9E(4) RPA 1983 and Regulation 32ZE(2)(a) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
When can I require an individual to make an application to register to vote?
If you have given a third ITR and, after a reasonable period of time, you have not received a response and you have made a personal visit at least once to encourage an application, you may require an individual to submit an application to register by a specified date. This must be done on a written notice.1
Before you can require an individual to make an application for registration you must establish that the individual:
- has received at least one ITR2 - ideally, you should obtain confirmation from the named person, such as written confirmation of receipt or a written statement from a canvasser that they have given an invitation to the individual in person. Confirmation by email or telephone would also be acceptable and, if the telephone call is not recorded, you should make a written note of the conversation
- has received a personal visit to encourage an application3 – an individual must already have received a personal visit as part of the ITR follow-up process
- has been informed of how to make an application for registration4 - your ITR will already have informed the individual how they can make an application to register
- has been informed that you may impose a civil penalty if you require them to make an application and they fail to do so5 – your ITR will already have included an explanation of the circumstances where a civil penalty may be imposed, and the amount
- is resident at the address at which the ITRs were given6 - you should consider if there are any local records you can check or other action that you can take to confirm that the person is resident
Your record-keeping and processes for issuing ITRs and carrying out personal visits should be designed to ensure that you can be satisfied that all of those requirements have been established.
- 1. Regulation 32ZE(1) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZE(2)(b)(i) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZE(2)(a) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 32ZE(2)(b)(ii) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 32ZE(2)(b)(iii) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
- 6. Regulation 32ZE(2)(c) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 6
What information must the requirement to register notice contain?
The notice requiring an individual to make an application for registration must state:1
- the date by which the individual must make an application for registration
- that, if the individual does not make an application by that date, you may impose a civil penalty
- the amount of the civil penalty (£80) and the rate of interest payable if the penalty is not paid on time
- that, if the individual is not entitled to be registered, they must inform you of that fact before the date by which the application must be made and explain why they are not entitled, and that in such a case they are not required to make an application for registration
- that, if the individual is registered at another address, they must inform you of that fact before the date by which the application must be made and provide you with that address, and that in such a case they are not required to make an application for registration
- that the individual may make other representations as to why they should not be required to make an application to register by the date by which the application must be made, or why a civil penalty should not be imposed if they do not do so
A template requirement to register notice can be found here.
The date by which the named individual must make an application is not prescribed. When deciding on a date by which the individual must make an application, you should allow sufficient time for them to receive the notice, digest the information and submit an application. As with the recommended maximum period that would be considered reasonable in relation to an invitation to register, in most cases, 28 calendar days would provide sufficient time for the person to receive the notice, digest the information and submit an application.
You must include an application for registration with the notice and the full name and address of the individual should be pre-printed on the application.2 You should also include a pre-paid and pre-printed return envelope alongside the application, as well as information on how to register online, or by telephone or in person (if you offer those services).
- 1. Regulation 32ZE(3) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZE(4) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
When can I cancel a requirement to register notice?
You must cancel a requirement to register if, as a result of direct communications from the individual or from other information, any of the following apply:1
- you are satisfied that the individual is not entitled to be registered at the address at which you gave the invitations to register
- you are satisfied that the individual is registered at a different address
- you discover that any of the requirements for sending a notice requiring an individual to register had not been met
You have discretion to cancel a requirement to make an application for registration if you consider it appropriate to do so.2 For example, you may consider it appropriate to cancel the requirement notice if an individual is ill and, as a result, will be unable to make a declaration of truth for the foreseeable future.
However, the discretion to cancel a notice should only be used in very limited and special circumstances, and a decision to cancel should be taken on a case-by-case basis, with each case considered on its merits. You should maintain a clear audit trail of the decision and the reason(s) for it.
There may be individual cases where you receive information that an individual who is subject to a requirement to register notice is unable to make an application within the specified timeframes. For example, if they are away from their address for an extended period. This in itself should not trigger a cancellation of the requirement to register process, however in such circumstances, you should instead consider extending the time allowed for the potential elector to submit their application.
