Additionally, you can invite one other person to attend, this person is in attendance as your guest, they have no powers or functions.
You should ensure that you and all your attendees comply with any instructions given by the RO.
You may also appoint agents to attend the count on your behalf.2
What does a counting agent do?
Counting agents have a number of important roles to play at the count:
they observe the counting process and make sure that it is accurate
they can draw to the attention of count staff any doubtful ballot papers
if they disagree with a decision by the Returning Officer to reject a ballot paper, they can ask the Returning Officer to mark on the ballot paper “rejection objected to”
if a count is suspended for any reason, counting agents can add their seals when the Returning Officer seals the ballot boxes and envelopes
You can do anything a counting agent is allowed to do.3
1. Rule 44, Local Elections (Parish and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 (LE(P&C)R 2006)↩ Back to content at footnote 1