Guidance for Returning Officers administering Local Government Elections in England

Security considerations at electoral events

You should consider the security risks of postal vote opening sessions, polling stations and the verification and count as part of your planning and include them on your risk register. This covers the risks related to the secure storage of election materials such as ballot papers, as well as the wider security of everyone involved in election processes. As such security risks may vary within the electoral area and you may need to take a different approach in particular instances. 

We have developed a template risk and issues register that you can use to record any risks you identify. It contains examples that you will need to consider and, if necessary, mitigate, as well as a log to record any issues that emerge and that you will need to address. Alternatively, you may wish to include risks including our examples in any risk management documentation you have already developed.

Managing the security of electoral materials

You need to decide how the ballot papers and other materials will be kept secure during postal vote opening and at the verification and count, for example, by ensuring that they are never left unattended. Presiding Officers should follow instructions for the security of ballot papers in the polling station handbook.

You should liaise with your local police single point of contact (SPOC) as needed on your security measures, such as the most appropriate method for transporting and ensuring secure storage of ballot boxes and other materials. 

At the count venue, you should arrange to have robust arrangements in place to check in all the materials and paperwork delivered to ensure that nothing is missing.

You should also take all necessary steps to ensure the security of ballot boxes and relevant stationery from the close of poll through to the declaration of the result, particularly where there is a break in proceedings

Where there is a pause in proceedings for the whole or any part of the period between 7pm and 9am the next day, you have a legal duty to place the documents under your seal and to take proper precautions for the security of the papers and documents. You should liaise with your SPOC on this.

You will need to have contingency arrangements in place in the event of any evacuation from any premises and consider how you will ensure the security of the ballot boxes and other materials.

Managing the security of attendees 

You should liaise with your SPOC to determine if any specific measures are required for any polling stations and/or at the count venue, based on risks identified locally. 

All venues should have up to date lists of who is eligible to attend. When advising candidates and agents of details of events, you should include information about any entry requirements and any additional security measures put in place. Attendees should also be briefing on the requirements of the role they are performing and the standards of behavior that are expected in doing so.

You should also consider in advance how you will deal with any attendees who are disruptive during any proceedings and communicate this as part of your briefings.

You should brief candidates and agents about your security arrangements, so that they can have confidence in the security and integrity of the election.

For more information see our guidance on planning for postal vote opening, polling station voting and planning for the verification and count

Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf: 11 Tachwedd 2024