Whenever you decide to cancel the requirement to register, you must give the individual concerned notice in writing of your decision.3
- 1. Regulation 32ZE(5) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZE(6) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZE(6) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
What is the civil penalty process if someone fails to make an application to register to vote?
You may impose a civil penalty on individuals who were issued a requirement to register but who failed to make an application to register by the date you stated in the requirement to register notice.1
You should have a process in place for issuing civil penalties. This should include how you will:
- make the arrangements for collecting any money
- account for any money collected
- ensure any that any money collected is returned to the The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to be paid into the Consolidated Fund
You may want to seek advice on carrying out the civil penalty process and collecting penalties from other departments within the council who have experience of undertaking similar processes, including the council’s legal department.
If you decide to impose a civil penalty on an individual, you must give a civil penalty notice informing them that a penalty has been imposed and specifying the reasons for it.2
- 1. Section 9E(7) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZF(2) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
What information must the civil penalty notice contain?
The notice must explain that the individual must:1
- make an application to register within 28 calendar days from the date of the notice, or
- pay the full amount of the civil penalty within 28 calendar days from the date of the notice, or
- request a review of the decision to impose the civil penalty within 14 calendar days from the date of the notice
The notice must also state:2
- the amount of the civil penalty (£80)3
- how to make payment
- the rate of interest payable if the penalty is not paid on time (which is the daily rate of interest equivalent to 8% per year from the date that the civil penalty must be paid)
- that making an application to register by the date stated on the notice will prevent the person being liable to pay the civil penalty
- 1. Regulation 32ZF(3) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZF(4) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZF(1) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
What if I receive a request for a review of my decision to issue a civil penalty?
An individual may ask you to review your decision to impose a civil penalty. There is a 14 calendar day period for you to review your decision which starts on the date of the notice.1 You should ensure that the civil penalty notice is issued on the day that it is dated.
Any request to review your decision to impose a civil penalty must be made in writing (which includes via email).2
If you receive a request for a review within 14 calendar days of the notice, you must send an acknowledgement notice to the individual within 7 calendar days of receiving the request to tell them that they have up to 14 calendar days from the date of the acknowledgement notice to:3
- make representations explaining why they have not made an application to register or why the civil penalty should be cancelled
- submit evidence in support of such representations
You must also explain in the acknowledgement notice how any representations can be made and how any evidence can be submitted.4
The acknowledgement notice should be dated and sent on the same day, as the date of the acknowledgement determines the start of the 14 day period for making representations.
- 1. Regulations 32ZF(3)(c) and 32ZH(2) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZH(2) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulations 32ZH(3)(a) and (b) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 32ZH(3)(c) Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
What is the timeframe for a carrying out the review?
If an individual makes a request for a review within the 14 calendar day time period from the date of the notice, you must carry out a review of your decision to impose a civil penalty.
This obligation is irrespective of whether the individual has submitted any representations or evidence to you.
Your review must not start before the earlier of:1
- the end of the 14th calendar day after the date of the acknowledgment notice
- the receipt of any representations or evidence
This means that if you receive any representations or evidence before the end of the 14 day period, you may commence your review then. If not, you must wait until the end of the 14 day period before you can start your review process.
Considering representations and evidence
If any representations or evidence are submitted, you must consider them.
There may be circumstances where you receive representations or evidence after you have already started the review, or indeed after you have completed it but before the penalty has been paid. In those cases, you should still take the representations and evidence into account and review your grounds for issuing the civil penalty notice in light of these.
In the absence of any representations or evidence, you should check whether there are any grounds for cancelling the civil penalty notice.
- 1. Regulation 32ZH(4) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
What action do I take when the review is completed?
