Make sure any application forms you develop include all the required information, otherwise the applications will be rejected. In particular, you must make sure that the signature and date of birth fields on postal and proxy application forms are in the correct format and there is a field for applicants to include their National Insurance number. You should use our absent voting application forms as a guide and you should liaise with the ERO who may be able to provide you with forms you can use. To help ensure that voters application are received and processed as quickly as possible, you can also let them know that they can apply for an absent vote online at
Inform voters to return their completed application forms to the ERO as soon as possible. Campaigners should not collect completed paper applications from voters and should not ask voters to send completed applications to campaigners’ addresses.
Never handle or take any completed ballot paper or postal ballot packs from voters.
Make sure your supporters are courteous when dealing with other candidates and their supporters.
Be aware of the deadlines for appointing agents to attend postal vote opening sessions, polling stations and the count. Deadlines are set out in our guidance for postal voting, polling day and the verification and count.