On completion of your review you must either uphold the decision to issue a civil penalty or cancel the civil penalty.1
You must then inform the individual, in writing, of the outcome of the review.2 If you uphold the decision to impose a civil penalty, the notice confirming the outcome of the review must state:3
- that they may appeal against that decision to the First-tier Tribunal and how to make such an appeal, and
- the date by which the civil penalty must be paid
- 1. Regulation 32ZH(5) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZH(6) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZH(7) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Cancelling a civil penalty notice
You must cancel a civil penalty notice if the individual makes an application for registration before the time for payment of the civil penalty,1 or if either as a result of direct communications from the individual or from other information:2
- you are satisfied that the individual is not entitled to be registered at the address at which you gave the invitations to register
- you are satisfied that the individual is registered at a different address
- you discover that any of the requirements for sending a notice requiring a individual to register had not been met
You have discretion to cancel a civil penalty notice if you consider it appropriate to do so.3
For example:
An individual may have been away for the vast majority of the period between the requirement to register and the civil penalty notice. Depending on the circumstances, it may be appropriate to cancel the civil penalty and set a new deadline for receiving an application.
An individual may not have responded to your invitations and requirement to register on the grounds of a disability or an inability to read or write. Again, in these circumstances, you should consider cancelling the civil penalty and offer any assistance which may be necessary to enable the individual to make an application.
An individual may not have responded to your ITR because they had concerns that their safety could be compromised by providing you with personal information. In those circumstances, you should assess whether they would qualify for registering as an anonymous elector and, where appropriate, cancel the civil penalty and explain the anonymous registration process to them.
- 1. Regulation 32ZG(5)(a) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZG(5)(b) and (c) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZG(6) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Appeals to the First-tier Tribunal
If an individual has made a request for a review of your decision to impose a civil penalty and is unsuccessful, the final course of appeal open to them is to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal.1
The Tribunal may either uphold your decision to impose a civil penalty or cancel the penalty.2
During the time the appeal process takes place, the requirement to pay the civil penalty is suspended.3
Should the individual make an appeal, you will need to prepare information and evidence to help the Tribunal establish whether all the legal requirements leading to the issuing of the civil penalty were met. You should include copies of all the documents that you used (including your invitations and notices), and information and evidence about:
- why you decided to send an ITR (e.g. which record was checked that led you to believe that there was an individual resident who was eligible for registration, or whether you gained this information through correspondence with the elector themselves or through a third party)
- when and how you gave the three invitations to register and when you carried out a personal visit, including any responses you received
- the dates on which you gave the requirement to register and issued the civil penalty notice
- if the individual requested a review or otherwise made any representations or submitted any evidence to you, the representations, evidence and conclusion of your review
The chamber of the First-tier Tribunal responsible for hearing appeals against civil penalty notices is the General Regulatory Chamber:
General Regulatory Chamber
HM Courts and Tribunals Service
PO Box 9300
Leicester, LE1 8DJ
Telephone: 0300 123 4504
Email: [email protected]
The Commission has produced template notices and letters to use when undertaking the civil penalty process. These are available on our website.
- 1. Regulation 32ZI(1) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 32ZI(2) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZH(2) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
What is the timescale for payment of a civil penalty?
Where no review has been requested or no appeal has been made to the First-tier Tribunal, payment must be made within 28 calendar days of the date of the civil penalty notice.1
Where the individual has requested a review or made an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal, the civil penalty must also be paid within 28 calendar days, but the 28-day period ceases to run while the review or appeal is being considered and re-starts if the review or appeal is unsuccessful.2
When calculating the 28-day period, the day on which any review or appeal is requested is excluded and the day on which the review or appeal concludes is included.
You should liaise with your council’s legal department regarding the process for any debt recovery should an individual fail to pay the penalty within the required timeframe. Where a payment is overdue, interest is accrued at a daily rate equivalent to 8% per year.3 In cases where an individual refuses to pay, an application can be made to the county court, for recovering the debt and any accrued interest.4
- 1. Regulations 32ZH(7)(b) and 32ZG(1) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulations 32ZH(7)(b) and 32ZG(2) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 32ZG(3) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 32ZG(4) Representation of the People Regulations (England and Wales) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Resources for Electoral Registration Officers - Inviting individuals to register to vote
How can individuals register to vote?
Individuals are able to apply to register to vote in a number of ways:1
- online via the central government website -
- by providing the necessary information in writing (e.g. on a paper form)
- by telephone to your staff (if you offer the service)
- in person at your office (if you offer the service)
You are obliged to send an invitation to register (ITR) to potential electors within 28 days of becoming aware of them. However if you have an email address for a potential elector you could, in the first instance, use it to encourage them to submit an online application or issue an ITR by electronic means.
The register to vote website will not allow a person to submit an application to register to vote online unless they provide all the information necessary or have given a reason as to why this cannot be provided. You may, however, receive applications on paper which do not contain all the information required for processing. In such cases, you will be able to obtain the missing information through various channels, irrespective of how the original application was made.
While there is a specific process to follow where someone cannot provide their date of birth, National Insurance number or nationality, you can collect missing information by telephone, in person or via email. For example, it may not be clear from a paper application whether a missing National Insurance number was an oversight by the potential elector or was not included because they cannot provide it. Where you have the telephone number or email address for that elector, you can obtain the missing information through those channels.
Promotion of the application channels available
You should make sure that your potential electors know how to apply to register. You should ensure that you:
- provide a link to the online registration form on any relevant pages of your website (and the council’s, if that is separate)
- provide a link to online registration wherever electoral registration may be relevant including, for example, on any online system for setting up new council tax accounts and on the websites of partner organisations
- set out the alternative registration channels for those who cannot, or do not wish to, apply online
- liaise with local parties and candidates to share information on how to register online or obtain registration forms
- liaise with other local partners you work with to promote registration in any materials they may distribute to or use to communicate with residents
- provide a clear link to the online application form at the end of any process you provide for responding to canvass communications
You should make clear the various application channels so that electors can make a choice that best meets their needs and preferences. Promoting the different ways of registering should make the application process as accessible as possible.
What can a person do to assist another person to register to vote?
We have produced a factsheet for care homes that you can adapt to reflect your particular circumstances. The factsheet is based on our assisted applications guidance which details what one person can do to support another to register.
Information supplied as part of an application for a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector's Document
You cannot use any information supplied as part of an application for a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector's Document, such as a National Insurance number, for any other purpose than the processing of that application.2 This means that you cannot use the information provided as part of an application for a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector's Document to complete a registration application for the same elector if they are not registered to vote. The registration process is prescribed and requires the elector to provide a declaration that the information on the application is true.3
Information included on a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector's Document also cannot be used to complete registration applications where the registration application is incomplete or the information supplied with the registration application has not matched with DWP records. Further information on potential data sources that can be used for local data matching can be found in our guidance.
We would advise, however, that where you have received an application for a Voter Authority Certificate or Anonymous Elector's Document from an elector who is not already on the electoral register, that you may use this information to invite them to register. More information on the potential sources of data to register electors can be found in our guidance.
- 1. Regulation 26(8) and (9) Representation of the People (England and Wales) 2001 (RPR E&W) ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 14 The Voter Identification Regulations 2022 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 26 RPR (E&W) 2001 ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
Online applications
The online registration form is hosted on the central government website, you should provide a link to this from your website and include it in all of your communications and public awareness activity.
If you have an email address for an individual you could use it to encourage them to submit an online application. You can also issue an invitation to register by electronic means, including by email.
Information from applications to register that are completed online will be sent to your EMS system automatically from the IER Digital Service.
Online registration provides a range of opportunities to integrate registering into other services the council provides and to deliver electoral registration more efficiently.
Promoting online or other channels may make it simpler and potentially cheaper for you to process applications. There are many benefits for individuals in completing an application online including:
- improved accessibility for individuals with particular communication needs who may be able to complete the application more easily online, for example those with visual impairments who use electronic screen readers
- providing assurance that the application they have made is complete as the online system will not allow any incomplete applications to be submitted, for example any applications with obvious inadvertent errors, such as their date of birth being missed or given in the wrong format
- providing assurance that the application is received the moment it is submitted, which is particularly beneficial close to a registration deadline ahead of an election
There are also benefits for you including:
- reduced need for manual data input
- fewer errors due to the validation of information entered on the online form
- no need to decipher handwriting
- applications will be complete when received, reducing the need to follow-up any missing information
- verification will be undertaken immediately rather than once you enter the data into your EMS system
- not having to receive, open, scan and store a paper form
Your own website and social media accounts are also key tools for communicating messages about registration and encouraging applications. You should regularly review and update any general advice or information contained on your website relating to electoral registration so that people have accurate and up-to-date information about how to register.
Paper application forms
There is no requirement for an application to register that is made in writing (on paper) to be made on a particular form. The application must, however, contain all the information required for a valid application. Forms can be sent to you by post, delivered by hand or sent electronically, such as by fax or as a scanned copy sent by e-mail.
Where you are making non pre-populated forms available you may supply them in hard copy or electronically, so that they can be printed out, completed, and sent to you.
The paper application form that you must include alongside an invitation to register must be the form1 as approved by the Minister for the The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and made available by the Commission.2
The form includes space for you to add your contact details, local authority information, unique reference, security code and a barcode.
If you receive a written application that is not on an application form you should check that it contains all the required information. If incomplete, you should follow the process outlined in our guidance on incomplete applications.
Where you receive a written application that is not made on the approved form and which does not include the explanation of the full and open registers using the prescribed short form of words, you should write to the applicant to provide them with the prescribed short form of words. You should set out their existing open register preference including an explanation of how they can change their preference if they wish to do so
- 1. Regulations 26(6) and (7) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulations 32ZC(3)(b) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Telephone and in-person applications
Legislation enables applications by phone and in person. For the benefit and convenience of electors, you should offer these services wherever possible. This will also help you meet your duties under the Equalities Act, as people who may have difficulties completing the paper or online form will have the opportunity to apply without the need to provide the information in writing.
If you are unable to provide telephone and/or in-person registration for all, you may allow these at your discretion in certain circumstances, and you should do so to assist applicants with disabilities in order to meet equalities obligations.
If you decide to allow telephone applications, you may use a central contact centre. This gives staff the opportunity to promote registration to residents who are contacting the authority for another purpose and take an application to register by phone. This could help to maximise the accuracy and completeness of the register and avoid you having to formally invite them to register.
Because of the requirement for an application to be made in writing, where a person applies by telephone or in-person, you must transfer the information into an application in writing. In practice this can be achieved by inputting the information into a paper application form or the register to vote website.
If you decide to accept applications by telephone and/or in-person it is important that you keep accurate records of the applications or information provided. Before collecting the information required for the application, you should inform the applicant:
- that the information they provide will be processed in accordance with data protection legislation (reflecting the wording used in the prescribed voter registration form)
- what information will appear on the register
- that it is an offence to knowingly provide false information, and that the maximum penalty is up to six months in prison and/or an unlimited fine
Before asking whether the applicant wishes their name and address to be included in the open register you must provide the applicant with an explanation of what the open register is, using the prescribed short form of words.
When taking information on the applicant’s nationality, you should consider highlighting to the applicant that checks may be carried out in relation to their immigration status against Home Office records.
Further guidance on this process and contact details are available by contacting the Home Office: [email protected].
You will be asked to complete a template which will be provided – please complete and return the section below the heading ‘Subject 1’ to the same email address. The Home Office have requested one template per subject per email, and that ‘ER’ be added to the subject header for each email to ensure that it goes into the correct folder for a response. The Home Office will respond within five working days unless a file is required, in which case it will respond within ten working days. The fact that you may request checks of a person’s immigration status against Government records is included on the registration application form approved by the Minister and made available to you by the Commission.
You may ask for an e-mail address and telephone numbers to use for future contact, as well as an indication of whether the applicant wishes to be able to vote by post or by proxy. However, you must make it clear that the applicant is not required to provide this information.
Under data protection legislation, an elector can object to the processing of their email or telephone contact details. To demonstrate that you are processing personal data lawfully and transparently you should maintain records to detail any request made under the right to object to processing. Your EMS provider may have the facility to record consent against elector records.
Our data protection guidance for EROs and ROs provides further information on lawful processing and the rights of the data subject.
You should review all of your existing email templates and ensure that where you communicate by email, you include an unsubscribe option. The email ITR that you must use has been updated to include an unsubscribe option.
Applicants must make a declaration of truth.1 Once you have taken the required information you should read it back to the applicant, giving them an opportunity to review the information provided and satisfy themselves that it is true and accurate.
If an applicant does not have all of the information to hand they can call back at a later time. When you collect the missing information, you should go through the same process of giving the elector general information about how their data will be used and alert them to the offence of making a false statement. A declaration of truth must also be made to cover the missing information and you should give the applicant an opportunity to review the information supplied and correct any errors.
- 1. Regulation 26(1)(j) 2001 Regulations, RPR ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
What information must an application to register to vote contain?
One of the criteria regarding an individual’s eligibility to register is that any statutory requirements in relation to the application are met.
An ordinary application for registration (excluding special category electors) must contain the following information:1
- the applicant’s full name
- the address where the applicant is resident on the date of the application and in respect of which they are applying to be registered
- any address where the applicant has ceased to reside in the 12 months prior to the date of the application and, where that address is not in the UK, an indication of whether that person was registered as an overseas elector during this period
- an indication of whether the applicant is resident at any other address, including any address where the applicant is currently registered and claims to be entitled to remain registered
- the applicant’s date of birth or, if unable to provide it, the reason why they are not able to do so and a statement as to whether aged under 18 years old or 76 or over
- the applicant’s National Insurance number or, if they are not able to provide it, the reason they are not able to do so
- the applicant’s nationality or nationalities or, if they are not able to provide this, the reason why they are not able to do so
- an indication of whether the applicant requests their name to be omitted from the edited register
- a declaration that the contents of the application are true (in practice, on paper, this involves a signature or at least a mark on the form that shows that they have made the declaration)
- the date of the application
If any of the above is not provided, the application is incomplete and cannot be processed. You should follow up on the missing information with the applicant.
The application form must provide space for the applicant to provide their most recent previous name (if they have one)2 and an explanation that providing this information is not mandatory but may help in verifying their identity and if not provided, additional personal information may be required.
The register to vote website allows anyone over 16 to submit an application. You may also receive a paper form from those not old enough to be an attainer.
If you receive such an application, you should contact the applicant and explain that you cannot process their application at this time, but that you will keep their details on file and invite them to register once they become eligible. Keep a record of their name, address, any other contact information, and the date on which they would become eligible for registration based on their age and put in place a mechanism to alert you to send an invitation to register at the appropriate time.
- 1. Regulation 26(1) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 26(3)(ea) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Incomplete applications
If any required part of the application is missing or incomplete, it will not constitute a complete application, and you will need to contact the applicant and request the information that is missing.
You can also require additional evidence where you consider it necessary to verify identify, or to determine an applicant’s entitlement to register.
In some cases, an applicant may not be able to give you their date of birth, National Insurance number or nationality. If they are unable to provide this information they must, as part of the application, provide a statement of the reasons why.1 Where no statement is included, you cannot assume that the person cannot provide this missing information and should contact the applicant and ask them to supply it.
The application will be on hold until the required information has been returned. The missing information does not need to be provided in writing – it can be provided over the phone, via e-mail or in person. You must, however, keep a written record of the missing information that has been provided, and ensure that is transferred to the written application.
If unable to state their nationality, you can require the applicant to provide evidence about their nationality and immigration status in order to determine whether they are a qualifying Commonwealth citizen. This includes, if applicable, the applicant’s biometric immigration document issued in the UK. The fact that you may require additional evidence of an applicant’s nationality, and may request checks of a person’s immigration status against Government records is included on the registration application form.
Where the required information has not been provided but the statements of reasons are completed (and their identity could not be verified using local data matching) you can use the exceptions process to verify the applicant’s identity.
You should keep a record of any incomplete applications or applications where you have requested further information, so that you can follow up with the applicant if they do not respond to your initial request for information. You should give the applicant a date to respond by with the information requested.
Where you do not receive a response within a reasonable time (the 28-day maximum, but potentially earlier if there is an election), and you consider that the person is resident and may be eligible to register, you must give them a new invitation to register. 2
- 1. Regulation 26(1)(f) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Section 9E(1) RPA 1983 ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Listing applications and objections
You are required to maintain three separate lists for:1
- applications received
- any objections made prior to the person being added to the register
- any objections made after the person has been added to the register
As soon as any application or objection is received, the appropriate details must be recorded as follows:
- details of the application (the name and nationality of the applicant, and the address given as their qualifying address) must be entered in the list of applications2
- details of the objection (the name and qualifying address of the objector, plus details of the application (as above) or register entry) must be entered in the relevant list of objections3
- where an objection is received before a person has been entered on the register, the particulars of the objection must be entered in the list of applications4
Applications to register anonymously are not subject to objections and are therefore not included on any of these lists.
The lists of applications and objections are open for inspection until determined, i.e. until you have made the final decision as to whether an entry or alteration to the register is required.5
These lists are usually produced by software packages or, alternatively, they could be handwritten or typed manually.
- 1. Regulation 29(2) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 29(2A) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 29(2D) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 29(2C) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
- 5. Regulation 28 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 5
Retention of documents supplied as part of an application
You must retain the following documents and information if supplied as part of an application, including any copies taken of original documents, until the application has been determined:1
- the application form itself
- the information that you receive as a result of an online application
- the information from an application made by telephone
- the information from an application made in person
- any evidence you receive under the documentary exceptions process
You may keep these documents or information after your determination of the application.2 Data protection legislation does not specify maximum periods for retention of personal data, but says that personal data processed for any purpose shall not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose.
You will therefore need to consider whether it would be appropriate for you to hold on to the information for a specific period to take account of the possibility of a legal challenge and any analysis the police may need to carry out if there are any integrity concerns.
It is important that your document retention policy sets out the period you will retain documents and your reason for doing so. Unless there is a legal challenge or investigation, you should not retain any documents relating to a particular elector for more than 12 months after they have been removed from the register, as this is the usual time limit for any prosecutions.
In any case, unless there is a legal challenge, make sure that you do not retain documents for longer than the period specified in your document retention policy and securely destroy them at the appropriate point. This should include ensuring that you have processes in place to manage any scanned images held on your EMS software.
The Information Commissioner’s Office provides general advice on the retention of personal data.
Where you decide to keep any application-related documents beyond the point of determination, you must redact the applicant’s National Insurance number from any documentation you have, including the application form, within a period of 13 months from the date the application was determined.3
You need to ensure that you can carrying out such redactions, which may include using special redaction software. The council’s Data Protection Officer should be able to give you advice on redaction of personal information. You also need to keep a record of the day on which you have made your determination on an application, so that you can accurately calculate the 13month period. Your EMS system may facilitate this.
National Insurance numbers will only be available on paper applications, or where someone has applied in person or by telephone; for applications made online, you will not receive the National Insurance number.
The requirement to redact the applicant’s National Insurance number does not apply where this documentation is required for the purpose of any civil or criminal investigations or proceedings.4
While not a legal requirement, you should consider following a similar approach for redacting dates of birth. Your policies on redaction should also be detailed in your document retention plan.
Our data protection guidance for EROs and ROs contains further information the storage of personal data and on document retention, including what should be included in a document retention policy.
- 1. Regulation 29ZB(2) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 29ZB(3) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
- 3. Regulation 29ZB(3) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 3
- 4. Regulation 29ZB(4) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 4
Notifying a previous ERO about an application
An application to register must contain any address where the applicant has ceased to reside in the 12 months prior to the date of the application and, where that address is not in the UK, an indication of whether that person was registered as an overseas elector during this period.1
You have a duty to notify the relevant ERO where you have been given a previous address in the UK.2 This process is automated through a link between your EMS system and the IER Digital Service and the notification triggered once you have allowed the application.
However, a person may be entitled to be registered at more than one address (e.g. students). If on their application they claim that they are entitled to be registered at more than one address, you should contact the elector and the other ERO to establish the details of their residence.
Our guidance on residency requirements for registration purposes provides further information on a person’s entitlement to be registered at more than one address.
- 1. Regulation 26(1)(c) 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 1
- 2. Regulation 37 2001 Regulations ↩ Back to content at footnote 2
Identifying suspicious registration applications
You are uniquely placed to identify incidents and patterns of activity that might indicate electoral fraud in your local area. Applications for registration do not have to be taken at face value – you have the option of taking any application to a hearing. You can also require additional evidence where necessary to verify identity, or to determine an applicant’s entitlement to register.
Although there are no definitive signs of possible electoral registration fraud, and each specific case will be different, you should ensure that you have mechanisms in place to monitor indicators of possible fraud. These indicators and any trigger points for further action will need to be informed by:
- the context of your local area
- whether they are consistent or inconsistent with any other data available to you
- the specific circumstances surrounding an application or applications
The following could, depending on the context, be indicators of possible fraud:
- any number of registration application forms completed in the same hand
- large numbers of registration applications submitted in respect of a single property, particularly where the number of forms does not reflect the type or size of the property (e.g. 10 applications for a small flat)
- applications which do not appear to match the usual pattern of previous or existing registrations at a particular property
- unusual number of applications failing verification, for example, if all applications from a property or neighbouring properties fail verification
- large numbers of attestations in any particular area
- information from the IER Digital Service on:
- whether the National Insurance number supplied with an application has been given in any other applications in the previous 12 months and in which local authority areas
- the originating IP address for each online application
You should put in place mechanisms that will help you to identify suspicious registration applications including:
- training for canvassers and office staff on what to look out for
- review returns data regularly to identify patterns
- consider how best to share data about patterns of registration applications with local political parties and elected representatives, to improve transparency and confidence, and so that they can help identify any specific register entries which might be suspicious
Working with your local police Single Point of Contact (SPOC)
Your local police SPOC is a key partner in ensuring that possible instances of registration fraud are quickly identified and dealt with.
Prompt action to address possible electoral registration fraud could help avoid costly police investigations or legal challenges to the results of elections.
Make sure you know who your SPOC is and how to contact them. If you have any problems establishing contact with your SPOC, please contact your local Commission team.
You should have an agreement in place with your SPOC outlining the division of responsibilities, so that there is clarity about each other’s roles.
Your early discussions should cover:
- processes for identifying possible fraud and what actions should be taken where any suspicions arise
- an agreed approach for referring allegations of fraud for further investigation where appropriate
- establishing a process for handling evidence, so that the police can carry out any forensic analysis
Documentation that you would need to provide to the police for their investigation is likely to include:
- all papers received (including envelopes), sealed in a packet or envelope
- copies of the internal documents used to conduct internal checks (e.g. council tax records)
You should also agree a mechanism for handling evidence, following advice from your SPOC, so that the police can carry out any forensic analysis, where necessary.
The police will investigate any allegations of fraudulent electoral registration until, following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) or the Crown Office, either they are satisfied that no further action is necessary or appropriate, or they forward the case file to the CPS for prosecution. The police should keep you, and where appropriate the RO, informed of the progress of the case.
Resources for Electoral Registration Officers - How can individuals register to vote?
Processing applications and other amendments to the register throughout the year
Processing applications and other amendments to the register throughout the year
This section contains guidance on the actions you should take as ERO to process applications to register. It includes guidance on verifying applicants' identity, through the IER digital service and local data matching, and how the exceptions and attestation process should be administered.
Following the processing of an application, as ERO you must determine the application as soon as possible, and the guidance describes the actions you must take in allowing or rejecting an application.
This section also covers amendments to the register during the year, including how you should action changes to an elector's nationality, name or address. The guidance also explains how to undertake reviews of registration, how to deal with objections to applications or entries in the register and how to delete entries from the register.